Daily Archives: May 2, 2016

A Nice Day and Good Food . . .

Another day slaving over a hot keyboard . . . well, I guess it’s hard to call it ‘slaving’ when I really enjoy it.

The client really liked the wheel logo that I did for his website www.ezekieltransport.com

Ezekiel Wheel for Logo 8

The one I did for the website has a transparent background so the grey doesn’t show.

I also did a few favicons for the site.

                                            Ezekiel Wheel for Logo 8 Favicon ET 2a      Ezekiel Wheel for Logo 9 Favicon 2    Ezekiel Wheel for Logo 8 Favicon ET   

‘Favicons’ are the small logos that many websites have that shows up in front of their name in the browser tab. Here’s the ones for Facebook and Pinterest.


You’re only allowed 32 x 32 pixels so you don’t have a lot to work with.

The client now just has to pick from one of the three.

Neither of us ever left the rig today, with the day partly cloudy and the high only about 70 degrees, so a very nice day.

Jan was in a baking mode, so she wihipped up another batch of the Sopapilla Cheesecake tha she made last week.

Jan's CheeseCake Bars Pan

Jan's CheeseCake Bars

These are very good, and very easy to make.

Passport America, Save 50% on Campsites

Then while she was at it, she started a new batch of the Alabama Fire Crackers using the same bag of spices for the last batch.

Jan's Alabama Fire Crackers

She just added a little more oil, added the crackers, and lightly shook them up. Then you let them set aside to soak up the spices, turning them every hour for 4 or 5 hours.

For dinner tonight, we started off with a salad dressed with a modified version of a recipe Jan got last week from Lynn Cross. We used lime juice instead of lemon (the lemons didn’t look very good at the store) and added a little honey for sweetness. Really good.

Jan's Salad

Then for dinner, we finished up the last of the Crockpot Spaghetti and Meatballs from the other night. I’ve had some requests so I’ll be posting that recipe in the next day or so.

Now that we’re back at Colorado River, it’s nice to see that the recent 4G XLTE upgrade has settled down. When it first showed up a month or so ago, it was blazin’ fast for about week, then after a few days it crashed and burned, showing more 3G than 4G speeds.

And my 3G aircard, which had jumped up to almost 3 Mbps, dropped down to less than 1 Mbps. But now it’s back up to 2.5+ Mbps. Nice.

A very nice day, and hopefully tomorrow will be more of the same.

Thought for the Day:

There’s usually a method to my madness. But then again, sometimes it’s just madness.
