One Last Time . . .

For one last time we were out the door at 8:15 for the two hour drive down to Clear Lake for our last two Dr. appointments.

Mine at 10:30 was a redo with my GP to repeat some blood work that gave some anomalous results. There seems to be some disagreement between two different blood testing companies.

In Jan’s case, she had blood work done at her oncologist, and then 8 days later, the same blood work done at our GP. Tested by two different companies, they show a couple of major discrepancies. Levels that were outside the norm on one were firmly in the middle of the normal range from the other lab.

It’s kind of like the saying “A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure.” So which lab do you base any treatments on?

Although my appointment was at 10:30, I didn’t get called in until after 11:15, which meant that when I got out at 12:15, we didn’t have time to have lunch one last time at King Food before Jan’s endocrinologist appointment at 1pm.

So our Plan B was the nearby Whataburger as soon as Jan was finished. Not a bad Plan B.

Then it was on over to our son Chris’ for goodbye hugs. And it was our good luck that Miss Piper was there too. So we got double hugs!

We were back on the road to Columbus by 2:45, managing to stay mostly ahead of the Houston going-home traffic. Along the way we called our friend and Colorado River park ranger, Barbara Spade, to meet us at the Los Cucos Mexican Restaurant in Columbus for dinner.

Barabar, Jan, and Greg

Since Jan and I had eaten about three hours earlier, we just shared a Fajita Mexicanas Platter for one. A great time, great food, and Barbara was nice enough to treat us.

It doesn’t get much better than that.

Heading home we made a quick stop at HEB for a couple of things before getting back to the coach about 6:30.

Tomorrow we have a 250 mile trip to Junction, TX, the first stop on our way to Tucson. Really getting the hitch itch.

There is a possibility that there will be no blog tomorrow night. Phone/Data service has always been very spotty there in the past, so we’ll see if there’s been any improvement.

Thought for the Day:

“You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely.”― Ogden Nash
