Well, That Didn’t Go Too Well . . .

Or Six Times Is Apparently One Too Many

We finally got back to walking again this morning, but I may have to start getting up earlier because it’s getting warmer earlier, so we’ll have to see how it goes.

Afterwards we sat outside with our coffee and breakfast and enjoyed the outdoors. Much nicer and quieter than back at Lake Conroe. Then a little later our friend Randy Lazarine came by walking his dog Sherlock, and stop off to talk for a while.

Later in the afternoon I did a couple of more loads of laundry before heading outside to crawl under the driver side of the rig to take a look at my oil leak from the other side and check where the oil breather (slobber) tube is located.

Apparently this is a known problem, and Cummins even makes a ‘collection’ kit that connects to the end of the tube,


to keep the oil from spraying out all over. Of course a lot of guys, probably me included, just hang a small bottle over the end of the tube. But I’ll know more when I get back under there. But that’s going to be delayed another another day or so.

I finished up one load of laundry and then started on another, the sixth one since I put the washer back in service, and I very quickly found that the sixth time is not the charm, at least in this case. Suddenly water was coming out from under the washer cabinet onto the kitchen tile.

After throwing some towels on the floor I ran outside to turn the water off at the faucet, and based on the amount of water I saw pouring out of the water bay, I figured that one of the supply hoses had broken or come loose. But when I got back inside I turned the pump on and looked into the side access panel where I could see the hoses and saw nothing leaking in that area.

So tomorrow the washer comes back out and I’ll see what I find.

For dinner tonight Jan fixed a great meal of Chicken and Dressing Casserole and her Green Bean Casserole, Cranberry Walnut Salad, and Grilled Bread. Really, really good, and plenty left over for a second meal.


Thought for the Day:

Nostalgia just isn’t what it used to be.
