Working On It . . .

As I posted this morning, sometime between when I posted the blog last night about 8pm and this morning, all blog posts since 3/8/2022 just up and disappeared. It looks like the SQL database got glitched and just truncated everything since March 8, 2022.

I’ve got a full backup that was done Tuesday morning that looks good. The one that was done this morning after the glitch shows as Failed.

When I look at the POSTS file in the database, it shows the good backup that was done on March 4 has 26,000 lines in it, and the failed one on the 5th only shows 19,600 lines. And it’s not just the POSTS file.

All Photos in the Media library uploaded since 3/6/2022 have also disappeared.

So what I want to do is just restore the March 4th backup which means I would only lose the March 5th post. But I’ve got a copy of that so it would be easy to add back in. BUT . . .

For some reason it won’t let me upload the backup because it says I don’t an SSH connection. But the system says I do. So I’ll be back on the phone with Godaddy a little later.

Stay Tuned.




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