Everybody Talks About The . . .

We thought that this weekend we’d catch up with some places we haven’t eaten at for a while, the first up being Spring Creek BBQ right out on I-45. Spring Creek is one of our two favorite local BBQ places, with Rudy’s being the other. I like Rudy’s better, but Jan likes Spring Creek better.

So we compromise and go to Spring Creek.  LOL

But the Ribs and Brisket are really good here.

Spring Creek Ribs and Brisket 20220226

You only get one photo because we both get pretty much the same thing, except Jan gets her Brisket ‘lean’, or as I like to call it ‘dry’. While I get mine ‘marbled with extra bark’, which means ‘moist with a lot of the outside char’.

It’s still delicious, even it’s not Rudy’s.

Then it was on right next door to WalMart for a few things before heading home, with a stop at Cowboy Coffee along the way.

Tomorrow’s neglected restaurant is Black Bear Diner, also out on the Interstate, with a stop at the HEB right next door.

When we were at Costco a couple of weeks ago I bought myself a new toy to replace an old toy.

I saw this La Crosse Weather Station on sale for $80. Which I knew was a great deal since I had priced it a while back online and it was $190.

So I grabbed it up.

I’ve had an older model since 2017, but this one has a lot of new features.

La Crosse V61

One thing new is the fact that the unit connects to AccuWeather on the Internet to give you the weather forecast in your area, which is shown in the center circular section of the display.

The other neat thing is rather than separate outside sensors, the wind speed, temperature, and humidity, as well as a new wind direction function, are all in one unit.

La Crosse Wind Sensor

The new unit also has a solar cell to supplement the internal batteries so that they don’t have to be changed as often.

But I got a little frustrated trying to get it all set up.

First, no matter what I’d tried I could not get it connected by WiFi to the app on my phone and to the Internet. Then reading online I saw that if your phone is using Android 12, which my S21 is, you have to connect it a longer, more complicated way. But rather than do this, I just used Jan’s S8 phone and it connected the first time.

The second problem I had was getting the new super-duper all-in-one wind sensor to connect to the display, though the range gauge connected with no problem. Then, again reading online, I found a list of 12 things to try in order if your super-duper wind sensor won’t connect.

My problem was number 11.

Of course.

But it’s working great now.

Thought For The Day:

Without freedom of speech we would never know who the idiots are.

