Monthly Archives: October 2009
If it’s Thursday, it must be turkey…
Well, it’s officially Winter here in Elkhart.
Jan woke up to snow coming down this morning. Big fluffy flakes, but it didn’t stick because the ground wasn’t cold enough.
About 11 am we headed out to Cracker Barrel for lunch. Thursday is Cracker Barrel day because Thursday is when they have Turkey and Dressing. And Jan loves their Turkey and Dressing.
Coming home we found even more GMC motorhomes here in the park.
I think there’s about 20 of them here now.
This picture illustrates the difference between the two styles of GMC motorhomes. Basically there is a big one and a little one. The one on the left is 26 feet long. Note it has a extra window. According to the factory brochure, the 26 foot model had 11 different floor plans and the shorter, 23 foot model had 4 different floor plans.
Almost 13,000 GMC’s were produced between 1973 and 1978, with about 9000 still on the road. Quite a feat for a 25 year old RV.
Coming back to the rig, I spent a couple of hours finishing up my taxes that had to be sent in today and then headed down to the Post Office to drop it in the mail.
Coming back to the rig, I stopped off at the office to check our mail. Besides a package from Amazon, I was surprised to find that the new shocks that I’d ordered last Friday had already arrived.
So back at the rig I called the mechanic to let him know the shocks were here and he could schedule the install.
About 5 we headed out to North Garden Buffet, a really good Chinese buffet that’s nearby.
After we got back to the rig we talked to our son, Chris, who’s in SC going to Crime Scene Cleanup School. His company, Garner Environmental, is branching out into this area. Normally they do toxic spill cleanup, oil spill cleanup, and tank cleaning standby rescue. So I guess this is just another type of cleanup.
More tomorrow…
Legends of the Fall…
Today was another “tour the countryside day”.
We headed north at the crack of Noon up to Edwardsburg, MI for our first stop. We’re only about a mile and a half from the Michigan border here in Elkhart. In fact, because of this, the area is called ‘Michiana’
Our first stop was a restaurant called Legends that we had seen earlier. Turned out to be pretty good, too.
After lunch we drove over to Lunker’s Sporting Goods, one of the largest fishing, hunting and outdoor stores in the country. They had a little bit of everything. Neat store!
And since they had a moose, Jan had to get her picture taken with it.

And they had a nice bear too.
Next we headed east about 25 miles out through the country to While Pigeon, MI and Bontrager’s RV Surplus. I love wandering through these places. I think you could probably build your own RV with all the parts they have here. Of course, since all the parts are from different models and different years, you’d end up with a ‘FrankenRV”.
Now we headed south back into Indiana and on to Goshen, IN. That’s where the nearest Dunkin Donuts is and Jan wanted a pumpkin latte and a pumpkin muffin.
They were out of pumpkin muffins, but did have pumpkin donuts, so we muddled through.
Heading toward home, we stopped off at another natural foods store, still looking for Aunt Gussie’s Sugar Free cookies. And again with no luck.
Coming home, we stopped off at the park office to pick up our mail. Then we settled in for the night. And it looks to be another cold one.
Our daughter Brandi called to say Hi and it was good to talk to her. Only about 6 weeks until we see her, and Chris, Linda, and Piper, our son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter.
Tomorrow night they’re talking about the possibility of snow showers!
I want my Global Warming and I want it now!