Daily Archives: March 20, 2010

Pawn Stars…Not!

First a correction. We have been told that the birds, that yesterday we thought were Cactus Wrens, are actually House Finches in the their mating plumage. Thanks for the update, Al.


Today we lounged around at the rig for a while before getting a late start doing the Las Vegas tourist thing.

After picking up Nick & Terry about about 1:30pm, we got gas and headed over toward the Vegas Strip.  Nick and Terry are big fans of the TV show ‘Pawn Stars” and wanted to see the real thing.

But when we got there they decided to try again later. There was a line out the door and down the street.


Somehow it looks fancier on TV.

We’ll try again later during the week when, hopefully, it won’t be so busy.

So we headed on down the Strip, doing a lot of people-watching.

Thank goodness, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, because some of these people shouldn’t be allowed out.

We were actually heading back to Fry’s Electronics. Terry had some more things she wanted to look at.

Fry’s is a great place to just wander around looking at all the neat toys. But after a couple of hours everyone was getting hungry so we starting looking for a place to eat.

We talked about the buffet at the Rio but no one was hungry enough to eat $25 of food. We used my GPS to look up a Chinese Buffet, but when we got there, it was no longer in business.

I had printed out a list of the best buffets in Las Vegas and looking over the list we decided to try the buffet at Boulder Station Casino, which, ironically, was only about two blocks from Nick and Terry’s RV Park, so we headed back across town.

And it was certainly worth the trip. After getting our free Player Cards that saved us $2 each, we sat down to a great meal. Much better than the buffet in Laughlin Tuesday night.

After dinner we hit the slots. Jan started with $20 and ran it up to $46.50. I told her to cash out, but she said she was on a roll.

And she was. A downward roll. She rolled the $46.50 down to $0.01. So now she cashes out!

I took $10, ran it up to $15, and cashed out.

Hey, $5 profit is $5. What can I say.

About 7:30pm we headed back to the rigs and settled in for the night.

One funny thing happened yesterday. Nick took a picture of the new bridge at Hoover Dam, but didn’t get a close look at it until last night. He said he couldn’t figure out how he missed the moose-shaped balloon in the air over the Dam.  Then he realized it was Jan’s moose antenna ornament.

Dam Moose

We all got a big laugh out of that.

More tomorrow…