HughesNet and IHOP . . .

Today was pretty straight forward. Just errands and client stuff, so after morning coffee and some delicious apple-walnut muffins that a client gave me on Tuesday after I fixed her network.

So yes, I will work for food.

We left the rig a little after 9:30 heading for the Sam’s Club up in Webster. Jan had an appointment with the eye doctor at 10:15 to get new glasses. Then after that was finished we drove back out to our doctor’s office to try and get our prescriptions straightened out.

She added a couple of new ones to the mix without really checking with us. Normally the prescriptions for both of us run about $90 for a 3 month supply. Now with the two she changed, our total would be over $1500 for 3 months.

Uh-uh. Ain’t gonna happen.

Then the rest of the afternoon her nurse and I played phone tag trying to get it straightened out.

Leaving there, we headed over to King Food for lunch, trying to get in our last few meals here before we leave town. We’re really going to miss this place when we’re back on the road.

Then it was back to the Sam’s Club optical department so Jan could order her glasses. And on our way over there, I got a phone call saying my glasses that I ordered on Monday had come in. Great.

Saving a few bucks, Jan had an old pair of frames that she still really liked, so she was able to use those instead of buying a new pair. Hopefully her glasses will come in before we leave next week. They said they would expedite them.

And I was really happy to get my new glasses. The coating had started coming off the lens a few weeks ago and it was kind of like looking through Vaseline.

Finishing up with Sam’s Club, I dropped Jan off at Brandi’s while I ran by a client’s place. They wanted me to give their computer a general checkup, and also see if I could figure out why their Internet is so slow.

It was nice to see another older computer that I had built a while back, still running fine, this one dating back to January 2007. And after checking over the computer (no problems found), I figured out why their Internet is so slow.

Being out in the country they had a Hughesnet satellite system with a 1.5 Mbps download speed. The only problem is the data limit they have. They are only allowed 350 MB in any rolling 24 hour period, and then they get throttled way back. In fact according to, they only get about .30 Mbps, one fifth of their rated speed.

And the reason they’re always so slow . . . their son keeps streaming movies. So they never ever really get out of the throttled period. One movie can easily be over several gigabytes, so that’s their problem. I suggested they get Netflix and get the DVD’s by mail.

Leaving the client’s, I got back to Brandi’s about 5:30, and then Jan and I headed over to the IHOP in Kemah for dinner, finally getting home about 7:15.

We’re in the home stretch now, hoping to leave a week from today, so I’m going through my checklist trying to get everything crossed off before we leave.

Stay tuned to see how it goes.


Thought for the Day:

A rifle transforms one from a subject to a Citizen.
