Eight Days A Week . . .

This morning we started our eighth day in Las Cruces with coffee and and some of the frozen croissants that our daughter Brandi and her husband Lowell gave us for Christmas.

Galaxy Croissants

They’re called Galaxy Gourmet Croissants and are available by mail. They come in both chocolate-filled and plain, and are shipped frozen in dry ice. And they’re delicious.

After catching up on the email and Internet stuff, I got back on some chores around the rig. That’s one nice thing about being stuck here, I’m getting some things done.

Brandi sent over these photos of Landon et. al., down on Galveston Island this afternoon. It’s amazing how much he’s grown in the 6 weeks we’ve been gone from Houston.

Landon at the Beach 1

Landon at the Beach 2

Landon at the Beach 3

Landon at the Beach 4

Getting back home about 2pm Lowell called us so we could Skype with Landon. Lowell was using his iPad on his end, and I tethered my Droid to my computer so I could use the 4G signal here in Las Cruces.

Unfortunately, though we had a great picture, every time I tried to do a snapshot, Skype would crash and we’d have to reconnect. It did it twice, so after that I just gave up trying to grab photos.

We really enjoyed watching Landon play in the backyard, talking up a storm. And now at 19 months, he’s talking in sentences

We ended up Skyping for about a half hour, and hope we’ll be able to do it again in a couple of weeks.

About 3pm Jan and I headed about 35 miles down to northern El Paso to have dinner at Famous Dave’s BBQ. We had a real hankering for ribs, and Famous Dave’s has some of the best.

Famous Dave's Ribs

And their BBQ Beans with meat aren’t too shabby, either. A really great meal.


Thought for the Day:

How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words! – Samuel Adams
