It’s Alive . . . It’s Alive . . .

We’ve really lucked on the weather here in Whitsett the last couple of days. When we got here Thursday afternoon it was about 98 degrees, but yesterday and today, it was in the mid-80’s with a lot of clouds, made it very comfortable.

Landon is pretty much back to his old self

Landon at the Mall

For lunch, Jan fixed us leftovers from last night’s visit to the Magic Time Machine up in San Antonio. Then after lunch I went outside to talk to Terry, the mechanic here. I wanted to find out where we took our garage. I could see he was building out the generator and sewer trailers, like this one below.

Gate Guard Lot 8

I said I was surprised to see him working on the weekend. He laughed and said he was work 7 days a week to keep up with the demand, and said he’d had two days off in the last month.

Certainly bodes well for the gate guard business

I was able to bring my Samsung Color Laser Printer back from the dead this afternoon.

It had been feeling depressed and jumped to its . . . well, actually, I hit a bad bump pulling into the Gate Guard Services lot on Thursday afternoon and it fell off the computer desk, ending up in about 8 different pieces.

So finally this afternoon I decided to take a shot on putting back together and seeing if I could get it working again.

I finally got it back in one piece and powered it up. And power up it did, which was something. But it would not initialize and give me the green light. I just had a flashing red one. But before I gave up I decided to take it back apart even more and see what I could find.

And after few minutes I found a connector that had pulled apart. Plugging it in and putting everything back together, I turned it on, and happily got a green light. And pressing the button gave me a test page.

It’s Alive . . . It’s Alive . . .

At this point I decided to reward my self with a nice nap. I also justified it by figuring I was just resting up for our upcoming gate guarding.

Yeah, right!

About 5:30 Jan and I headed about 25 miles north back to Pleasanton, where we planned to eat dinner and pick up a few things at the HEB. We had seen a whole lot of Bill Miller BBQ places in this area, and wanted to check them out. Well, based on us, it’s hard to see how they have so many locations.

Jan’s Chopped Beef Sandwich was so finely chopped it was like mush, and mixed with a pretty tasteless sauce.

I had the Rib and Sausage Combo Plate with potato salad, cole slaw, and pinto beans. The sausage was good, but they probably didn’t make it. The ribs were dry smoked, and although, very meaty, were very dry. And even dunking them in the sauce didn’t help things.

And the sauce itself was pretty tasteless, just kind of ‘tomatoey’, with absolutely nothing spicy at all.

The potato salad and cole slaw were pretty generic, but the pinto beans were pretty good. Or maybe they were only so-so, but stood out next to the bland food surrounding it. It’s hard to say.

But to make the meal even worse . . . they charge 50 cents for iced tea refills. WTH?

All in all, a very disappointing meal.

Leaving the restaurant we drove across the street to the HEB. Our first stop was the gas station to fill up our truck. Gas was $3.75, about 14 cents a gallon cheaper than the Shell station down in Whitsett. Then after grabbing some cat food and frozen pizzas, we headed back to the GGS lot for the night.

Our daughter Brandi called this afternoon saying Landon was doing fine, and they were taking him to get his first haircut this afternoon.

We were supposed to get pictures, but haven’t seen any yet (hint, hint). Hopefully we’ll see some soon. (hint, hint).

Not sure what we’re going to do tomorrow. Jan may fixed something, or we may go out for dinner. We’ll see.


Thought for the Day:

Just remember that after the chess game is over, the King and the pawn both end up in the same box.
