Last Day of Freedom ??

I was up about 9:30 because I wanted to call the Gate Guard offices down in Corpus Christi to see if we needed to be there at any certain time tomorrow. They said anytime, so we’ll probably head down to Corpus about 8:30 or so.

I asked the other day how soon we’d be eligible for a gate after we handed in our paperwork on Tuesday morning.

Jamie smiled and only half-jestingly said “Tuesday afternoon?”. So I guess today could be our last day of freedom before we’re on a gate.

And on a related note, there are only two rigs left here in the yard as of this morning, us and another one. The two others headed out to their gates today, so I guess that bodes well for us getting a gate soon.

So we decided to have one last treat, and headed out about 1:30 for dinner and a movie. Or rather, movie and a dinner.

Our first stop was to see Mirror, Mirror, a clever retelling of the classic Grimm Brother’s Snow White, starring Julia Roberts as the evil Queen, who’s also Snow’s step-mother.

The cinematography is amazing and the costumes are fantastic, and the characters are afasdfasdf. Jan and I both enjoy the fairytale-based TV shows Grimm and Once Upon A Time, and we enjoyed this movie also.


Leaving the theater, we drove over to San Antonio’s Farmer’s Market to have dinner at another of our long-time favorites, Mi Tierra Café y Panaderia. A favorite Mexican restaurant of ours, we first came here about 30 years ago, and always enjoy it when we get back.

Mi Tierra has been open 24/7 since 1941, starting with a small three table café. And now it is said to be the highest-grossing Mexican restaurant in the United States.

Mi Tierra 1

Very colorfully decorated.

Mi Tierra 2

Mi Tierra 3

Mi Tierra 4


I had the Mi Tierra Platter with a beef steak, beef taco, pork tamale, and a cheese enchilada.

Mi Tierra Meal

And of course, Tres Leches for dessert. (we ate it before I could get a picture of it.)

Heading home, we got back to the rig a little before 7pm. Really looking forward to our trip to Corpus tomorrow morning.

Brandi sent over this video Landon in the tub making animal sounds as she talks to him.

Landon in Tub


Thought for the Day:

“The best defense against usurpatory government is an assertive citizenry” – William F. Buckley, Jr.
