Daily Archives: May 9, 2012

Be Careful What You Wish For . . .

It’s been kind of hot the last few days, so we thought it would be nice to have some cooler weather.

And we got it. Along with about 3 inches of rain, and it seems like about 6 inches of mud.

But it is cooler, and will be only in the low to mid 80’s for the next few days. And in fact, right now at 1:30 am, with the wind chill, it’s downright cold.

But it did get cooler.

Jan had a girl’s day out this afternoon. She and one of the gate guard wives down the road drove over to Pleasanton for an afternoon of shopping. Except for our trip from our old gate to this one almost two weeks ago, this is the first time she’s been out and about. They ate at a really good Chinese buffet called Yummy, and even brought me some home. And yes, it was yummy.

One thing Jan brought us back from Wal-Mart were some real rain ponchos. The ones we’ve been using for the last few days are transparent blue with ‘Maid of the Mist” on them in large while letters. We got them in 2009 when we visited Niagara Falls and rode the famous boats.

But I’m not sure the new ones Jan got will be any less conspicuous since they’re fire engine red.

I finally broke down and ordered a Kindle Fire the other day, and it should be in at the office tomorrow, so I’ll drive over and pick it up. It’s always fun playing with a new toy.

I also ordered a new Lucite grab bar handle from Fleetwood for our coach. They get brittle after a while from the UV rays, and ours broke a couple of weeks ago. It still lights up so I’ll just have to replace the bar itself.

I guess the rig resolved their drill bit problem. After being stuck at about 11,500 feet for three days, they were at 12,400 last night and almost 14,000 tonight. And watching the rig from here, they seem to be making steady progress.

They certainly have a lot of interesting bugs around here. One of them are these large (about 3 inches long) grasshopper/locusts?. There are also a lot of smaller green grasshoppers that are everywhere.


When Mister’s outside, he’ll go over and sniff them, but that’s about it.

That about covers it for the last few days. I’ll give you a Kindle Fire review after I have a chance to play with it for a few days.


Thought for the Day:

Be yourself. But if that’s not to people’s liking, bow out gracefully and find new people.
