Daily Archives: May 19, 2012

All Landon, All the Time . . .

Well, it finally happened.

Landon’s first haircut.

And as much as Brandi probably hated to do it, it was just about time since he turned 21 months on this Sunday the 20th.

Landon First Haircut 1  It was getting a little long and curly there.


They never had barber chairs like this when I was a kid.

Landon First Haircut 4 

Landon First Haircut 8


Not too sure about those clippers buzzing around his ears.

Landon First Haircut 9


Ahh! That’s better.

Landon First Haircut 10


Monkey see, monkey do. The monkey’s name is Eek-Eek! because that’s what Landon said his name was.  A while back he had learned to say a bunch of animal sounds, and Eek-Eek! was the sound he said a monkey makes.

So when Lowell brought the toy home from a business trip, Landon immediately named him Eek-Eek! and takes him everywhere.

Landon First Haircut 12


Finally headed home.

Landon First Haircut 13 

It looks like Landon first haircut went a lot better than our son’s first one. Chris, who just turned 44 on Saturday, acted like they were cutting fingers and not just haircut. in fact, he pitched such a fit, that after it was all over, we were politely asked to never bring him back.

Sunday morning at Starbucks.

Sunday Morning at Starbucks 


Landon and Daddy Lowell

Landon and Lowell


They started drilling yesterday (Saturday) and seem to be making good progress. They were at 800 feet by midnight and were at 2800 feet by midnight Sunday.

It looks like we might be here a little longer than the normal 2 to 3 weeks this time. They apparently will be doing a lot of sampling on this well so it’s scheduled for 40 days, which will take us to around the end of June. But of course, as always, things could slip.

So far this gate seems to be a little busier than our last gate, but that may just be because we are here for the startup.


Thought for the Day:

“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven. The same key opens the gates of hell. So it is with science.” – Richard P. Feynman


On the Road Again, again . . .

Well, we did move pretty much on schedule, early on Wednesday, the 16th. Ryan, the Marathon safety guy came by around 7:30pm Tuesday night and told us we could shut down the gate and start getting packed up. He said we probably needed to head out the next morning about 6am to be at the new gate to wave the trucks in as they arrived at the new site, and said the first ones would probably arrive around 8.

Yeah, right!

Mark, our Gate Guard Services support guy, showed up a little before 6, and by 6:15, we were on our way. I was driving the rig, Jan was following in the truck, and Mark was towing our generator/water trailer.

Since I had already scouted out the location last Saturday, we had no problems making the 45 mile trip and finding our site. We arrived about 7:30am, and by 8:30 the canopy was up, the cell phone booster was operating, and we were ready to go. We’re now located about 8 miles south of Charlotte, TX, southwest of Pleasanton, and west of I-37.

Charlotte Gate 1

Of course, the first truck didn’t show up until after 10 in the morning, so what in the heck was the 6am thing all about. Right now we’re just waving people in, and not having to take sign-in info, so that’s nice.

We had hoped to get a couple of full days off while the drill rig was being set up at the new site, but because this new location is on a game ranch the gate has to be manned (or womanned in Jan’s case) at all times so that the emus and other animals don’t escape. But we did get time enough off to drive into Pleasanton, about 20 miles away to have dinner at Chili’s, so I guess that will have to do for a while.

Charlotte Gate 2

One thing that’s always amazing to watch is the big trucks hauling in the parts of the drill rig. Some of these pieces are twice the size of our RV and probably weigh a heck of a lot more. Yet here they come bouncing down the back roads, in a cloud of dust and hearty ‘Hi-O …

No, wait. That’s something else.

Charlotte Gate 3

Anyway, someone told me the other day that H&P, the company that owns the drilling rig, is taking delivery of 2 new rigs a month and still can’t keep up with the demand. In addition the GAO (Government Accounting Office) just announced last week that the amount of oil found in the area where Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah come together is greater than all the proven reserves in the rest of the world combined.

So much for Peak Oil.

Now that we’re settled in here, I’ll get back on my every other day posting schedule.


“The United States symbolises the worst ideologies in the world: growth and freedom.” – Finnish writer Pentti Linkola
