I’d Walk A Mile for A . . .


Don’t know what this guy was doing in a cow pasture. When I first saw him out of the corner of my eye I thought he was a statue or something, but then he turned and looked at me. He did seem pretty content.

I saw him right down the road from our ‘maybe’ new rig site. I drove over Friday morning to check out the location to see what it looks like.

And this is it. Unfortunately we’re back at the edge of the drill site again. The extension on the right is where we would be parked.

New Pad 2

The location is part of a two pad site, and there’s already another drill rig on the other pad to the left of this shot, just a couple of hundred yards away. Our pad is down a slight hill from the other rig.

New Pad 3

The reason I said “our ‘maybe’ new rig site” is that there’s already a gate guard here at the main entrance to both pads.

New Pad 4

That’s his RV behind the light tower on the left. And as it’s set up right now he would have to respond to any vehicles that come into the area, even the ones coming down to our pad on the right in this photo. Our Company Man says they definitely want their own gate guard (us!) so I don’t know how they will divide it up. We’ll have to see. We may end up somewhere else.

Our Company Man also said they plan on starting to tear down here on Wednesday. Don’t know yet what time. So it’s all up in air. As usual.

Under the heading of “What’s Wrong with this Picture”, here’s the temperature at 4:14 Thursday afternoon here in South Texas.

Charlotte 99
And here’s the temperature in Elkhart, IN during the same time period.

Elkhart 102 

Nick’s Bad Weather Curse strikes again.

Normally Jan and I have our big meal of the day at night, with usually just a snack for lunch. But Friday, coming back from looking over our ‘maybe’ new location, I stopped off at Linda’s Cafe in Charlotte for a couple of their Chicken Fried Steak dinners. Which just as we had been told, were very, very good.

And of course we then planned to just have a snack for supper. But look what showed up from the catering truck delivering food to the rig – two delicious Fried Catfish and Fried Shrimp  & Hushpuppy dinners with Green Bean Casserole.

Catfish Dinner

And it was fresh, hot, and really, really good.

Then today (Saturday) Jan made a delicious crockpot meal of Rum Chicken over while rice, along with 7-UP biscuits. In case you’re wondering, Rum Chicken is what you get when you make Bourbon Chicken and don’t have any Bourbon, so you use what you have.

The last two days have been really slow on the gate, fewer than 40 vehicles each day. But it’s probably the calm before the storm. As they start to cap off the well, trucks with cement, sand, and water flood in, and trucks carrying drilling fluids, waste water, and more, head out, Last teardown we had almost 130 vehicles each day.

So busy days ahead.


Thought for the Day:

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don’t.
