Daily Archives: April 16, 2013

Third Time’s the Charm . . .

This is Annisten Robinson, Jan’s great-niece and granddaughter to Jan’s sister, Debbie. She’s really growing up fast.

Annisten Robinson


And this red-haired beauty is Zoe Nadeau, two days old and Landon’s new 2nd cousin.

Zoe Nadeau - Red Hair


Nick and Terry left Patio Gardens and moved the 6 miles over here to Countryside around 11am . . . and moved . . . and moved.

The first site they were given had a power problem, and the second site they were given had a power problem, and the third site they were given had a problem . . . I think I’m sensing a pattern here.

On the first and second sites, Nick’s Progressive Electrical Management System (EMS) said that one leg of the power was only 80 volts or so. The third site had an open ground, but after a quick repair by the park maintenance guy, the circuit tested fine, and they put down roots. Or the levelers, anyway.

Then about 4pm Nick and Terry came by and we all headed out for dinner at Organ Stop Pizza. And it turned out to be a real experience.

What you’ve got is a pizza place, putting out very good pizza, and, oh by the way, they’ve also got the world’s largest Wurlitzer Pipe Organ.

Organ Pizza 2a

Originally built for the Denver Theater in 1927, and used into the 1930’s, talkies and the Great Depression lead to its silencing. Then it was purchased by Organ Stop Pizza in the early 70’s and installed in their restaurant. Since then, parts from other ill-fated Wurlitzers have been added on, making this almost 6000 pipe organ, the largest in the world.

In 1997 the restaurant commissioned the building of a new console to better support the many controls, keys and pedals.

Organ Console

The console resides on a 8000 pound hydraulic elevator that raises, lowers, and rotates the console, allowing it to appear and disappear from the stage.

Organ Pizza 3

Organ Pizza 4

The organ also has a lot of lightning effects, and other things like bubble machines.

Organ Pizza 5


This final photo shows how the pipes and other instruments cover the entire rear wall. It also shows the stage with the console retracted.

Organ Pizza 7a

Oh, and the pizza was pretty good, too. A crispy, thin crust pizza, it wasn’t doughy or crunchy. Very good, especially for a place that you also go for the entertainment.

Well worth a second visit.


Thought for the Day:

There are no armed slaves, and only the unarmed can be enslaved.
