Daily Archives: April 21, 2013

Moving Day . . . Again

Today was once again moving day. We had to move back one space to the left. A real pain in the butt, but it means we go from paying $20 a night to paying $3 a night for the next 10 days.

Since it was supposed to be 90 today, we decided to move a little earlier than we did last Sunday, so about 12:45 we hit the road, or at least drove across the road and then backed into the site next door.

It took several back and forths to get in straight because the site doesn’t have a lot of room between the pad and the sewer connection.  As it was, when the rig was right along side the patio, the sewer connection was only about 6 inches from my rear tire on the other side.

CountrySide 2

CountrySide 1

But it fit, which is what mattered. So we’re now parked until we leave for Las Vegas on May 1st.

About 1:30 I drove over to Nick’s to take a look at a couple of projects we’re going to tackle, probably tomorrow.

After coming back home for a while, Jan and I picked up Nick and Terry about 3:30 and headed about 25 miles away to Fry’s Electronics. As it turns out, I needed an RF Modulator to finish hooking up our new DirecTV HD DVR.  Our old DVR had an F connector output on channel 3/4 that feeds the bedroom TV. But our new DVR only has video/audio outputs, but no RF. So I needed one of those things people used to hook their video games up to their TV, but I wanted one that also had an S-Video input for the best quality.

After finding what I needed, (and a few other things of course), and everyone else had done their shopping, we headed down the road about 5 miles so we could introduce Nick and Terry to another of our favorite BBQ places, Rudy’s BBQ.

Rudy's BBQ 1

Jan had the Loaded Baked Potato with Brisket, and I had a little brisket, a couple of ribs, and a half link of jalapeno sausage, i.e. a little bit of every thing.

Miss Terry also sampled several dishes, while Nick had brisket and ribs, later saying it was the  best brisket he’d ever eaten.

Getting back to the park, we spent some time at Nick and Terry’s rig listening to some of the possible narrators of Nick’s Big Lake books, finally getting home about 8:30, a long, but nice day.


Thought for the Day:

A dog may bite you in the ass, but it will never stab you in the back.
