Home in Apache Junction . . .

First off, a recap of Sunday’s trip from Tucson to Apache Junction.

I’d already done a lot of pre-packing Saturday evening so we weren’t in any real hurry this morning.

And since we weren’t leaving here until around 11am, we headed out to Bruegger’s Bagels about 9 for coffee, breakfast bagel sandwiches, and some relaxing conversation.

Back at the rig a little after 10, we were hitched up and pulling out right at 11. Since it was Easter Sunday morning, we had little traffic, and it was pretty smooth sailing though Tucson.

About a hour down the road we made a stop at Bowlin’s at Picacho Peak Plaza, a chain of 10 gas station/gift shops in New Mexico and Arizona, and one of Jan’s favorite stops. Somehow she always manages to find a piece of jewelry, a neat shirt, or something else at their gift shop.

In this case, she found a ring, a shirt, and a pair of socks.

I got a coffee. Funny how things work out like that.

On the other hand, if I had room in the rig I would have liked to have taken this with me. Well, room in the rig and $600 to blow up.

It’s a 4th of July in a box. It’s about 6 feet tall, 3 feet wide, and a foot deep. And it’s chock full mortars, skyrockets, firecrackers, and pretty much everything else that goes bang. swoosh, or flash.

4th of July in a Box

It’s not called The Big Bang for nothing.

After a smooth trip the rest of the way, we pulled into the Countryside RV Resort in Apache Junction about 2:15. The office was closed, but they had a check-in packet waiting for me in a box by the door

CountrySide RV Resort

Containing almost 500 sites, Countyside is just one of many RV parks in the area, necessary to accommodate all the snowbirds who swarm into the area every fall.

Luckily our packet contained a good map to our site, and after unhooking the truck, we found our site and got parked and set up.  Once we were squared away, we called our friend’s Nick and Terry Russell who showed up at our door a little bit later and off we went for supper.

We ended up at JM Chinese, a small Asian restaurant that Nick and Terry have eaten at several times. And boy was it good. Jan said her Pan-Fried Noodles were some of the best she’s had. And my Schezwan Garlic Chicken was delicious. Very hot and spicy.

After that great meal, we drove over to meet Terry’s parents for the first time. Jan and Terry’s mother had a good time talking genealogy and ancestors.

It was interesting to see some of the unique desert landscaping in the area. This yard is right across the street from Terry’s parents and shows what can be done. And even better, there’s no mowing.

Apache Junction Landscape

We got back to the rig and about 7:30 and that was it for the day.

During the day my wrist had been hurting me a lot, not sure from what, maybe arthritis, maybe gout. But it hurt like hell, so much so that I didn’t feel much like typing.

Today we stayed around the rig all day, though about 11:30 I did drive down to the park office and turn in my registration form.

For dinner Jan fixed Chili Taco Salads using a can of Skyline Chili, If you’ve ever been in the Cincinnati area  and had Skyline or Gold Star Chili 5 Ways, you know what I’m talking about.

Using Spring Mix salad greens, jalapenos, cilantro, grated cheese, salsa, hot Skyline Chili, and some tortilla chips, it make a delicious meal. One we’ll certainly have again.

Big Lake Blizzard Cover

Finishing up for today, the fourth book in Nick Russell’s very popular Big Lake mystery series is out. Called Big Lake Blizzard, it’s a return visit with your favorite characters and some new ones to boot.

Get it now before they run out. They won’t last long.


Thought for the Day:

Trying to solve violence by restricting honest gun owners is like trying to keep your neighbor from having more children by getting yourself a vasectomy.
