Snakehole and Steakhouse . . .

West across Idaho Rd from our RV park there’s this sign out in the scrub brush.

Snakehole Golf 1

I saw pathways and some benches along the way, and at first I thought it was maybe just a walking path, and that the sign was a joke.

I mean, does this look like a golf course to you?

Snakehole Golf 2

But looking closer I saw flags marking the holes. Except, aren’t the holes supposed to be located on things with grass called ‘greens’?

That looks more dirt colored to me.

Snakehole Golf 3

But as it turns out, the 20 acre – 9 hole course is located on land leased from the state of Arizona. It’s origins are a little blurry, but the story goes it was developed about 30 years ago by a Countryside RV Resort resident whose wife said she would only live in the area if she could golf nearby.

Snakehole Golf Course and Resort

Currently membership is restricted to Countryside RV Resort residents and the 125 members pay dues of $20 a year which goes toward the $1800 a year lease.

I mean, you’ve really got to want to play golf to end up here, don’t you.

After coffee, I spent the morning tackling a bunch of small repairs around the coach. It always seems easier to me to let these little things accumulate and then knock a bunch of them out at once. Seems like I’ve accomplished more.

But on the upside, I spent the afternoon finishing up Big Lake Blizzard the 4th book in Nick Russell’s very popular Big Lake murder mystery series. If you like murder mysteries with a lot of humor, you’ll love this series. Another great read from Nick. Check it out.

About 4pm we headed over to meet Nick and Terry for a dinner get-together. And after a short discussion we ended up at Los Gringos Locos once again.

I had the Carnitas Dinner and Jan had the Grilled Catch of the Day. I’m sorry, but who goes to a Mexican restaurant and orders fish. Fish Tacos, maybe, but Grilled Fish?

Of course, Jan sometimes orders the Alice Springs Chicken when we go to Outback STEAKhouse. So who knows.

After dinner we ended up back at Nick and Terry’s for a while talking and listening to some more audio book auditions.

Getting back to the rig, we headed out about 7:30pm for our 1 mile+ walk, the first time we’ve done one after dark.

It was nice and cool, but we had to be careful where we walked because the park roads are rough in some places.

Tomorrow – The Big Move!


Thought for the Day:

Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples’ liberty’s teeth. – George Washington
