Monthly Archives: November 2013
She’s Done It Again!
or A Reprieve . . . Kind of.
Long-time blog readers will remember that I posted a couple of years ago that I knew two famous authors. The first one most of you know too, and that’s my friend Nick Russell, author of the New York Times best-selling "Big Lake" series, and now his most recent book, "Dog’s Run".
And the second one you’ve also probably heard of. Here’s what I posted almost exactly two years ago.
Some of our blog readers may remember that when I was growing up in Gulf Shores, AL, my babysitter was Patsy Neal.
She was about 4 years older than me and her family and mine were good friends. They owned a small amusement park while my parents owned a motel on the beach.I had not seen Patsy since I was about 8 years old until Jan and I, and Jan’s mother went to see her at a book signing in Houston in 2005. Although we hadn’t seen each other for about 50 years, our parents had kept in touch until they died in the 1980’s and 1990’s, so Patsy and I were able to pick right up seemingly where we left off. I think we held up the book-signing line for about 15 minutes.
Oh, you probably know Patsy by her stage name – Fannie Flagg, author of "Fried Green Tomatoes" and a number of other best-selling novels, plus being an actress, screenwriter, and Academy Award Nominee.
Well, the reason for this post is that Fannie has a brand-new book out. It’s called "The All-Girl Filling Station’s Last Reunion", and it’s really good. Here’s the review I posted on Amazon.Fannie Flagg has done it again with another true-to-the-south, heartwarming story.
Always feeling like she never lived up to her mother’s expectations, probably because she was constantly reminded of that by her mother Lenore, and also worried that she might end up in a ‘home’ like her crazy aunt and uncle, Sarah Jane (Sookie) Poole discovers that her perceived humdrum life is a lot more interesting than she ever imagined.
Jumping back and forth between the small towns of Pulaski, Wisconsin and Point Clear, Alabama, "The All Girl Filling Station’s Last Reunion" takes us on Sookie’s journey of enlightenment and fulfillment, chronicling the lives of two families, past and present, with a connection known only to one person.
From Fannie’s first book Coming Attractions/Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man, through Fried Green Tomatoes, Standing in the Rainbow, and A Red Bird Christmas, "The All Girl Filling Station’s Last Reunion" takes it place among her very best.
And this glowing review has nothing to do with the fact that Fannie used to be my babysitter growing up. "Hi, Patsy. It’s Greg from Gulf Shores".
And you can get it here.
The All-Girl Filling Station’s Last Reunion: A Novel
One thing I really like about Amazon is that when they say the book will be out on November 5th, they really mean it. At 5 minutes after midnight, November 5th, it’s on my Kindle. Neat!
So buy Fannie’s new book. You won’t be able to put it down.
Oh, and by the way, buy all of Nick’s books too. And if you’ve already bought them, buy ’em all again. It can’t hurt.
As far as the reprieve, Jan was told this morning that we won’t be leaving the gate this weekend, but that we’ll probably be here until we were originally planning to leave on November 23rd. You know me, I’m happy not to miss out on that last two weeks of pay, but unfortunately, after the possibility came up, Jan was really looking forward to getting off the gate early
The flare stack really put on another show the other night, lighting up the whole area with a flickering orange glow. Enough so that I could feel the heat coming off of it.
And then in the morning, not to be outdone, the sunrise put on a pretty spectacular show too.
Sunrises are kind of novel for me here on the gate since it’s only been after Daylight Savings Time ended that I’m awake to see one. Normally I’m already in bed asleep by then.
And then a little later, without any rain in the area, we got a rainbow.
Several people has ask about the gate guard program that I wrote. It’s pretty much done and working great. And GGS said they didn’t care what I used to log people in, as long as they got logged in. But it’s kind of late in our stay to start using it now for logging, but it comes in really handy for tracking vehicles, since every vehicle tag number, company, and driver is in the database. So once we recognize a tag number, we can just flag them through without them having to stop.
Readers know how much I learn hot food, spicy hot, not just temperature hot. The hotter the better.
And now I have a new favorite hot seasoning. It’s called "The Hottest F****N’ (except it’s all spelled out) Seasoning.
The ingredients start off with Ground Red Pepper. Ok, not bad, but bring on the heat.
And they do. And it’s not any habanero ‘this’ or even Ghost Chili ‘that’. No, they go right for the jugular.
It’s just pure Oleoresin Capsicum. That’s the stuff that makes all the other stuff hot. And it really does the trick.
I think I’m in LOVE.
Thought for the Day:
Libertarians are such elitists. They think you know how to run your own life better than they do.
Do you want Fries with that?
With the moderating daytime temps (it was 78 and beautiful today) here on the gate, comes the not-so moderate nighttime temperatures. It got down to a nippy 42 degrees last night. Now I realized that for a lot of folks up north that’s balmy weather. But along with the balmy, I also had ‘breezy’. A steady north wind was coming over my back which tended to blow the heat from the two small electric heaters away from me. So it was time to bring out my secret weapon: A 250 watt Infrared Heat Lamp, and yeah, just like the one you see keeping the fries warm at McDonald’s.
Infrared Heat Lamp Bulb – 250 W
I actually thought of this a week or so ago when I was at McDonald’s getting us lunch. So after not finding a bulb at Wal-Mart, I ordered one from Amazon. But last night was the first time it got cold enough again to try it out.
And it works great. Since the heat is transferred by radiation and not airflow (fan), it’s not affected by the wind. I’ve got it in one of those clamp-on reflector lamp housings and it really helps.
The flare stack out in front of us here has really been working overtime today, with flames about 60 feet high, based on the height of the stack, which is forty feet tall. One of the supervisors told Jan they were trying to fix it because it wasn’t supposed to get that high, but I guess it’s a work in progress, because when the wind is right you can feel the heat coming off it.
A welder from Cowboy Cadillac Welders was out this morning trying to fix the gate. He got it pretty much put back together, but said they didn’t tell him how bad it was, so he’ll have to come back tomorrow with some different equipment.
Finishing up, it’s amazing how much better you can dress after you become millionaires.
You can go from this:
To this:
Nice wallpaper too. It’s amazing what a little money will do.
And finally, have spent five months in Alaska, and lived for over 30 years in Texas, I find this hilarious:
Thought for the Day:
It’s been said that Science progresses one funeral at a time.