Monthly Archives: December 2013
No Blog Tonight . . .
No blog tonight. Got in late from the Alvin Opry show. I’ll post later in the morning.
A Blast from our Past . . .
This morning started out with a blast from the past. Rudy Legett, who we first met two years came knocking at our door. He was in the area checking on one of his Aqua Hot clients and stopped by to say ‘Hi’. We first met Rudy and his wife Carolyn about two years when, along with Nick and Terry Russell, we had lunch with them at the Monument Inn on the Texas Ship Channel.
Rudy is a dealer/installer for Aqua Hot, a system that uses engine heat, diesel fuel, or AC shore power to provide both cabin heat and hot water for your RV.
A neat system.
Jan’s been feeling a little under the weather the last few days with sinus/allergy problems, but this afternoon she decided that today being Thursday, it was a good day for Cracker Barrel’s Turkey and Dressing. So about 4pm we headed up to League City with a stop along the way at Dues RV in Dickinson for a lead on a glass place to replace our cracked windshield. The guy that I used back in 2009 is apparently out of business so I need a new guy.
At Cracker Barrel, Jan had her Turkey and Dressing while I had a cup of Country Ham Soup (very good) and an order of Beans & Greens (A cup of red beans and a cup of Turnip Greens cooked with Ham. Also very good.)
Next was a little further up I-45 for Sam’s Club and Wal-Mart for supplies and prescriptions, and then a stop at our storeroom to drop off a few things, finally getting home a little after 7:30pm.
Since I mentioned our visit to Monument Inn with Nick and Terry, and Rudy and Carolyn, I thought I repost that blog.
Monuments and Battleships . . .
Originally posted on January 26, 2012
Today started with a trip up to the Houston Ship Channel for lunch at Monument Inn. Located right on the Channel, where, along with really great seafood, you get a fascinating view of the large barges and ships coming up from Galveston Bay to the Port of Houston.
We were meeting Rudy Legett and his wife Caroline there for lunch. Rudy is an Aqua Hot Repair Technician, and one of the few that will come to your coach, rather than you having to take your coach to them.
We had a great time getting to know Rudy and Caroline, and hope to run into them on the road again soon.
Leaving Monument Inn, we stopped off right down the road to get some photos of the San Jacinto Monument, where Sam Houston surprised Santa Anna and his troops, and defeated the 1400 main force with only 900 Texans. Over 600 Mexicans were killed, and more than 700 were captured. Meanwhile, only 9 Texans were killed.
Across the road from the Monument, lies the Battleship Texas, the only remaining dreadnaught battleship, and one of the few that served in both WWI and WWII.
The USS Texas fought at the D-Day Landing in Europe, and the Battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa in the Pacific, and after being decommissioned in 1948, became the first US battleship to become a permanent museum.
Coming back to the RV park, I dropped everyone off and headed back into Clear Lake to work with a couple of clients.
Finally getting home about 5 pm, I napped for about an hour, before Jan and I when over to Nick and Terry’s for a while. After watching one of our favorite shows, The Big Bang Theory, we drove over to Dickinson to have a late dinner at Monterey’s Little Mexico.
We were happy to hear that Nick and Terry have decided to stay an extra day, so they won’t be leaving until Sunday morning. Yeah!
Tomorrow we’re all going to drive down to Galveston to show them the sights, and then tomorrow night we’re having dinner at Floyd’s Cajun Seafood with Brandi, Lowell, and Landon.
Thought for the Day:
Whenever I’m feeling a little blue, I just start breathing again.