Monthly Archives: January 2016

Potatoes and Mushrooms . . .

This morning started off with short quarter mile walk . . . just over to Janice and Dave Evans for delicious cinnamon rolls. So that kind of cancelled out the walk.

We sat around for a while, talking and then made plans to get together tomorrow afternoon to have lunch at the Potatoe Patch. Supposedly it’s a lot like Lambert’s, at least they throw rolls at you like Lambert’s does. The menu doesn’t look as extensive, but it does look good. So we’ll see. (And yes, that’s the way they spell Potato.)

After we made the quarter mile walk back to the rig, (still probably not far enough to walk off the cinnamon rolls though) we left the rig about 12:30 heading for the Escapees Park over in Livingston. We were going over to see Ben and June Tyer. I’ve known Ben since the 1990’s since he was my Air Conditioning instructor at San Jacinto Community College.

You all know how much I like to work on stuff. Well, I knew electrical and electronic stuff, carpentry and construction stuff, and a bunch of other things. But I didn’t know much about the compressor side of AC stuff. The electrical side, yes, but not the Freon side.

So I started taking night classes working toward an Associate Degree in Air Conditioning Technology, and Ben was one of my main instructors.

Ben had been having trouble setting up his email under Windows 10 on his new laptop, and though I had tried to help him out over the phone, he still couldn’t get it working. So I thought we’d drive over there today before we head back to the Colorado River TT on Sunday.

Getting to Ben and June’s about 2pm, it only took me about 30 minutes to get his computer straightened out and then I ran a couple of ‘cleaner’ programs, CCleaner and Glary Utilities, on his laptop to speed things up. We then spent the rest of the time talking about RV’ing and traveling, pretty much what all RV’ers talk about when they get together. Finally, a little after 4pm we said our goodbyes and headed out to visit some more nearby friends.

Back in 2014, when we were staying at the Wilmington OH Thousand Trails with Nick and Terry Russell, we met up with the Boggs Family, Davy, Kelly, and their daughter, Odie, of the Boggs Family Ministries. We got together at a good Mexican restaurant in Lebanon, OH and had a really fun time getting to know one another.

The Boggs travel around the country in their beautiful Prevost Bus holding revivals at local churches. They even have their own tent if need be.

Boggs Bus_thumb[1]

And this is Davy, Kelly, and Odie.

Davy Boggs_thumb[1]Kelly Boggs_thumb[1]Odie Boggs_thumb

Davy                                           Kelly                               Odie

We had a great time catching up on the last couple of years, but finally had to part company a little after 5pm so they could get ready for tonight’s service. Then on Sunday they’re heading down to Sweeney, TX for another revival there.

Really nice people doing great things. Hopefully our paths will cross again soon.

For dinner, we decided to head over the Florida’s Kitchen, a downhome, catfish and BBQ type place that Chris and Charles Yust of C and C RV Insurance fame, had introduced us to a couple of years ago.

Jan loves mushrooms, so we started off with a small basket of their fried ones.

Florida's Fried Mushrooms_thumb[1]

That’s Small?

Then we both got the Small Catfish Dinner.

Florida's Catfish Dinner_thumb[1]

I’m starting to detect a pattern here. I’m sorry, but four big pieces of catfish does not a small dinner make.

In fact, because I was getting the SMALL dinner, I also ordered BBQ sausage link so I wouldn’t be hungry.

So, how big is the BIG catfish dinner.

But after the Fried Mushrooms, (and the salad that came with the dinner) I only ate 1 piece of fish, about half the fries, and 1 piece of sausage. And with Jan about the same, we had three take-home boxes to go with us.

But boy, was it good!

Heading back through Livingston on the way home, I stopped at the RaceWay and got gas at $1.469 a gallon, the cheapest I’ve seen so far without some sort of discount.

We got back to the rig about 8pm after a fun day. Then tomorrow it’s more fun all over again.

Isn’t RV’ing the life!

Thought for the Day:

For Odie Podie:

Heck is where people who don’t believe in Gosh, think they’re not going.


Zip Lines and Fishing Line . . .

Jan was pretty much on the mend today, with just that remaining blah, post-migraine feeling. But by late afternoon, she was much better and felt like going out. So about 4pm we headed into Conroe to have dinner at Culver’s, a favorite of ours.

I don’t know what they do different with their meat, but when you bite into a Butterburger, you get a much, more ‘meaty’ taste. Don’t think it’s just the ‘butter’, but it’s certainly a better taste.

Really good.

Coming home, I made a quick stop at the nearby Academy Sports to pick up some high-test fishing line to restring our day/night shades.

H20 Express Fishing Line_thumb[3]

I found this 80lb. test line for a good price that is supposed to resist abrasion, so I’ll give it a try after we’re back at Colorado River TT next week. Then after a quick Kroger stop for a few things, we were home by 6pm.

While on the subject of fast food, we got a number of comments on our recent KFC blog. One reader’s wife was even working in a dry cleaners when the Colonel brought in six of his seven white suits in to be cleaned. He was wearing the seventh.

Another thing that I think we did differently back then is that we processed all our chickens by hand. Never frozen, the whole chickens arrived in iced-down 50# crates that went right into the cooler.

Then using a bandsaw we sliced up each chicken into 9 pieces, 1 breast, 2 ribs, 2 thighs, 2 legs, and 2 wings. Then the pieces went into a marinating tub and back into the cooler overnight. They were then dropped into the breading right before they went into the fryer.

The menu was a lot simpler back then too. In fact, except for sides, there were only five different items on the menu.

1. A  2 piece Snack Pak with Mashed Potatoes and a Roll

2. A  3 piece Dinner with Mashed Potatoes, Cole Slaw, and a Roll 

3. A  9 piece (one whole chicken) Family Pak

4. A 15 piece Bucket

5. A 21 piece Barrel

Much simpler than the myriad of items they have today.

Our friend Jim Guld recently posted this video of a roller coaster zipline combination.

Looks like a lot of fun.

And, although I don’t think it’s the one above, there is one near Kissimmee, FL.

Jan’s said she’ll do it with me this year when we’re in Florida in a few months. Looking forward to it.

And if you want to buy your own RollerCoaster Zipline, here’s the company that will sell you one.

Just the thing after you win the next big Powerball.

Thought for the Day:


1. “They should not allow topless sunbathing on the beach. It was very distracting for my husband who just wanted to relax.”

2. “On my holiday to Goa in India, I was disgusted to find that almost every restaurant served curry. I don’t like spicy food.”
