And Now It’s Three . . . Again

Well, now that the Toilet Wars are over, it looks like I have a new project. Sometime in the last few days our front AC just quit AC’ing. But since it’s been in the 60’s in the daytime and the 40’s at night, it hadn’t gotten much use.

But I noticed a couple of days ago that it was a bit warm, and when I looked at the thermostat, the AC wasn’t coming on. So yesterday I checked the usual suspects.

I changed out the batteries and rebooted the thermostat. Then I checked the voltage at the circuit breaker, and double-checked my 30 amp bypass hookup. All with no problems found.

So tomorrow I’ll pull the thermostat off the wall and try to control the AC manually. If there’s nothing there, I’ll pull the cover off the ceiling unit and check the power coming in up there.

UK Govt Scientist Says Britons Should Wear Masks with THREE Layers

Susan Hopkins, a specialist in infectious diseases at Public Health England, said that Britons should wear masks made with at least two, or even three, layers, and left open the possibility that the UK might follow the U.S.’s lead and recommend double masking.

“What we recommend is at least two layers and ideally three layers in a mask. That is really important to reduce the virus transmission both from you to others and others to you,” Hopkins added, according to The Times.

However they don’t say if the three masks should be worn with or without hosiery

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has finally recognized that the masks they’ve had everyone wearing for the better part of a year are largely ineffective because aerosols easily go around the top and sides.

Their latest recommendation is “placing a sleeve made of sheer nylon hosiery material around the neck and pulling it up over either a cloth or medical procedure mask,” or using knots and tucking to fit a mask closely to the face.

Of course maybe this is what they meant by 6ft of social distancing.

Six Feet of Masks

Thought For The Day:

Look At That Idiot