Monthly Archives: October 2023

Blue Suckers . . .

Today I was finally able to get the last piece of software installed on my new computer at work. The only thing left is to get it fully connected to the office network. Not sure why it’s not seeing the other computers, but I’ll figure it out on Wednesday.

I did finally get my HP printer/scanner connected to the scanner software. Not sure why it didn’t want to connect to start with. But I finally just out-stubborned it, I guess.

Landon made this octopus for his Nana’s Birthday, using his new 3D printer. Printed in 3 colors, pink body, yellow eyes, and blue suckers, the tenacles are fully articulated.

She loves it and it sits in a place of honor on the kitchen counter.

Tomorrow is scheduled to be just another stay-around-the-rig day. Always nice.

Thought For The Day:

When Some ‘Friends’ Say “I Have Your Back”, It Means You Should Check For “Kick Me” Signs.

And Now On To Today’s Retro-Blogs.™

October 23, 2009

Bad Weather and Cold Water…

Today started out cold and rainy, and although it cleared up later in the day, tomorrow is supposed to be worse, with a high of only 44 degrees.

Around 1 pm Jan and I headed out for lunch and errands.  Since we were going to the Sam’s Club in Mishawaka, we decided to eat at Hooters, one of our favorite wing places.

Leaving Hooters we stopped off at Sam’s Club.  We did notice a long line of people getting flu shots while we were there.

About 6pm we headed out for dinner at a place called Lakeshore Grill. This was a great place to eat and we enjoyed it.

We’ll go back.

October 23, 2011

Charge !!!! . . .

Today was going to be a play day so at noon we piled into the truck and headed over to Mishawaka for a day of shopping and eating.

Our first stop was the Verizon store where I wanted to get a Droid Charge.

It took about an hour to get my new Droid activated and all my contacts transferred over from my Blackberry Storm II. Since all Verizon phones now use the online Backup Assistant to store contacts, it’s much easier to move them to a new phone than it used to be.

While Jan checked out the Bargain Books bookstore across the street from the Verizon store, I sat in the car and played with my new toy. I started downloading a bunch of apps to replace the ones on my Blackberry and was really amazed at the 4G speeds. 4 MB apps downloaded in just a few seconds. And it looks like I may have 4G coverage where we’ll be for a couple of months south of Houston this winter.

Then it was on to the Barnes and Noble bookstore at the mall, where Jan and shopped, and I of course, sat in the Starbucks and played with my toy some more.

By the time we left the mall, it was after 4pm and time for dinner at Red Robin They have great burgers and salads and bottomless steak fries, and we always enjoy it.

After dinner, it was time for more shopping, this time at Sam’s Club and then Wal-Mart. Then after sending a lot of money to Bentonville, AR, we headed back toward home, with a quick detour by Dick’s Sporting Goods.

Getting back to the Elkhart area, we decided to finish off the day with a cold Dairy Queen treat.

It was really nice to just spend a day doing nothing but having fun.

And now for another installment of . . .

Things Every RV’er should have:

The Silverleaf VMSpc is one of my favorite gadgets. Unfortunately it’s only for you diesel owners, but if you’ve got one, take a look.

The VMSpc consists of a cable that plugs into the diagnostic port under your dashboard, an interface box with a cable that plugs into your computer, and a PC computer program.

The whole system costs about $400, but you can download the software program for free and play with it.

The VMSpc ties into your engine computer and gives you much more accurate information than your coach gauges do, and also gives you some info that you don’t even have gauges for, like horsepower, torque, GPH, turbo boost, and a number of others.


As I said, the Silverleaf VMSpc plugs into the diagnostic port underneath the dashboard and connects to my laptop that sits on the center console when we travel.

In my case I run two programs on the laptop: In the bottom section I’m running Delorme Street Atlas w/GPS. The top section is the Silverleaf display.

The really nice thing about the Silverleaf is you get to design your own panel. You can choose the instruments you want to display, where you want them on the screen, what color they are, and what they say. You can also set alarms so that if, for example, your battery voltage drops below 12 volts, an audible/visible alarm goes off on the screen.

Across the top, left to right, I first have the transmission gear indicator. The left ‘6’ shows what gear is selected on the console. The right one shows what gear the transmission is actually in.

Next, in order, are the tachometer, the turbocharger boost pressure, the instantaneous MPG, and the clock. Down the left side, the first four gauges are alarms for voltage, transmission temperature, water temperature, and oil pressure. Next are numerical gauges for the oil pressure, transmission temp, engine temp, and the total hours on the engine.

Starting from the top of the second column, CSPD shows the Cruise Control Set Speed, next is the total miles on the coach (it had 62511 miles when we bought it), the miles we’ve put on the coach, and the fuel minder. It shows the miles left on this tank, the remaining fuel in the tank, and the recent MPG.

The next column starts with a speedometer. The neat thing about this is that the Silverleaf program allows me to set a modifier on the speedometer.

The tires (295’s) presently on my coach are bigger than the original 285’s. This means my dashboard speedometer is not correct. It reads 51 mph when I’m doing 55, for instance. But by adding a modifier to the gauge, it displays the correct speed.

Next are the generator hours. This lets me track the generator fuel usage at about 1 gallon of diesel per hour.

Underneath that, the green ball means the Cruise Control is set and engaged. If the ball is yellow, it means it’s not engaged, and a red ball means it’s turned off. Just to the right are the miles since my last oil change/filter etc., service.

Next is a vertical bar graph that gives me an instant picture of my engine performance, and below are the miles we’ve traveled so far this year. We’ll probably do another 2-3000 before we get back to Houston right before Thanksgiving.

The right hand column below the clock shows the battery voltage, the fuel rate, the engine torque, the Max Intake Manifold Temp, and the distance to the next rest area.

Lastly, across the bottom is the miles we’ve traveled so far today, and the miles we’ve traveled so far on this tank of diesel.

This last reading, coupled with the fuel used from the Fuel Minder gauge, gives me a very accurate reading on the MPG on this tank. In this case, we’ve gone 488.2 miles and used 52.5 gallons (150 – 97.5) of diesel. This gives me an average of 9.3 mph.

Driving 55 does save gas. From testing, I know that if I drive 65, my mpg drops to between 7.5 and 8 mpg. This difference in miles per gallon saves me about $1000 a year.

Just a note, the fuel usage is very accurate on the Silverleaf because the program actually counts the pulses in the fuel injectors, You can’t get any better than that.

Another neat feature of the Silverleaf is that if you ever get a Check Engine light, just use the Diagnostic drop-down menu at the top of the screen and it tells you the code AND what the code means.

It may seem like a lot of information, some of it not too useful, but it gives me an ongoing picture of my engine’s performance and lets me quickly see any changes.

I hope this all makes sense. If you have any questions or comments be sure and let me know.

For you gas engine RV’ers, there is a product called Scangauge that will work for you, but it does not use a computer display. Instead it has its own display unit.

October 23, 2012

Cheesecake and Burgers . . .

Since yesterday was a travel day, today was a goof-off and do-nothing day. So we goofed off and did nothing today.

For lunch Jan fixed cheese toast, and then following in the ‘cheese’ motif, we had the pumpkin cheesecake that we brought home from our meal at The Peddler Steakhouse Sunday night at South of the Border. And like our whole meal, it was delicious. Jan said it was the best cheesecake she’d ever eaten.

About 1:30pm Jan and I headed out on some errands. She wanted to get her toes done, and I wanted to get a haircut. And, although it took some driving around, we managed to find a nail place and a hair place side by side. In getting there though, we ended up going partway over to Beaufort, SC

Beaufort is the home of the US Marine’s Parris Island and the Beaufort Marine Corp Air Station. In 1969-1970 I was working as a DOD contractor at the MCAS working on F-4C, D, and E’s. So coming back to this area is kind of like coming back home.

We got home about 3:30 and it seemed like a good time for a nap. We like naps.

Then a little after 5pm we headed out to have dinner at a Five Guys Burgers and Fries over in Savannah. Five Guys has pretty much become our favorite burger place, although Fuddrucker’s is a close second.

On our way home our daughter Brandi called to catch us up on Landon and life down in Texas in general. We’re really looking forward to seeing everyone in less than a month.

Tomorrow is kind of up in the air so we’ll have to see how it goes.

October 23, 2013

It must have been the Nopales . . .

It’s been a busy three days, but not gate-wise. For the last week or so we’ve been doing about 30-35 vehicle a day, with today (Wednesday) doing about 45. A nice change from the 300 a day we had at the peak. But I sure hope it doesn’t get much slower so they don’t get the idea they don’t need us. We’d really like to stay here until we leave for Houston on the 24th of November. We’ll see.

For the last week or so I’ve been fighting problems with my eyeglasses. The earpieces are those spring-loaded type, and they both just came apart within a week of each other. I tried a number of ways to glue them back together, Gorilla Glue, SuperGlue, contact cement, and even ShoeGoo. But nothing would hold for more than a day or two.
Then I got a bright idea. My new frames were identical to my old ones, and I still had them, so I would just take the earpieces off the old ones and install them on new ones. Piece of cake, right? Well, no. The taking apart thing went just fine. The getting them reinstalled part, not so much.

Holding the glasses frame in one hand, the earpiece in the other, the tweezers holding the screw in the other hand, and of course the little tiny screwdriver in the other…well I think you see the problem.

I could never get everything lined up and the screw started. So after about 30 minutes of wasted effort, I gave up and went with the Nerd method. Holding them together with tape. I figured I would drive into Pleasanton on Monday and let the Wal-Mart Vision Center take a crack at them.

So after handing them off, I did some shopping, picking up some cold stuff so we wouldn’t have to worry about it tomorrow in San Antonio. Getting back to the Vision Center about 20 minutes later, they had me all ready to go. Turns out they have a special little screw-starter to make things easier. They didn’t have any for sale, but I found one on Amazon I’m going to order.

Coming back home I saw this sign again and finally had a chance to take a picture of it.

Pleasanton RV Park

What does it say about your town when the ‘Premier Gated Community’ is an RV Park? Actually it’s probably our kind of place.

Tuesday afternoon about 1pm we headed to San Antonio for our combined birthday celebration. Both of ours are in October, mine on the 5th and Jan’s this Friday on the 25th. Does make it more convenient when we have to renew our driver’s licenses in South Dakota.

Anyway, our first stop was at the Palladium IMAX theater out on I-10 West. This place is huge. Besides the 16 screens and the usual movie food, it has a gelato stand, a Starbucks, two restaurants and two bars. Jan had to try the Pumpkin Gelato and pronounced it fantastic. If they started renting out rooms, you could live here.

The reason we passed so many closer theaters is that we heard if you were going to see “Gravity”, the new Sandra Bullock-George Clooney movie, see it in IMAX and 3D. And this was the only place in town that had both.

We’ve seen IMAX movies before, and we’ve seen 3D movies before, but this was our first IMAX 3D one. And it was worth the trip. And the movie itself was great. The action started very quickly and just never let up until the end. Jan compared it to an Indiana Jones movie that just never stops.

The story is about a Space Shuttle Hubble Telescope repair mission with Sandra Bullock, the Mission Specialist, doing the repair in space, and George Clooney as the Shuttle Pilot. And then everything goes terribly wrong.

Although the movie has a lot of special effects, they take a backseat to the story and the characters. And we did like the fact that they didn’t overdo the 3D part just so you wouldn’t forget the movie was in 3D.

Having worked on the Shuttle Program for 10 years at Johnson Space Center, there were a few things I noticed that wouldn’t have happened that way in space, but nothing so glaring that it interfered with my enjoyment of the movie.

This one is a must-see.

Getting out of the movie about 4:15, our next stop was a nearby SuperCuts so Jan could get her hair trimmed. I always kind of dread taking Jan to get her hair done, because if they don’t do it like she wants, she comes out very unhappy, and then for some reason I end up very unhappy.

Strange how that works out.

Then it was on to La Fonda on Main for dinner.

Jan had this Beef Chile Relleno with a Verde Chicken Enchilada.

La Fonda Food Jan
And I had the Pork Carnitas with an Avocado Bowl. The pork is resting on a grilled nopales (cactus) leaf

La Fonda Food Greg

For dessert we split a piece of their delicious Tres Leches.

La Fonda Food Tres Leches

And here’s the beautiful Birthday Girl herself.

La Fonda Birthday Girl

Our meal was as delicious as usual and we always enjoy going back.

Now it was shopping time with Sam’s Club, Wal-Mart, and Barnes and Noble on the list. Finishing up about 9:30, our last stop was the Pilot/Flying J on the way home. They had Jan’s Pumpkin Spice coffee, but had apparently run out and stopped selling the Pumpkin Spice Cappuccino that they had last time. When I mentioned to a young lady cleaning up nearby that it wasn’t even Halloween yet, much less Thanksgiving, and they’d already stopped selling it, she said, “Yes, it’s very popular and everyone waits for us to start selling it every year.”

When I said that maybe that meant that they should, you know, order more maybe, she just looked at me like I had two heads, or something.  It’s amazing that some places can even stay in business.

Wrapping up today, I’ve had some sort of stomach bug all day. Don’t know if it’s just something going around, or if it’s something I ate. Personally I blame the nopales on my pork carnitas dish last night. Yeah, that’s it.

I mentioned the other day that one of the truck drivers had seen a bobcat near our gate so here’s Mister doing his best ‘Bobcat Bait’ impression.

Mister Bobcat Bait

After all the guy did say the bobcat was smaller than Mister, but we’ll keep a close eye on him anyway.

October 23, 2014

Black or White . . .

Well, our 2nd full day of freedom was just as good as our first one yesterday, but a lot more relaxed, since we didn’t go anywhere or do anything. Jan did give the rig a good cleaning, and I assisted by doing what I was told, and otherwise staying out of the way.

It’s safer that way.

While I’m deciding what I want to do with Jan’s Paperwhite, I went ahead and ordered a 10.5” Galaxy Tab 4 from Amazon yesterday that should be here tomorrow.


We’ll see how good FedEx is at delivering to an address along an Interstate feeder out in the country, two miles from town. There is a sign on the fence that says “Gate Guard Services”, and the address on the package says, “Big RV in Back”. So we’ll see how it goes.

The Galaxy Tab will combine the features of our Kindle Fire and Jan’s Paperwhite, so we’ll see how it works as a Paperwhite replacement. In the meantime I’ve got a couple more things to try and revive Jan’s dead Paperwhite.

One thing I found kind of funny is the pricing of the Tab. If you want it in black, it’s $299. But if you want a white one, it’s only $259. Exactly the same specs, just a different color.

Guess which one I bought?

About 5:30 this afternoon we got a neighbor here at the yard. They’re just coming off a gate down near Madisonville and are taking off a week or two, leaving their 5th wheel here in the meantime. At this point the lot is full.

Rather than have our leftover steak from last night, we decided to start working our way through some more of our Frack Food from the gate. No telling when we’ll get any more. So our dinner tonight was crispy catfish fillets, corn on the cab, potato salad, and BBQ Beans. And pumpkin pie with whipped cream for dessert.

We’re going to miss the gate.

October 23, 2015


When I got up about 10:15 this morning I found the rains had finally arrived. I also found that our canopy had some leaks.

In anticipation for the forecast next five days of rain that was coming in, yesterday I had used Gorilla Tape and Rust-Oleum Clear Leak Seal Spray to patch the few weak places I could see. But unfortunately what I couldn’t see were the ones up under the small cupola cover at the top of the canopy.

Since I was just leaving for my Wal-Mart run, Jan suggested I just get another tarp to throw over the top of this tarp. Sounded like a good idea.

And right before I left for Carthage, Jan, having read my blog this morning and not taking any chances, surprised me by saying she wanted Whataburger for lunch.

Darn, that just takes all the fun out of it.

Finally on my way, and getting out to the main highway, I first headed about 3 miles in the wrong direction to check out the Citgo station back toward Henderson. A number of the rig guys had said they had good food at the diner there and I wanted to check it out.

One thing kind of strange is that is that though it was overcast and raining at the gate, three miles west here, it was sunny with blue skies. Huh.

At past gates we’ve found the food pretty good at these places so we’ll probably give this place a try too. To make it easy for Jan to know what they have, I always just take a picture of their menu board.

Citgo Menu 1

Looks like the usual fare, with burgers, chicken, other sandwiches, and various other accouterments. One of our favorite things at these places is the chicken strips and steak fries, and it looks like they’ve even got that covered.

And breakfast as well.

Citgo Menu 2

Though I don’t know if they serve it all day or not.  McDonald’s does now, so they should too.

We’ll have to check them out soon.

A little later, after Wal-Mart, but before Whataburger, I dropped off my Amazon return package at a local UPS shipping ‘place’, which turned out to be a little computer repair store. This was the return of my defective Mighty Mule Alarm system. Earlier in the morning I had received an email saying that Amazon had issued my $63 credit on this.

The replacement has been working fine so far, except when the water guys knocked it over removing the frack water line the other day.

* * * * *

For some reason, it seems to get more and more difficult to put in my order at Whataburger every time I go.

To be sure I have it right, I read it off my phone. I tell them what burger I want and exactly what I want on it. But today she kept trying to get me to tell her what I don’t want on it, i.e. no lettuce. But the problem with that is that I don’t know what comes on their burgers normally, and nowhere on the menu board does it say.

And besides if I do that, then I’m telling her what I don’t want on it, i.e. lettuce, and then what I do want on it extra, i.e. tomatoes, bacon, etc. I kept trying to tell her, start with a plain #6 Double Meat Cheese Whataburger Jr., just meats, cheese, and bread, and then I’ll tell you exactly what I DO want on it.

There is one guy that works there that I’m always happy to see at the counter. He takes the order perfectly, and we’re done it just a minute or so.

Later in the afternoon we did get another visit from the donkeys as they passed by. The brown one always just stops and stares at us while he waits for the 40 year old one to catch up.


Based on the radar, it looks like we dodged most of the heavy rains today. Most of it stayed to the north, running from southwest to northeast of us.

But there’s always tomorrow . . . and the next day . . . and the next day . . .

I guess we’ll see how the new tarp works.

October 23, 2016

Gateworthy . . .

Things they keep a changing.

Jan and I spent some time playing with the iPad Gate Program last night until I think we both have it down. It’s pretty much identical in function to the one I wrote 3 years ago, except my is text-based and runs on Windows 7, and this one is touchscreen graphics and runs on an iPad.

Gate Guard Progaram

The only other difference is that SiteWatch’s iPad version is online and configured to upload data to the company server.

But mine is just as fast and easy to use. It’s just not tablet-size.

I have thought about converting it over and I still may. I already have a program to write it in, so it wouldn’t be a real problem. We’ll see.

If I did it, it would just be for fun.

Todd came back and picked up the iPad from Jan this morning about 8am before I got up at my usual 10:30. Then just as we were leaving the rig about 11, I got another text from Todd letting us know that our work schedule had changed again.

Rather than us both working the outside gate from 5:30p to 5:30p tonight, Jan will be working the outside gate and I will be working the inside gate from 6p to 6a. This kind of concerned Jan because she was counting on me being there to keep her awake. But I guess it means that Todd thinks we’re gateworthy.

The reason we were heading out right then is that, as I said last night, we wanted to have the Sunday Turkey and Dressing/Fried Chicken buffet at Barth’s. And like yesterday’s meal, it was really good.

Turkey and real (cornbread) dressing, not that cubed bread stuff, along with really delicious Fried Chicken, creamed red potatoes, fresh vegetable medley, as well as white turkey gravy, and cranberry sauce. Oh, and along with the salad bar, the homemade soup was Broccoli Cheese, just as good as yesterday’s homemade Beef Vegetable.

Even nicer is the price. The regular price is $10.99, but with $3 Senior Discount, ours was $7.99. Very nice. Just like yesterday’s $9.50 one was $6.50 for me.

And you know you’re in the oil fields when your large iced tea glasses don’t say Coke or Pepsi, but instead have the name and advertisements for an oil field service company called Rockwater.

Rockwater Cup 1

Rockwater Cup 2

Getting back to the rig a little after 1pm, we both went down for naps to prepare us for tonight’s work.

We had both packed bags with snack, drinks, Kindles, laptop, power supplies, chargers and flashlights. So we’re ready for any thing.

We got to Jan’s gate a little after 5pm, and I helped Jan get set up after Tam left. She does look pretty comfortable.

Jan at New Gate

Then a little after 5:30 I drove the 1/2 mile or so down to my gate next to the pad.

Not much is going on right now so it should be a quiet night for both of us.

We hope.

October 23, 2017

Last Trip South . . .

I headed out on my last trip south about 10am. I say ‘last trip’, since I’m not going down on Wednesday and then we move down to Santa Fe on Thursday.

So when I go back to work on Friday I’ll be making a 30 mile round-trip and not a 140 mile one. Yay!

I really wish Facebook would just stop fooling around and changing things. When I first started posting our blog to FB every night, I could pick what photo I wanted to show on the front page. I couldn’t pick from all the blog’s photos, but most of them, anyway.

Then months later, I could no longer pick from the photos, but had to take the one they picked for me. And the one they picked was never consistent. Sometimes it was the first one, sometimes it was the last one, or maybe one in the middle somewhere. But at least I could delete it if I didn’t want that one use.

But then a couple of weeks ago they changed it again. Now I can’t delete it at all, but I’m just stuck with whichever one they pick. Bummer!

Then a couple of weeks ago, the crying emoji disappeared from the the display shown when you clicked on the Like button. In its place was just a hole. Then a few days later it was back.

Now the entire emoji display is gone completely. Now we can only select ‘Like’ and nothing else.


Recently I came across this article about Amazon selling houses online.

They’re actually tricked-out shipping containers, selling for about $36,000

Amazon House 2

Amazon House

Not bad. And no, it doesn’t ship under Amazon Prime.

But this got me thinking about another big company that used to sell homes online . . . well, the online of the time, the Sear’s Catalog. And they not only sold homes, but also ‘mansions’.

‘The Magnolia’ seems to be the largest model sold by Sears. At ten rooms, two stories plus a basement, it was a real ‘kit’ with every piece cut and fitted. And included everything down to the nails and paint.  Here’s a full-size copy of the Sears ad.

There are still a number of ‘Magnolias’ around the country. Here’s one in North Carolina.


Still looking good. Apparently it’s now a Dolce & Gabbana store.

Well the vote is in. And it’s 26 to 0 in favor of blue awnings on the rig.

Beauty New Awnings 468

It’s gonna look great.

October 23, 2018

They’re From The Government, and They’re Here To Help Us!

Although today was Tuesday, and I don’t normally work at my client’s, I went in today to kind of make up for being gone for 3 weeks.

I had been monitoring things remotely so I knew that nothing had really cratered, but you never know. However I ended up spending most of the day working for the US government, specifically the US Census Bureau.

My client had received a letter from them requiring that he fill out an online 2017 Economic Census form. ‘Requiring’ as in a $5,000 fine for not doing it, and a $10,000 fine for ‘deliberately’ submitting false or incorrect information.


Apparently a tiny subset of US small businesses are selected at random to participate in the survey.

Lucky us!

And some of the detailed questions are for things we don’t really track. Like how much we charge customers for shipping on the items they order. Since we only pass on the amount that USPS, UPS, or FedEx charges us, we have no idea what the total amount is. So now I’m having to try and pull all this info out of the USPS and UPS apps.

And this is just one of 100’s of questions. So I’ve got my work cut out for me for the next few weeks.

After I got home we turned right around and headed back out to first have dinner at Los Ramirez Mexican Restaurant, the first Tex-Mex we’ve had since before we left for Florida, so we’ve been going into withdrawal.

Then it was on over to the storage room to break out our electric heaters for the winter. It was down in the low 50’s last night, with more of the same tonight. And the high tomorrow is forecast for the low 60’s.


Then coming home, we stopped off so I could buy the winning Mega-Millions ticket. At $1.6 Billion+, it’s certainly worth risking a few bucks. And as usual, I got the 30 Annual Payments option, rather than the Cash Payout. As far as I know, Texas is the only state that requires you to make that decision up front when you buy the ticket. Or at least the only one we’ve encountered in our travels around the country.

The Annual Payment value is $1.6 Billion, with the Cash Payout just a little over $900 Million. So you’re giving up about $700 Million to get the money up front.

If you take the Annual Payments, you’ll get about $32 Million a year after taxes for 30 years. If you take the Cash Value and then spread it out over the same 30 years, you would have about $18 Million a year.

And realistically, what could you do with $900 Million up front that you couldn’t do with $32 Million per year?

October 23, 2019

Now, On To 2021 . . .

We’ve now got our deposit in on our Alaskan Cruise, and we’ve got our hotel reservations made for our pre-cruise week in Fairbanks. All that’s left now is our flights and our car rental in Fairbanks.

I had mentioned that we were getting an inside room, and found that for an extra $65 we can get a larger inside room, bigger from 155 sqft to 233 sqft. But our great travel agent, Chantelle Nugent, found out that for an additional $25, for a total of $90, gets us a slightly larger, large room up on a higher deck, Deck 8, or the Navigation Deck.

Noordam = Navigation Deck

Much better than our original inside room which is down on Deck 1, the very bottom deck. Kind of like being in Steerage on the Titanic.

HAL MM8008

Very nice room. Chantelle always takes great care of us.

One thing Jan and I were happy to see is that PMJ (Postmodern Jukebox)) one of our favorite groups will be performing on HAL Alaskan Cruises during 2020. But I haven’t yet been able to find out what ship they will be on, or if they will be moving from ship to ship. But hopefully we’ll be able to see them.

Check’em out here.

Also this morning I booked our NYC Holiday Dinner Cruise for Sunday, December 8th, while we’re in NYC.

Bateaux NYC Dinner Cruise

We paid extra for a window table, though that doesn’t seem to mean we’ll actually be right next to the window, just at a table BY the window, with four other diners.

Bateaux NYC Dinner Cruise Inside

But close enough, I guess.

One thing that always ticks me off, especially when it involves my money. We paid extra for the window table, and also a photo on the ship. But when I went to pay online with my card, I found, in addition to the $28.64 in NYC taxes, there was a $63.33 ADMINSTRATION FEE, and an $8.99 MARINE FEE, I guess because it’s a boat.


Finally, looking forward to 2021 we’re looking at maybe doing a cruise out of Galveston taking in the Mayan ruins of Tulum from Cozumel and Chichen Itza from Progresso. And any more we can cram in.

After that we’ll probably be cruised-out.

But you never know.

October 23, 2020

And Now We Wait . . .

Since we’ve got a cold front coming through tonight, down to the 50’s, it was preceded by rain, which means that the rear of the coach is a puddle, so I’ll wait until tomorrow to do a test idle on the rig.

As usual when I’m working on a problem, I’m also working on backup plans for the problem. So today I put a call into Cummins to confirm what I had been told previously about the engine oil cooler.

The latest version is a 1 piece unit, not a 2 piece model like I have now.

Cummins Oil Cooler

So there’s no pesky gasket to leak like I have now. I guess I’m not the only person to have a problem with this.

So why haven’t I gone ahead and just installed this new cooler?

Well, I’m cheap.  But you already knew that, didn’t you.

Honestly, I don’t think I can install this myself. At least not lying on my back like I have to do. It looks like the rig would have to be up on a lift or over a pit to be able to reach up in there to get the bolts. And you can’t do it from up top because the cooler is located right under the firewall between the bedroom and the engine compartment.

But the cost is why replacing it is my last-gasp effort. I can buy it online for about $800, but by the time I have a shop replace it, with their markup and labor we’re probably looking at $2000 or so.

So I want to exhaust all the other avenues first before I go that route. And I still have a few more arrows in my quiver to try first.

I did get our South Dakota Absentee Ballots back in the mail today. Hopefully, since they made it down here in 4 days, they can make it back by the middle of next week or so.

I was originally planned to send them back via Priority Mail, but the ballots are too large to fit in a Flat Rate envelope, so they went out by First Class Mail.

I will be able to check online to see when they’re received in Sioux Falls. So now we wait.

October 23, 2021

Is There Anything It Can’t Do?

Lunch today was at Los Ramirez once again. I say ‘once again’ because we’re at that point where we just sit down and they already know what we’re going to order.

Jan gets her usual Pechuga Rellena, no rice,

Los Ramirez Pechuga Rellena 211023

while I got the Beef Fajita Taco Salad,  guacamole on the side for Jan.

Los Ramirez Beef Fajta Taco Salad 211023

Next up was a stop at WalMart for supplies, before getting home about 3:30.

A nice Saturday.

October 23, 2022

And A Fun Time Was Had By All . . .

At Least Everyone Was Smiling When We Left.

Jan and I were out the door about 10am for the start of our whirlwind weekend, with our first stop down FM1764 at the Three Acres Food Truck Park for their Pumpkin Spice Market.

We’ve been here for several events but this is the biggest crowd we’ve seen so far, so big that we were afraid we’d have a problem finding a parking space, but we lucked up and got one right in front.

Three Acres Food Truck Park 1

With over 30 vendors and 3 food trucks, the place had something for everyone.

Three Acres Food Truck Park 2

Three Acres Food Truck Park 3

Three Acres Food Truck Park 4

After Jan found a few things she just had to have, and we grabbed a bite to eat, we were off to Runge Park over in Santa Fe for a surprise 85th birthday party for our friend Harry Dudley.

Harry and Sadie Dudley

With all his kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids, in addition to a lot of friends, they had a real turnout.

Harry Dudley 85th Birthday 2

They served a meal from a local Italian place, as well as a lot of treats.

Harry Dudley 85th Birthday 1

After dropping off our gift and saying our goodbye’s we were on our way up to the Trinity area to meet up with our long-time friends Debi & Ed Hurlburt and Janice & Dave Evans for a weekend get-together. Later, after we got settled into our motel, we met everyone right down the road at El Rancho Viejo, Debi and Ed’s favorite local Mexican place.

Jan got the combo Beef, Chicken, and Shrimp Fajitas, while I got a really delicious Steak and Shrimp, with a 10 oz. Ribeye and 3 Jumbo Shrimp.

Trinity El Rancho Viejo Steak and Shrimp

Trinity Bunch

After a great meal we ended up back at Debi and Ed’s for several more hours of non-stop talking, finally heading back to our motel about 10pm.

Then this morning, about 10, we met Debi and Ed at the Trinity Café right in beautiful downtown Trinity. A local favorite, it was already busy when we got there.

Jan and I both got omelets, hers with onions, mushrooms, and cheese, and mine the Spanish version. Both delicious.

Trinity Cafe Spanish Omelet

By the time we needed to get back on the road home, the place had filled up so we gave up our table to another hungry group.

Trinity Cafe Debi and Ed

And after an HEB stop at our local location near home we were back in the rig a little after 3pm, finding a very mouthy Karma complaining about how long we’d been gone.

We all had so much fun that we’re going to have to do this again.





Landon Was Right . . .

Jan and I were on our way up to Katy for our get-together with Brandi, Lowell, and Landon around 10am. It’s only about an hour trip and today’s was smooth and easy with no slow-downs. We did see this along the way.

Sometimes you just need more duct tape.

Pulling into the driveway, we checked out the Halloween decorations in their yard.

The dinosaurs are new for this year. Hopefully we’ll get to see it at night.

Landon was excited to show me his new Bambu X1 Carbon 3D Printer.

And Landon was right. This thing is awesome!

It automatically takes care of all things that caused problems with his first 3D printer. Things like print head temperature, bed leveling, print accuracy, etc.

Using LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) it monitors for problems and corrects them on the go, including inspecting the print as it goes along. And the range of things it can print is amazing.

And even more amazing, it will print in 4 colors at one time. Or if you want to add more filament racks you can print in up to 16 colors at one time.

Of course, all this capability costs more than my first car.

And the things Landon has printed are just amazing too.

Many of these are articulated, like the octopus, the dragon, and the gecko lizard.

The toaster actually ejects the toast, and the roll-top tool storage box also works.

And this Iron Man helmet, printed in one piece and two colors,

pops open to store the SD cards that store his print files.

And he’s got a lot of different color filament to print with.

For our lunch, Brandi fixed up a meal of Steak Tacos Al Carbon, Roasted Veggies, and Refried Beans,

followed by warm brownies topped with vanilla ice cream.

Of course, the doggies want their share too, so this is what I see underneath the table.

Finally, getting our hugs, we headed back down to Santa Fe, with a detour by the Katy Trader Joe’s, and then our weekly HEB stop once back down in our area.

Finally back home a little after 4, we relaxed after a very nice weekend.

Thought for the Day;

On Oct. 9, 1903, the New York Times wrote:

“The flying machine, which will really fly, might be evolved by the combined and continuous efforts of mathematicians and mechanicians in from one million to ten million years.”

On the same day, on Kill Devil Hill, N.C. in his diary, a bicycle mechanic named Orville Wright wrote:

“We unpacked rest of goods for the new flying machine.”

And Now On To Today’s Retro-Blogs.™

October 22, 2009

Amish Food and Amish Craftsmen…

About 12:30 pm we drove down to Middlebury to eat at Das Essenhaus, which in German is ‘The Eating House”, or ‘The Restaurant’

Very original name, huh?


They have great food, especially the fried chicken. The last time we ate there, we ate family style, where they just bring great food to your table until you explode.

This time we had the lunch buffet of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, muffins, salad, and dessert.  Once again, it was really good.

Leaving the restaurant we stopped off at a nearby Dollar General to stock up on more Awesome Cleaner.  This stuff is well known in the RV world for cleaning RV’s. It is fantastic for cleaning the bugs off the front of our coach.

Just spray it on, wait about 10 seconds, and then the bugs just wipe right off.

It’s Awesome!

I guess the Amish in the area also like the Dollar General, because there’s a hitching post right out front, complete with horse poo.


Leaving the DG we drove over to the American Countryside Farmer’s Market.

This place is amazing.

It’s a 3 story, 51,000 square foot building, entirely built by Amish craftsmen.

FarmersMarket 1

And it is beautiful inside.

FarmersMarket 2

FarmersMarket 3

FarmersMarket 4

FarmersMarket 5

And even more amazing is the fact that there is not a single nail anywhere in this building!  It is all pegged together.

FarmersMarket 6

FarmersMarket 7

FarmersMarket 8

And here is one of the Amish carpenters working during the original construction. Only hand tools were used.

FarmersMarket 9

Coming home we stopped off at Martin’s Supermarket for more of the delicious Honey Crisp apples that are very plentiful right now. And while there we stopped in the Starbucks for a Pumpkin Latte and some pumpkin muffins.  MMMMMM Good !

Coming back to the park we saw another great foliage view.

More Foliage

Another really nice day…

October 22, 2010

Lupper And A Seeing Eye Poodle. . .

We left the rig about 2:30 pm to have “lupper” at King Food, our favorite local Chinese place, then we made a stop at the Post Office to mail off our absentee ballots to South Dakota.

As we were parking at the PO, I noticed a woman going in holding a small white poodle in her arms. I figured she was just going in to check her PO box, but when I got inside she was up at the counter trying to convince the postal guy that this was her “seeing-eye poodle” and she was entitled to have it with her, after he told her that no animals were allowed.

Some people just live in a whole different world!

After the PO we stopped off at Fry’s Electronics so I could pick up some more Ethernet cables, then it was on to Sam’s Club for some vitamin stuff, and then down to HEB, a Texas grocery chain, for some supplies and gas, and then it was home for the evening.

October 22, 2011

Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood . . .

Well, we’re on our second day of nice weather.  So something’s gone terribly wrong.

Once again after lunch I headed back over to the RV/MH Hall of Fame. By the time I left about 4:30 I had everything pretty much wrapped up. I’ll go back over Monday for a little while for a last checkout.

Getting back to the park about 4:45, we turned right about around and headed out to the Texas Roadhouse right down the road, where we met Al Hesselbart for dinner.

Texas Roadhouse gave us their usual great steaks and service, but it would be nice if the place weren’t quite so loud. It’s hard to have a conversation.

Leaving the restaurant I dropped Jan off at the rig and I drove back over to the Verizon store.

I was going to get the Droid Charge. But it turns out that they were out of stock on the Charge. Bummer!

But I called the Verizon store in Mishawaka and they have several in stock. That works out perfectly since we’re going over there tomorrow for some shopping.

October 22, 2012

Marching Thru Georgia (almost) . . .

We only had a 200 mile run today so we didn’t leave Bass Lake RV Park until about 10, and then it was only for about 12 miles down I-95 to a Flying J to take on about 75 gallons of diesel and a couple of cups of Pumpkin Spice Latte.

I had to wait in line to fill up so by the time we were back on the road it was about 45 minutes later. We had hardly got back on the road before I got a phone call from the Chase Credit Card Fraud Division about my recent large purchase. The problem was that I had two purchases for diesel, one for $75 and a second one for $217. I forgot that to get the $495 fill up on my card, I needed to enter it as a credit card, not as a debit card. But since I did it as a debit to start with, the pump shut off at $75, so I had to do it again.

We did meet a couple, Dick and Nancy, at the Flying J who are new RV’ers. They’ve only been on the road since August so they’re still just getting their feet wet. They are also on their way to Savannah, so maybe we’ll meet up. And in fact we did see them a little later at a rest area.

After that it was a pretty smooth trip down I-95, with only a couple of rest stops along the way.

After some initial confusion between conflicting GPS directions, we pulled into Hardeeville RV Park about 2:30, finally found our site and got set up.

After a nice quiet afternoon of resting up, we headed out about 6pm to have dinner at a Golden Corral over in Savannah. And, as usual it was pretty good, and a lot of it.

Our kind of place.

October 22, 2014

Steak and Eggs . . .

For our first full day of freedom (temporary, we hope) we headed over to Bryan/College Station for the day. Our first stop was the IHOP on Hwy 6 for breakfast. Along with the obligatory coffee, Jan had Blueberry Pancakes, with Eggs and Bacon, while I went with the Bananas and Cream Waffle, and of course, bacon too.

IHOP Banana Waffle

It was really nice to just sit and talk, and enjoy a leisurely meal without jumping up at the sound of a bell to check a vehicle in or out. In fact we probably stayed longer than usual just because we enjoyed it so much.

Next up was a haircut for me and a trim for Jan at the Great Clips right down the street. And since they offered the service I went ahead and had her trim my beard, saving me from having to do it.

Then it was off to Wal-Mart for some shopping. And because it was so convenient, we dropped the truck off at the Tire and Auto area to get a new tire for the truck, something I’d been delaying doing so I wouldn’t have to leave Jan alone on the gate for too long. But today seemed the perfect time to take care of it while we were shopping.

Besides the usual stuff, Jan and I needed some new shoes. I wanted a new pair of black boots because my old pair of Red Wings finally started coming apart after about 5 years. You just can’t get good quality anymore. NOT!

One of the reasons I’ve usually bought my boots at Red Wing and paid a high price, $200+, is that they carry the larger widths. In my case I wear a 9 EEEE. In other words, I have snowshoes for feet. And it’s my father’s fault, as he had the same ones. In fact he said that he never had a pair of shoes that fit until he joined the Navy during WWII, as they had all the bigger widths.

But I recently noticed that Wal-Mart has also started carrying wider widths so I thought I’d give them a try. I found a nice pair of Brahma’s, Wal-Mart’s house brand that fit me great. They have a Goodyear sole, leather uppers, AND they’re Steel-Toed. All for only $35. If they only last a couple of years, I’m still way ahead.

For her part, Jan picked out a new pair of Dr. Scholl’s sneakers to replace the pair that started coming apart last week while working the gate. So we both left happy and re-soled.

When we finished with our shopping, we headed back to the Tire area to find our truck all ready to go. Very convenient.

I mentioned a week or so ago that one afternoon while Jan was working the gate, the drill rig blew a seal and showered her and our rig with a mist of drilling mud. Luckily she was partly shielded by our canopy, but I didn’t find out how bad the front of the rig got hit until I pulled back the windshield curtains as we got ready to leave the gate yesterday. The windshield was almost entirely opaque with the mud spray. And the wipers and washer fluid wouldn’t touch it. Finally I ran the washers long enough to thoroughly wet the glass and then sprayed Awesome on it and let it set for about 10 minutes. Then the wipers gave me this.

Drill Mud Windshield

Good enough to go. Luckily we had already planned to stop off at a Blue Beacon truck wash on the way back to Houston.

And the truck had similar problems, but not as bad since it was parked facing away from the rig. So we wanted to get it washed while we could. I finally located a carwash that uses brushes instead of just water pressure because I’ve found they do a much better job on a dirty, grimy vehicle. And that was really confirmed today.

Turns out this carwash had the side brushes, but not the big horizontal brush that comes down and does the roof and the hood. Instead it has the squiggly octopus arms of fabric that come down and gently caress the truck, rather than actually cleaning it.

So while the front, sides and rear of our toad are spic and spanned and shiny, the hood and I assume the roof, still has a very visible film of drilling mud on it. So now, break out the Awesome again.

After stopping off at Sam’s Club for a prescription, and their gas station for gas ($2.79), we started back toward Buffalo.

Coming in, we’d been talking about where we wanted to eat dinner tonight. Going through Madisonville, we saw a sign for Legend’s Steakhouse on the Courthouse Square. Steak sounded good, so while we were at IHOP, I checked Yelp and found 4-1/2 stars, so we thought we’d give it a try on the way home. And are we glad we did.

Everything was delicious, starting with the fresh, hot rolls, and large salads with their homemade dressings.

Legends Salad

Jan then had a 10oz. sirloin with baked potato, while I went with the 14oz Ribeye with onions and mushrooms, and a baked sweet potato. Really great!

Legends Steak

The portions were huge, and neither of us could, or really wanted, to finish our steaks, because we’d seen on the menu that they had bread pudding with Jack Daniels sauce as one of their desserts. So we couldn’t pass this up.

Legends Bread Pudding

We also couldn’t eat it all either, even as delicious as it was too. So a 3rd takeout container was in order. We both agreed that this is probably the best bread pudding we’ve ever had. Better than the Bread Pudding with Bourbon Sauce at the Pont Breaux  (nee Mulate’s) in Breaux Bridge, LA, and even better than the Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding at Lulu’s (Jimmy Buffet’s sister’s place) in Gulf Shores, AL. It was that GOOD!

And now it looks like we’ll be able to repeat the entire meal again tomorrow night. YUMM!

I always enjoy reading some of the negative reviews people write on Yelp. In the case of Legends, someone ‘complained’ that the food was great, the prices were great, but since they’d showed up without reservations on a busy night with a party of 12, and still got a private dining room, they thought it took them too long to get their food, She seemed kind of incensed that she had to ask for some crackers for her son while they waited.

So for great food, and great prices, she gave Legends 3 stars. Which is probably what kept them from getting a full 5 stars overall. Some people!

Leaving Legends, but before getting back on I-45, we had to stop in at the Madisonville Buc-ee’s to check it out. At one time, it was the largest one in the chain, but has now been outclassed by the ones in New Braunfels and La Marque. We normally would have gotten some of their great Cranberry Nut muffins, but what they had left looked like they had been baked earlier in the day and had been sitting too long.

Maybe next time.

October 22, 2015

Well, that was a letdown . . .

The big inrush of trucks for the flowback didn’t . . . inrush, I mean. Between 1pm and 6 pm, I had four vehicles come through the gate. And one of those four came in twice. So just three, really.

Jan had a few more, but two of them were at the wrong gate, and the rest were just the frack water guys running the pumps at the pond for the new frack up the hill.

Well, there’s always tomorrow. Or not.

So far we’ve dodged all the bad weather here with most of it staying to our northwest. And from the radar it looks like that was a good thing. We’re forecast for 40% to 80% to 100% rain for the next five days so we’ll see how that plays out. I know the farms around here really need the rain, but it sure makes our job a lot messier.

* * * * *

In what’s too perfect to be coincidental, for each of the last three days, and today’s on track to be a fourth, there have been exactly 100 failed logins each day. And it looks like the hackers are spreading out.

Where most attempts used to be almost all from Russia and Eastern Europe, now they’re more diverse, also coming from Sweden, Denmark, France, Spain, and other Western European countries

I’m looking at a couple of plugins that would allow me to block IP addresses by country, if necessary. But I would have to block wide areas since in most cases, login-attempt IP addresses are identical only at the first octet.

I’m sure most of you, (some of you?) have come across a reference to your IP address on the Internet somewhere along the line. Something like (Albania), or (The Netherlands). Every single computer on the Internet has an individual IP address, and in most cases, unless you’re trying to hide, that IP address can be traced back directly to you, or at least, your household.

So by ‘first octet’, I mean the first set of numbers of the IP address.

More than you really wanted to know, right? I know Jan’s eyes have already glazed over.

* * * * *

Well, then, let’s talk about something more fun: Gate Guard Sewer Systems.

Todd, our GGS service guy, should be coming by tomorrow afternoon to bring us more diesel, and a new sewer pump.

GGS Sewer Trailer

The sewer pump is the small green barrel that sits out on the ground, and is where you hook up your rig’s sewer hose. It contains a macerator pump controlled by a float valve that shreds and pumps the waste up into the big green tank. The whole thing is pretty much a portable septic tank system.

IP address discussions are starting to sound better now, aren’t they?

Anyway, about a week ago, the GFCI on the 20amp outlet on our generator was popping every couple of days, and not for any reason I could find. Then it escalated to every day, and several times a day.

Two things are plugged into this outlet, the sewer pump, and the light stands. And I quickly discovered that if I left the sewer pump unplugged, the GFCI didn’t pop anymore. For now I plugged the sewer pump into the 30amp outlet on the generator which doesn’t have a GFCI on it. This should be OK since there’s nothing electrical exposed on the pump housing as it‘s all inside the fiberglass tank. So no shock hazard.

Tomorrow’s Wal-Mart/ bring home lunch day, and she says ‘surprise her’.

Think she’d be ‘surprised’ if I didn’t bring home anything.

No, me neither.

October 22, 2016

Watch Where You Sit . . .

We were both up early this morning so I could finish all the paperwork we needed for SiteWatch.

The last thing I had to do was to get photos of myself and Jan as part of our application.

Here’s Jan’s great-looking photo.

Jan's Headshot2a

Mine I won’t post. I look like a homeless drug addict. Of course my excuse is that Jan took my photo and I took hers.

We were finally out the door a little before 10 to meet up with Tam, who was going to go over our duties at a SiteWatch gate. We spent a little over 2 hours checking the gate and the equipment.

The potty is on a separate trailer and has a flush toilet and a sink.

SiteWatch Flush Toilet Potty

SiteWatch Flush Toilet Potty 2

It even dispenses medical advice.

SiteWatch Urine Chart

And of course being a potty out in the wild, it even warns you to watch where you sit.

SiteWatch Watch Where You Sit

The guard shacks (apparently they’re referred to as ‘shelters’. Maybe ‘shack’ sounds too low class) are really nice.

SiteWatch Guard Shack

They’ve got 3 big windows, and as advertised, a refrigerator, microwave, and a color TV. And of course, they’re heated and air-conditioned. There is a desk running all the way across the narrow end opposite the door with plenty of room to lay all your stuff out.

About 12:30 we headed back into Kenedy, stopping to have the noon buffet at Barth’s, a local family dining place. Jan had the Chicken Strip Platter, while I had the Mexican-styled buffet with Beef Enchiladas, Carne Guisada, Rice, Beans, and Tortillas, as well as the soup and salad bar. Very Good.

And it got even better when Jan noticed that the Sunday buffet is Turkey and Dressing, and Fried Chicken, two of Jan’s favorites.

Guess where we’re eating lunch tomorrow?

Back at the rig, we both took naps, maybe our last ones for a while, before heading back out for a Wal-Mart run. And while we were there, Todd texted us with our first gate assignment.

Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday from 5:30pm to 5:30 am at the same gate we trained at today. How convenient.

For right now, we’ll both be working the gate at the same time. After that, who knows?

When we got back to the rig, Todd had left our SiteWatch red shirts and yellow safety vests on our rig step so we’re already to go for tomorrow evening.

October 22, 2017

Guess We Should Watch the Local Channels More . . .

We didn’t do much of anything today except just lounge around the rig.

About 2pm I did go down to the Ranger Station to checkout / check back in. Of course we’ll be leaving for Santa Fe on Thursday so we’ll only be here for 4 more days. But if we were to be staying up here we’d almost certainly be doing our week out staying here under Passport  America.

As long as we’re in Texas we usually can get the local Houston channels on our DirecTV spotlight, but it seems like we usually end up mostly watching the East Coast / West Coast network channels. And because of this we missed out on the fact that this weekend was the 2017 Wings over Houston Air Show at Ellington Field down in the Clear Lake area.

Before we started RV’ing in 2008 we went to the air show just about every year. With Jan being an Air Force brat, and my work for the DOD and NASA, we’re both really enjoy air shows. But due to not knowing when it was coming, and of course the fact that we were both under the weather this year, we missed out.

The last time we did make the Wings Over Houston Show was in October 2010 when we came home early due to Landon being being born. We got to see the Air Force Thunderbirds that year, who were also the Demonstration Team this year too.

Before that, the last air show we went to was at Eielson AFB near Fairbanks, AK in 2008 when we were up there. Since this was an Air Force show, of course we saw the Thunderbirds then too.

Of course over the years, we’ve also seen both the Navy Blue Angels and the Canadian Snowbirds.

Of course there’s always next year, I guess.

Concerning the Powerball drawing last night, (no I didn’t win. Nobody did.) several blog readers asked if I planned to live another 30 years since I would take the 30 annual payments as my payout. Well, actually, Yes. Yes I do.

I do plan to live a lot longer, if only based on genetics. My grandmother, my father’s mother, died at 89 after suffering a stroke while on a ladder painting her ceiling. My father died at 83 from a brain aneurysm caused by a known condition that I don’t have.

My mother died at 88 from an infection she got in the hospital after a hernia operation. All her brothers, her father and her mother, all lived to be in their late 80’s – early 90’s.

And Jan’s mother lived to be 86, so there’s long-livers on both our sides of the family.

But if I don’t quite make to the full 30 payments, it wouldn’t make any difference. If the winner dies before then, the rest of the money goes to a beneficiary or to the winner’s estate. So it still gets paid out.

Call me stubborn, but I plan to hang on until the very end.

October 22, 2018

It’s Good To Be Home . . .

We pulled out of Poche’s RV Park right at 10am, and were back out on I-10 about 15 minutes later.

Except for the really rough roads leaving Breaux Bridge, and then coming into Texas, it was pretty smooth sailing for the entire trip.

As I’ve mentioned before, from 1994 to 2005, I drove back to Birmingham once a month to check in on my mother. And I swear some of these same roads that were under construction back then, are still under construction now. They’re just never done.

And the section of I-10 leaving Lake Charles to the west is just as rough and potholed as it was back then.

Since we are going to be parked for a while, I wanted to top off the diesel tank before we got home, so we detoured down to La Marque and the Buc-ee’s there to fill up. As I was doing that, I also added a bottle of Diesel Kleen and a dollop of Biocide to keep the algae at bay during the cooler, damper winter weather.

After we unhooked the truck, Jan followed me back to our home site at the Petticoat Junction RV Park. Then after we got plugged in, we headed back out in the truck to have breakfast/dinner at the nearby Denny’s. Coming home, we stopped off to get our mail at the Santa Fe Post Office, before settling in for the night.

It’s Good To Be Home

Even though Tuesday’s not normally a client work day for me, I’m still going in tomorrow since I’ve been gone for almost three weeks, and I’m curious to see what cratered while I was gone.

Yesterday, after getting to Poche’s, we drove into Breaux Bridge to have dinner once again at Crazy ‘Bout Crawfish once again. And as before, Jan had the Grilled Catfish and Grilled Veggies,

Crazy Bout Crawfish Grilled Catfish and Grilled Veggies

while I had a cup of Seafood Gumbo,

Crazy Bout Crawfish Gumbo

and the super spicy Shrimp Boil.

Crazy Bout Crawfish Spicy Boiled Shrimp 2

And of course we had to finish it off by splitting an order of their Bread Pudding with Rum Sauce and Ice Cream.

Crazy Bout Crawfish Bread Pudding with Rum Sauce 2

October 22, 2020

Second Times The Charm . . .

No, not my oil leak. But back to that later.

As I mentioned the other day, our Absentee Ballots that had been mailed out to us on Sept 28th from Sioux Falls, SD. had never shown up over 3 weeks later. So Jan and I were thinking about checking nearby Dumpsters and ditches.

So this past Monday I put a call into the Minnehaha County Auditor to see about getting replacements. And a very nice lady didn’t seem to be surprised at our problem, and said new ballots would go out to us that day. So this afternoon coming home from Spring Creek BBQ we stopped off at the Santa Fe PO, and, what do you know?, our ballots were here.

And, according to the postmark, they were the ones that were just mailed out. The lady said to just tear up the second set, and use the first ones.

So they will go back out via Priority Mail tomorrow.

This afternoon I pulled the oil filter back off the rig, and was surprised to find that it was not full of oil like I expected. I loosened the 4 bolts on the oil head adapter and then retightened them to a little higher torque. Finally I refilled the filter with oil and got it installed.

Then after I got cleaned up we were off to have linner at Spring Creek BBQ over in the Victory Lakes area, our favorite local BBQ place. And as usual we both had the Baby Back Ribs with Beans and Beans.

Spring Creek BBQ Baby Back Ribs

Really, really good.

Then it was on over to the WalMart right next door for a few things. Well, actually a lot of things. And by the time I got home, it was kind of late to do the 1 hour high-idle test run, so we’ll do it tomorrow after I get home from work.


October 22, 2022

Long Day, A Lot Of Fun, And Good Friends . . .

So this is all you get tonight.

Trinity Bunch