They Never Learn . . .

I had my first PT session today and it went very well.

In fact, rather than being sore after my hour-long session like I feared, my back felt looser with more range of motion. And I even have homework.

I was sent home with these pages of exercises to do once a day.

For right now I’ll be going back once a week.

* * * * *

They Never Learn.

Santa Cruz Sugar Tax Faces Fight

Santa Cruz’s sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) tax measure is shaping up to be not only a battle over potentially higher soda prices, but also over a state law that bans cities from proposing measures like it at all.

City officials say Measure Z would promote a healthier community and a healthier democracy, while the opposition says it amounts to a regressive tax on consumers already struggling to get by.

Does anyone really believe this ‘tax’ is about ‘a healthier community and a healthier democracy’?

Or is it just the tax money?

The tax revenue would be placed in a general fund, but officials say the money will go towards improving parks, beaches and open spaces, as well as supporting health initiatives. A community oversight panel would also be created to make recommendations on how to spend the cash.

Here’s my take on this from a few years ago.

In other stupidity, the city of Philadelphia passed a ‘soda tax’ that took effect this past January. But unlike other cities that tax ‘sugary’ drinks, Philly is taxing everything non-alcoholic, fruit juice, diet drinks, anything with any sort of sweetener in it, artificial or otherwise at 1.5 cents per ounce.

In many cases it more than doubles the price of the drink,


and makes ‘soda’s more expensive than beer.

The mayor in pushing this bill though assured the public and the city council that the beverage distributors would absorb the cost of the tax and the public wouldn’t see any increase.

Unfortunately no one ask the beverage distributors about this. But even without eating the tax, they’re hurting anyway, with some reporting sales down nearly 50 percent, and both Coca Cola and PepsiCo having to lay people off.

And PepsiCo is no longer selling 12 pks and 2 liter bottle because they’re become so pricey no one is buying them anymore.

And now convenience stores and family grocery stores located near the city limits are starting to go under. If you going outside the city for your ‘soda’, why come back in the city for your gas, cigarettes, beer, etc.?

Oh, and the sales of alcoholic beverages have skyrocketed.

Who could have seen that coming?

Of course, not to be outdone, Cook County, IL (basically Chicago) had to get in on this largess of tax money. But they decided to cut the public a break and only tax ‘soda’ at 1 cent per ounce additional.

But then they already have a 3 percent soft drink sales tax as well as a 10.25 percent general sales tax. And it’s all cumulative. So you’re paying a tax on a tax on a tax.

And because many small business’ computer systems can’t handle all this taxing going on, people find that they’re paying the new tax on bottled water as well.

And now in one of those real ‘gotcha’ moments, the U.S Department of Agriculture is threatening to withhold $87 million in food stamp payments because of the new tax. Apparent food stamp recipients can not be charged this tax, since their purchases are supposed to be exempt from state and local sales taxes.

The city tried to have merchants charge the tax and then immediately refund the tax, but Ag Department said NO.

So the whole thing may go down in flames anyway.

Thought For The Day:

If you don’t terrify people a little bit, then what’s the point?

And Now On To Today’s Retro-Blogs.™

October 16, 2009


Heading out for lunch we stopped by the park laundry room and dropped off a bunch of magazines that I was finished with.

For lunch we drove over to Mishawaka to eat at Famous Dave’s BBQ again.  Except that Jan ordered a cheeseburger.

What’s up with that?

Leaving Famous Dave’s we stopped off at nearby Home Depot to pick up a new bathroom faucet. The one we have has a small drip that’s slowly getting worse, and it’s one of those ‘washerless’ faucets that can’t be repaired.  We also picked up a Christmas tree storage bag that I plan on using to store the satellite dish while we’re traveling.  The box it came in is slowly coming apart after almost two years on the road.

Then it was across the street to Walmart for more ‘stuff’.

Heading home, we stopped off at a Goodwill store near the park to drop off some games and kitchen stuff that Jan decided we didn’t need anymore.

We’re still looking for a food bank or someplace we can drop off some food stuff, as Goodwill doesn’t take food.

After that it was back to the rig.

It’s supposed to get down to 30 degrees tonight, so I disconnected our water line and drained it, just in case.  We just turn on our water pump and run on our internal 100 gallon tank.

Brrrr !!!!

October 16, 2010

Dams and Taxes, or Dam Taxes . . .

After getting home so late after the Alvin Opry, Jan and I both slept late, really late. We were lucky to be up before noon.

It’s not really the Opry that goes so late – it’s over by about 10:15 or so – but after it’s over, a bunch of us drive about 20 minutes away to an IHOP and grab a late bite to eat. Then from there it’s about 40 miles back to the rig.

Friday for me was Tax Day, since I always file for an extension. I never like to give the government my money any earlier than I have to.  And because of the way I have things laid out, I only had to send them an extra $82 this year. The reason I always file for an extension is that I have read from several former IRS agents that by filing later you are less likely to be audited. So far, it’s worked for me.

Here’s the latest Landon pic. Brandi said he was sleeping soundly until Kitty, the 105 pound Black Lab, came over and woke him up. Probably with a big, sloppy kiss.

Landon on Sofa 5

Saw in the news a couple of days ago that they’ve finally finished the new Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge. After next week when it formally opens, you will no longer be able to drive over the dam itself. Glad we got to do it several times in the last few years.


This photo shows it under construction. Note that, at this point they haven’t even started on the actual bridge roadway.

Based on what I saw I always thought it was a type of suspension bridge, like the Fred Hartman Bridge here in Houston.


But it turns out it’s not. The towers and cables were just to hold up the arch and roadway until everything was finished.

This is what the bridge looks like now.


It looks like it’ll be fun to drive over when we’re out there next year. Actually, I don’t think my wife Jan will be too happy.

I mean, what can I say? She doesn’t even like roller coasters.


And at Busch Gardens, this is considered the ‘kitty coaster’.

About 4:30 we headed up to Kemah to have dinner at Chili’s, and then after a quick stop at a client’s in Clear Lake, we did the weekly WalMart thing, and stocked up on stuff. Somehow, we keep buying stuff, using stuff, running out of stuff, and buying more stuff. It’s a vicious cycle, and personally, I think ‘Big Stuff’ is behind it all. You know, like ‘Big Oil’, or ‘Big Tobacco’.

‘Big Stuff’, it makes sense, right? I mean, somebody has to be to blame.

Well, the guy didn’t move out of our old site today, so I guess he re-upped for another month. I told Jan she might as well resign herself that Site 73 is going to be our home for the next 3-4 months, and not Site 80.

Here’s our old site 80.

Site 80 Big

And here’s site 73 where we are now.

Galveston Bay RV

Jan likes the island out there in front of 80 because she sees more birds.

We’ll have to see what happens.

October 16, 2011

He Be’s Busy . . .

Well, we’re now in our 4th day of rain and wind, and we finally got a small leak coming in under the slide. I suspect all the high wind has blown some water past the slide seals. Not enough to worry about though.

The RV/MH Hall of Fame is closed on Sunday, so since I couldn’t work there, I mostly goofed off on the Internet all day.

Today was a Landon-Skyping Sunday, but since he had a late nap, we didn’t get started until almost 5:30, but of course, better late than never in Landon-Skyping.

Our son-in-law Lowell got a new iPhone4S with the front and back cameras and is now using it to Skype. And the difference in picture quality is amazing.

Video call snapshot 378

Video call snapshot 379

Video call snapshot 381

Video call snapshot 382

Video call snapshot 388

Video call snapshot 395

Video call snapshot 397

Video call snapshot 399

Video call snapshot 398

One thing we can really see better is how much hair he actually has now, but it’s so blond it’s hard to see. Hopefully he inherited his father’s hair, and not his grandpa’s.

The other thing we noticed is how he never stops. He just runs everywhere. And this looks like something he did inherit from his grandpa.

When I was just a little older than Landon is now, my parents owned a motel on the beach at Gulf Shores, AL. One day my mother asked Annie May, one of the maids who helped her clean the cottages if she had seen me.

Annie May replied, “No, Ma’am, but wherever he be’s, he be’s busy!”

And so is Landon.

A little while after we finished Skyping, we all headed over to the North China Buffet to meet Al Hesselbart for dinner. With the addition of King Wha, we now have two favorite Chinese places here in Elkhart.

And now for another installment of . . .

Things Every RV’er should have:

You’ve probably all seen one of these, but may not have know what it’s for. It’s an AC Receptacle Tester, and should be used any time you plug your rig into a 20 or 30 amp AC receptacle.

AC Receptacle Tester

Of course if you plug it into 30 amp, you’ll need to use a 30 to 20 amp adapter like one of these.

30 to 20 amp adapter

But however you plug it in, it will tell you if your outlet is wired correctly and safe to use. Depending on the age of your rig, and how the outlet is wired or mis-wired, it can be dangerous to plug into an outlet that has the hot and neutral wires reversed. There can also be a similar problem if your outlet has an open ground.

Either of these conditions can possibly cause the metal in your rig to become hot and give you a shock if you touch it while grounded.

The tester is very simple to use. Just plug it in and check the 3 lights on the end. If you have 2 yellow lights, you’re good to go. Any other pattern of lights indicates a problem. And the light code is printed on the side of the tester so It’s easy to know what’s going on.

If no lights are visible, then the outlet is dead. Used this way inside your rig, it makes it easy to find the popped GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) or circuit breaker controlling the dead outlet,

While parking people at a rally in Celina, OH last month, I used one to check the outlets as I parked people. I found 3 outlets that were wired incorrectly and reported them to the fairgrounds.

You can get a tester from Amazon for less than $8.  AC Receptacle Tester

And you can also find them at your local hardware store.

If you don’t have 30 to 20 Amp Adapter, you can get one from Amazon also.

October 16, 2012

Dockside Grill . . .

The other day when we were visiting the Fredericksburg Battlefield Visitors Center, we saw this little mini CruiseAmerica Class C. I didn’t realize they even made them this small.

Mini Cruise America

The one we rented back in 2007 for our first RV trip was a good bit bigger. And it was small enough to ensure that we wanted a 40ft coach.


Our Internet access has been slow here so I decided to put up my Wilson dB Pro 65 Amplifier & Antenna system to see if it would help.

Wilson Outside Antenna

After getting it set up, it does seem to have sped things up.

Tomorrow I’ll spend some time trying to aim it toward a different cell tower. I think the one we’re connecting to is overloaded, thus slowing down our speed.

Hopefully I can speed things up even more tomorrow.

Around 2pm the park guy came by to tell us that the park water would be off this evening and tomorrow due to a pump problem, and that we needed to fill our fresh water tanks to get us by.

Low water pressure has been a continuing problem since we’ve been here. Hopefully this repair will help things.

Around 5pm we all headed out for dinner, along with Janis and Lenny Thomas, on our way to Dockside Grill for some more good seafood. However when we got there we found them closed on Tuesdays. So it was back to Hunan Chinese for some more great Chinese food.

October 16, 2014

Nice, but Busy . . .

Very, Very, Busy.

Once the rain passed through the other day, we had a string of very nice days, with more to come on the horizon. With temps in the mid-70’s to low 80’s, and low humidity, it makes ideal gate weather. And the nighttime temps in the 50’s still aren’t bad either.

But the gate traffic has been . . . well, let’s just say, HEAVY. But the end is in sight.

After a couple of days in the 320+ range, yesterday and today tapered off a little to around 290. But it looks like one frack job is finishing up, and they’ve already started to pull equipment out, so we should see a sharp drop-off in the next day or two. At least the sand trucks have stopped coming in for that frack. But the other frack has about another week to go, or so we’ve been told. We’ll see.

I was feeling a little under the weather this morning so no grocery run today, but I’m pretty sure I’ll go tomorrow. We’ve gotten so much delicious catered food from Ama’s that we haven’t used much of our own, so we don’t need a lot.

And according to our logs, Ama’s has been going to the frack that’s got a week to go, so hopefully our food drop-offs have a week to go also. We can only hope.

With the nicer weather, Mister is spending more time outside with me in the afternoons. Of course this is how he spends it.

Mister Asleep on the Gate

Not really great company, though.

We had another cattle stampede this afternoon. A herd of them came down the road, milled around for a while, and then headed along the berm beside the rig.

Gate Cows 1

Gate Cows 2

Then they headed back along the fence line and out of sight.

If you’re a Star Trek fan, especially of The Original Series (TOS), you might be interested in these two books. And the third season is on the way.

These Are The Voyages: TOS

Even better, if you’re a Kindle Unlimited member, you can read them free.

They’re the inside story of the creation of Star Trek, the fight to get it on the air, the infighting between Gene Roddenberry and NBC, why there were actually two pilots made, how the scripts got changed and rewritten, why Spock ended with a yellowish complexion, rather than the original reddish one, and even what Lucy did to save the Star Trek.

Each script is dissected, showing how it evolved, and what went into getting it into final form and on the air.

With interviews with the stars, the writers, and the crew, memos between the network and Gene Roddenberry, and Nielsen ratings that show it wasn’t the ratings failure NBC said it was, these books, both over 650 pages, have to be everything you want to know about ST:TOS.

As Spock might say, “Fascinating”.

(Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)

October 16, 2015

A Last Minute Change of Heart . . .

When I got up about 10:30 am, I found that ‘Billy’ Claus had delivered my packages from Amazon. So, resisting the temptation to open the box that contained my new Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ70 camera (easy to tell which one it was because it had a big ‘Lithium-Ion Battery’ warning label on it), I opened the one with my replacement Mighty Mule Driveway Alarm in it first. Then it was off down the road to get it installed.

It only took about 5 minutes to change out the sensor and the transmitter, but I just reused the mounting poles. Getting it all squared away, I came back to the rig and plugged in the new receiver and power supply. But then in hurry up and wait mode, it was almost 15 minutes before a vehicle came past that showed it was now working. Hopefully that’ll be it for a while.

Today being Friday, it was another Wal-Mart/Lunch day. Before I went in to sleep at 7am, Jan had said she wanted a Sonic Chili Cheese Coney and an order of Ched’R Peppers for lunch, but by the time I was ready to head into Carthage about 11:15, the call of the burger was just too strong, so it was off to Whataburger instead.

The Wal-Mart here in Carthage is one of those ‘mini’ SuperCenters, so it’s laid out kind of weird, but now that I’ve finally got the hang of the place I can get in and out pretty quickly now. So I was at Whataburger by a little after noon.

But this time, for the first time, they completely screwed up our order. Jan and I each order a #6 Double Meat Whataburger Jr. w/Cheese, and I add Bacon to mine. But what we got wasn’t that.

Jan got a big Whataburger (Sr.??), but a single meat, and with no cheese. I got my Whataburger Jr., but also a single with no cheese. So, a disappointment, but still delicious.

Later in the afternoon, I finally had a chance to open the new camera box. As I mentioned before, it’s a Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ70 like this.

Lumix DMC FZ70 camera

The first thing I did was to get the battery charging while I threaded the strap and the lens cap onto the camera. Then I perused the manual for a while, waiting to get enough charge on the battery to try it out.

And I found a lot of neat, new features, like a built-in Panorama function with a guideline to help you keep the camera level as you pan it. And I’m sure you’ve seen those ‘artsy’ shots where the subject is in sharp focus in front of a blurred background. Well without getting into a bunch of technical stuff about aperture and depth of field, the FZ70 has a quick and simple way to do this on the fly. Neat.

One thing I hope they’ve improved is a better (easier) manual focus. Manual focus is usually needed when you’re trying to take a picture of an animal behind cage bars or a chain link fence. The camera generally tries to focus on the fence, and not on the animal. But with manual focus you can almost make the bars or fence fade out.

But the one on my old FZ28 was kind of clumsy to use. So hopefully this FZ70 will be better.

By now I had enough charge on the battery to check things out, so inserting my new 128GB memory card and the battery, I gave it a try. And I was VERY impressed.

The lens on here is really good, and the image stabilization is fantastic. I’ll have some shots in the next few days showing the difference between my old Lumix and my new one.

One thing I noticed was that the camera says that my 128GB card will hold 19,803 pictures. WOW! This is almost as many photos as we took in the entire seven years we had the FZ28 Lumix.

With that one we’ve taken 23,629 photos in that time, averaging a little more than 9 per day. Of course that’s more like 150 one day, and then none for the next week.

But it’s still a lot.

Jan had been taking a few pictures recently, some with the old camera, and some with the new one.

Here’s a sunset she took with the old camera about a week ago.

Jan's Sunset on the Gate

And here’s a few she took with the new one this evening when some visitors passed by. The landowner had released some cows and donkeys out into our pasture area, and Jan got a few shots as they came by the canopy. One thing to note is that it was after 7pm when these were taken with the new camera.

Cow's on the Gate2

Cow's on the Gate

And a couple of donkeys wandered by too.

Donkey's on the Gate

The landowner’s son said the gray one is almost 45 years old. He said they bought it when he was 15, and the donkey was 21 years old. Now Billy’s in his late 30’s, and the donkey’s still going strong, although he had lost all his teeth. He looks like he’s still eating pretty good, though.

I didn’t realize donkeys could live that long, but Google says 30 to 50 years. Who knew?

October 16, 2016

On Pins and Needles . . .

We’re still hoping to hear from the SiteWatch guy tomorrow morning, and I guess it’s possible that we could be on our way down to the Karnes City / Kenedy area tomorrow afternoon.

So I spent some time this afternoon looking over RV parks in that area in case we have to move in a hurry,

Debbie Clark did post a photo of one of Gate Guard Services guard shacks (I didn’t even know that GGS had guard shacks)

GGS Guard Shack

Seems a little small. I really hope ours is a little larger. Someone else who works for Guard 1 says theirs is 10 x 12. Now that’s more like it.

I wonder if we’ll get a flag too.

Speaking of possibly traveling tomorrow, Miss Karma has finally gotten used to traveling in the rig. This last trip over from Lake Conroe she spent a large part of the trip sleeping on the floor between Jan and me.

Much different than her first trip from Colorado River back over to Lake Conroe right after we adopted her back in February. Then she spent the entire trip hiding under the dining table, yowling most of the time.

About 4pm Jan and I headed into Columbus to have dinner at Los Cabos, a really good local Mexican place. Earlier in the afternoon, knowing he was ‘batching’ it this week, I walked over to Dick and Judy Mott’s to see if Dick wanted to go with us, but he was otherwise occupied, but we did spend a good while before I headed back home.

Jan got her favorite Fajita Beef Stuffed Avocado, with rice and a cup of tortilla soup.

Los Cabos Stuffed Avocado 2

For my part, I got the Beef Fajita Poblanos, a dish I haven’t had for a while, but always really enjoy.

Los Cabos Fajitas Poblanos2

And of course, Los Cabos more than meets my minimum Mexican restaurant requirements.

They’ve got to have good iced tea with no off-flavors or taste.

And they’ve got to have good chips and salsa.

If they cover these, I can forgive a lot.

October 16, 2018

Starry, Starry Night . . .

We were off about 10:30, earlier than normal, because this was going to be a roadtrip day.

After some shopping finally about 1pm we headed out for Mt. Dora, FL, about 75 miles away. Jan wanted to check off another item on her bucket list.

She’s been wanting to see the Starry Night house, i.e. The Van Gogh house, there. (Hey, what can I say? She’s checked off so many things over the years, it’s getting to be a short list).

Starry Night House 1

Initially the owners painted just the wall in front of the house with a replica of Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” to please and ‘soothe’ their 25 year old autistic son. The city of Mt. Dora immediately tried to force them to paint over the wall, fining them $100 a day until it was done.

Told that the wall had to match the rest of the house, the owners took them at their word . . .  and painted the rest of the house to match the wall.

At various times the city tried to label the house a ‘sign’ and then also ‘graffiti’. After winning a couple of initial court tussles, the Pacific Legal Foundation stepped in on the side of the owner’s, citing Free Speech rights, and the dominos started falling.

And by the time the last one ‘plopped’, the city was out almost $60,000 in legal fees, and paid the owner’s $15,000.

Oh, and they also cancelled the $10,000 of $100 daily fees, too.

So now the house is all Van Gogh all the time.

Starry Night House 2

Starry Night House 3

Starry Night House 4

Jan and I, both Van Gogh fans, think it’s really neat.

I wonder how our RV would look painted like that?

After hitting a couple of antique mall/stores, where Jan added to her cloud of octopuses with a couple of new additions, it was on back over to Sanford where we had dinner at the Longhorn Steakhouse there.

I had my usual 12 oz. Ribeye, mine with Broccoli,

Longhorn Sanford Ribeye

while Jan had her fav New York Strip.

Tomorrow will be mostly a stay-at-home day, where we’ll work on some more projects before going out to eat.

October 16, 2020

Long Sleeve Weather . . .

This morning it was 62° when we got up this morning, and didn’t get any warmer during the day. So today was my first long-sleeve shirt day of the season.

But, remember, this is Texas, so tomorrow is back in the low 80’s.

Oh, well.

But whatever the temps, I’ll be back under the rig tomorrow afternoon to try and get things finished up. First I’m going to run the tap back through the one bad hole and then try to install a new Helicoil.

Then if that goes OK, I’m going to use a 120 grit nylon end brush like this,

Nylon End Brush

to burnish the flange before I’ll be ready to install the adapter head. Since it worked before, for at least for 150 miles, 100 miles longer than any other time, I going to again use Permatex Ultra Black sealer on the gasket. But a wiped-thin coat this time, rather than a thick bead like last time.

After I get it all tightened down, I’ll reinstall the oil filter and then I’ll be ready to try a high-idle test for about an hour. Then we’ll be ready to schedule our test drive.

October 16, 2021

Smoke, Smoke That . . .

Jan and I headed out for lunch about 12:30, a little earlier than normal because we had haircut appointments at 2. But since we were having BBQ at Spring Creek right across I-45 it wasn’t a problem.

Then after a great lunch of Ribs and Brisket, and getting our trims, it was on to WalMart for a few things, finally stopping off at Cowboy Coffee on the way home.

October 16, 2022

10 People, 4 Cars, 3 Hotels, and A

Partridge In A Pear Tree.

Well, no partridge, so how about a peacock?

Animal World Snake Farm Peacock

After a very fun day at the Animal World & Snake Farm in New Braunfels, and then a really fun meal at Magic Time Machine last night, we wrapped things up this morning with a breakfast wrap-up at Domingo’s, a really good restaurant right on the Riverwalk.

Domingo's Riverwalk

Located in the Canopy Hotel, we all met there at 9am for a great meal, though I’m not sure quite sure about the whole Broom motif thing of the dining room.

Domingo's Brooms.2

Jan had what she said was probably the best Avocado Toast she’s ever had.

Domingo's Jan Avocado Toast

I got their Breakfast Burrito, also very tasty with egg, bacon, jalapenos, cheese, onions, and a bunch of other stuff.

Domingo's Greg Breakfast Burrito

Several of us got their Churro Waffles, which it seems they’re somewhat famous for.

Domingo's Churro Waffles

They shared a couple of bites with Jan and me, and boy was it good.

And probably 3000 calories.

We got some time to talk with Miss Piper & Derek since they were sitting across from Jan and me.

Domingo's Piper and Derek

Piper is now doing psychological counseling and interviews for prospective foster families and is looking at starting down the Master’s/Ph.D. path. While Derek is hoping to have his Master Electrician License soon. So maybe a two Master’s family.

Note no Landon or Sophie. It seems that they were still sound asleep back at the hotel. So they really missed out.

Domingo's Family San Antonio

After a lot of hugs and goodbyes, we went our separate ways from Domingo’s, with everyone ready to head home after a really fun family get-together.

Tomorrow I’ll go back and start catching you up on Saturday’s adventures.

October 16, 2023

Well, That Was Strange . . .

Work today consisted of trying to get my new (to me) Dell computer set up, and I immediately ran into a problem.

The computer only had a HDMI video output and my old Acer monitor only had DVI and VGA inputs. So I started checking out our spare monitors and found only Jennifer’s monitor had an HMDI input, so since her computer did have a DVI output, I temporarily swapped them out.

Only to then discover that since we weren’t using HDMI on any of our computers, we didn’t have any HDMI cables, so it was off to Best Buy so I could start setting up the new one.

I also went on Amazon and ordered this new Acer 24” Monitor that was supposed to be delivered between 2 and 6pm this afternoon.

Acer 23.8” Full HD 1920 x 1080 IPS Zero Frame Home Office Computer Monitor

A great deal for only $99.

So now I got started on tracking down and installing all the software I’ll need. A real pain.

Later after getting home, I checked the Amazon tracking about 6pm and found my monitor was 2 Stops Away. And then suddenly the little van icon disappeared from the map. A few minutes I got a message saying that my monitor was delayed and would not be delivered until 6pm TOMORROW night. So what happened?

My first thought was that the delivery van ran out of charge. But I was OK since I just needed it by Wednesday morning.

Then about 15 minutes later, there was a knock at the rig door with Amazon delivering my monitor.


Tonight looks to be our coldest so far this season, with lows in the mid-40s tonight. It did make it down to 49° last night.

Good sleeping weather!

Still going through all the AirShow photos, so hopefully tomorrow night.






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