Driftwood BBQ . . .

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At work today I was back on the the translation of our new epilator manual from Turkish to English, starting with the Google translation and then going through and cleaning it up into colloquial American English, which is not always easy, believe me.

Later in the afternoon, I drove over to the Houston’s Physician’s Hospital to get my 6-month follow-up X-rays after my Lumbar Fusion back last September. Only took about 20 minutes before I was done and on my way.

* * * * *

Getting back down to our Santa Fe area, I made a dinner stop at the newly-opened Driftwood BBQ

Don’t know if the “Driftwood” is an homage to the famed Salt Lick BBQ located in Driftwood, TX near Austin. Salt Lick is so good that Brandi and Lowell had their wedding reception there back in 2010.

But though Driftwood was good, it wasn’t quite ‘Salt Lick’ good.

Jan had a Turkey Plate with two Green Beans, while I had a Two Meat Plate with Brisket & Ribs, along with the Green Beans and BBQ Beans.

The meat was tasty but the sauce was disappointing.

Since they’ve only been open a few days, we’ll wait a while before we go back to give them a chance to settle down.

* * * * *

Looks like the 5G in our area is finally getting up to speed. The last time I checked back around the end of January, it was running about 8Mbps. So this is much better. However in other areas, I have seen speeds of over 450Mbps.

So they’ve got a ways to go.

* * * * *

Tomorrow looks to be Hot Dogs from Doggone Crazy over in Bacliff, and then Wal-Mart on the way home.

Thought for the Day:

When you’re at Walmart and your Support Possum refuses to wear his little vest and walk on a leash.

Support Possum

And Now On To Today’s Retro-Blogs.™

March 19, 2009

Another quiet day in Gulf Shores, AL …

Another quiet day of retirement. We read, watched TV, and played on the computer.

Sometime during the early afternoon, we lost water pressure here in the park, but we turned on our water pump and ran on our internal 100 gal. tank until it came back on later.

About 2:30 we headed to up Foley to see Inkheart at a local theatre. It stars Brendan Fraser, the guy in the Mummy movies.  It was strange, but good.  I like a movie that you can’t really anticipate what’s going to happen, and this was it.

After the movie we had foot-long chili cheese dogs at Sonic and then headed home to more reading, watching TV and playing on the computer.

What can I say?

March 19, 2010

Hoover Dam Fine Mexican Food…

We headed out about 11:15am for a day of fun and frolic. Well, maybe just fun.

Our first stop was WalMart for Jan, while I ran into a RadioShack next door to look for some parts for a project.

Then we headed out toward Boulder City, which is on the way to Lake Mead and Hoover Dam.  And we very quickly hit the bumper-to-bumper traffic leading up to the dam.


It took us about an hour to creep our way to the Dam area, but the spectacular scenery made up for it.

We were going out here, not to see the Hoover Dam, since we had toured it two years ago, but we wanted to see the progress on the new suspension bridge being built to bypass traffic around the Dam.

I had heard the bridge was going to open in November of this year and we wanted to see how it had changed in the last two years.

When we turned the corner and got a first glimpse of the bridge it looked like they were almost finished.

Dam Bridge 1

Then we saw this.

Dam Bridge 2

In doing some checking, I read that the bridge is supposed to be finished in August and the approach road will be finished in November, when the entire thing is supposed to open.

Somehow I don’t think the bridge will be finished in 5 months. Besides these two unfinished sections, there is a smaller unfinished section on the left side.

Dam Bridge 3

The article said the project is on schedule.

Dam Bridge 4

I’ll say this. If they do manage to finish it in 5 months,  I’m not sure I want to drive over it.

We turned around at the Dam and headed back, encountering much less traffic. Stopping off at the Lake Mead Visitor’s Center to use the bathroom, we also enjoyed the scenic view and the desert landscaping.





We also saw what we think was a family of Cactus Wrens in the palm trees around the Visitor’s Center.



Leaving the Visitor’s Center we headed down to Lake Mead itself.



Then leaving Lake Mead, we headed back toward Las Vegas and a Camping World along the way.

By this time we were getting hungry, so we headed over to Lindo Michoacán, a restaurant listed as the best Mexican restaurant in Las Vegas.

And they were right.  It was great!  Jan said her Shrimp Enchiladas were fantastic and my Carnitas a la Coca-Cola, pork chunks cooked in a sauce containing Coke, was a real treat.

And the view looking out over the city was something too.  We will definitely come back here, hopefully at night to see the city lights.


After stopping off at a NAPA Auto Parts store, we headed home.

Then a couple of hours later, when we thought we were settled in for the night, we went back out for ice cream.

Isn’t RV’ing fun!

March 19, 2011

Da Boyz and Skyping …

After coffee about 10, and leftover Da Boyz spaghetti and pizza at 11, about 12:15 we did our first two-way Skype call with Landon, Brandi, and Lowell. We had done a Skype call two weeks ago, but Landon couldn’t see us since we didn’t have our camera yet. But now we do.

Landon Skype 3

And it was obvious he could see us now, as he kept laughing and reaching for the laptop screen when we talked to him.

Landon Skype 4

And he’s sitting up pretty much on his own now. And at 7 months, he’s gotten so tall he’s wearing 12-month sizes now.

Landon Skype 8

Day before yesterday, Brandi sent this really cute video of Landon waking up in the morning. I finally decided to set up a YouTube account to make it easier to post videos here.  Enjoy!

After our adventure in Skyping, I got back to work on pulling up the last of the carpet so I could finally start laying our new Allure laminate flooring. The only carpet left is what’s under the driver’s seat, so I removed the four bolts holding the seat to the mounting plate,

Chair 2

and then the single large bolt that holds the plate to the coach floor.

Chair 1

Work, work, work.

On another note, one of our favorite TV shows is “My Life is A Zoo” on NatGeo Wild. On DirecTV, it’s channel 283. On Dish or cable, your mileage may vary.

It’s the story of Bud and Carrie, who own and operate the DeYoung Family Zoo in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan near the town of Wallace, which is only about a mile or so out of Wisconsin. And it’s a place we hope to visit later this year as we head back in that direction.

Anyway, in one of those weird coincidences, a 5’er had pulled in next to us earlier in the day, and then later I was outside talking to them.

When they said they were from the UP, I mentioned that we had heard the area was beautiful, and planned to visit there this year. I then commented that one of the places we wanted to visit was the DeYoung Family Zoo near Wallace.

The husband smiled and said he knew exactly where it was, because Carrie, was his son-in-law’s niece.

Carrie and Bud

(Cue the Twilight Zone theme here)

Later, I went back to carefully pulling up the carpet. I say carefully, because I need to leave the carpet that rises up under the pedals, since the laminate won’t bend up like that.

Dinner tonight was at eegee’s, a local chain that has great sandwiches and fruit drinks.

Coming home, we stopped by Wal-Mart for stuff and then were home by about 7.

Around 10:30 I went outside to get some photos of the Supermoon that occurs tonight. The Supermoon is just when the moon happens to be full when it’s also at the closest point to the Earth in its orbit. And this is the closest it’s been in 18 years.

Despite all the hype about earthquakes and other natural disasters because the moon is so close, it’s only 1/4000 of a percent closer than it was last year. So fat chance.


Tomorrow looks to be another “work around the rig” day. I want to keep working on the floor, and I need to check the water level in our coach batteries.

More tomorrow from sunny Tucson . . .

March 19, 2012

It’s SNOWING! Well, kind of . . .


One mousy down, ??? to go

According to the weather radar, it was snowing all around us today, and even right above us. But since it was only in the mid-40’s, it never reached the ground here.

About noon Jan and I headed out for lunch and a hardware store run. Our first choice for lunch was Chuy’s, a few miles north of here on Houghton Rd, but it turned out to be out of business. I’d swear I saw cars there a few days ago.

So our second choice was a nearby Bruegger’s Bagels. We first ate at a Bruegger’s up in Fairbanks, AK in 2008, and later, several others around the country. They have great soup and sandwiches, and are well worth a try.

After lunch we made a spur-of-the-moment trip to the Fry’s right across the parking lot for a few things, then it was down the road to Ace Hardware.

I was looking for two things . . . a water hose quick connect set, and mouse traps. Yes, we have a mouse, or maybe mice, I don’t know yet.

Jan had noticed holes in a couple of chip bags, but since one of our cats has been known to nibble on bread bags, etc., she got the blame (the cat, not Jan). But after checking the bottom of the lower slide-out pantry, we found holes in cracker boxes that had not been out of the cabinet, and after removing the basket and looking at the bottom of the cabinet, we found droppings. Rut, Roh.

Coming back into the fairgrounds, we pulled in behind Tom and Barb Westerfield and their RV, as they pulled in to register at the fairground’s office. Then a few minutes later they were parked two spaces down from us, getting set up.

Getting back to our rig, I baited two of the four traps I bought with peanut butter, placed them in the cabinet, and closed the door. All I had to do now was wait for the loud ‘snap’.

About 5:30 Jan and I headed out to meet with Tom and Barb, at Texas Roadhouse for dinner. We had our usual great meal, along with a lot of fun and conversation.

Jan and I got home a little before 8pm and found there had apparently been a loud ‘snap’ while we were gone, and a dead mousy was in one of the traps. That’s one.

After disposing of the mousy corpse, I reset the trap and put down the other two in the open wall space behind the cabinet. We’ll see what we find tomorrow morning.

The Weather Channel says it’s supposed to go down to 33 tonight, but since it’s already 35 here at midnight, I think it might get colder. We’ll see.


March 19, 2013

The Circus Must Be In Town . . .

A Camp Host showed up a little before noon with some packages from Amazon. One of them was my dually tire extensions

Dually Tire Extensions

It only took a few minutes to get them installed and ready to go. Next time I have some tire work done I’m going to make sure I get my own extensions back.

A little after noon Chris and Charles headed out in their rig to the Freightliner shop to have some work done.

After they got back a few hours later, Jan and I went next door so I could work on Chris and Charles’ website for the GMAC insurance and Good Sam’s RV products that they sell. We made a good bit of progress before we decided it was time for supper.

So a little before 5pm we all headed out to have dinner at Silver Saddle SteakHouse, rated one of the best steakhouses in Tucson. And if you don’t believe it, you can watch them grill your steak right off the dining room.

Silver Saddle Grill

Chris, Charles, and I all had the Combo Platter, which had ribs, chicken, and steak. You can’t get much better than that. Jan had a Sirloin Steak that she said was delicious.

Silver Saddle Combo Plate

This is one place we’re sure to go every time we visit Tucson.

As we were leaving the restaurant, Jan was talking to a friend on her cell phone and was trying to get outside so she could hear better. But as she was waiting at the door, a string of about 20-25 people came streaming in, one after the other. Finally, frustrated that she couldn’t get outside, Jan turned to me and said, “Are they coming out of a clown car?” Unfortunately, she said it a little louder than she intended and the guy holding the door open for everyone gave us a dirty look.

I tried to see if he was wearing really large shoes but he clopped away before I could get a look.

Getting back to our rigs, we sat around for a while at Chris and Charles’ before finally heading home about 8.

Tomorrow we’re meeting our local friends Al and Adrienne for lunch at Grimaldi’s Pizzeria. We haven’t seen them since last year so it will be good to see them again.

March 19, 2014

BLT’s and Brûlée . . .

Jan and I headed down south for Clear Lake about 9:45am, with our first stop planned for lunch at King Food. But with just a couple of blocks to go, Jan decided she wanted Twin Peaks instead, so I turned right instead of left. Fine with me. Good food and a beautiful woman to take care of me.

And the waitresses are kind of cute, too.

Unfortunately, Lauren, our usual waitress, wasn’t there, so we had to make do with Tabby, but she was great. And as Lauren mentioned the last time we were there, they no longer carry the Average Joes, the mini sausage dogs.

Twin Peaks Average Joes

So I had to make do with their new Sourdough BLT that comes with a cup of Spicy Tomato Soup. Really good, and my new favorite.

Leaving Twin Peaks, we stopped at the storeroom so I could drop off some of the stuff I’ve been removing from the basement that we still want to save. Then after a quick stop by a client’s office, I dropped Jan off for her doctor’s appointment while I ran more errands, with stops at Sam’s Club for our prescriptions, Wal-Mart for groceries, and our son’s house for the mail.

Then it was back to wait for Jan to get finished at the doctor’s. I used the time to catch up on my magazine reading for a change, rather than my Kindle.

When Jan was finished, we headed up to Katy, to have dinner with Brandi, Lowell, and Landon at Little V’s Vietnamese Bistro, our new favorite Vietnamese place (well, it’s actually our only favorite Vietnamese place).

Everyone pretty much got their usual, including my Shaking Beef Bowl.

Little V's Shaking Beef Bowl

Tender beef, vermicelli noodles, and crispy fresh veggies. Really good.

One thing we did differently this time was to have dessert, but just a little bit, kind of along the lines of those dessert ‘shooters’ that some places have now. ‘mini’ desserts.

And this one was a delicious Crème Brûlée, but on a small scale. The dessert consists of six large serving spoons resting on a plate, each one filled with rich cream custard.

Little V's Creme Brulee

Next sugar is sprinkled on top and then caramelized, usually with a propane torch.

So what you get is a creamy custard, capped with a thin crunchy caramel shell. Very, very good, with a spoonful for everyone. (well, some of us got more than one.) Just the right way to finish off a great meal.

After saying our goodbyes, and getting gas next door to the restaurant, we headed back up to Willis, getting home a little before 9pm.

When we got to Brandi’s I was happy to see all the stuff I had ordered. Besides the things from Amazon, I got my new Fantastic Vent Motor and Fan kit,

Fantastic Vent Fan and Motor

and finally, the shear pins for fixing the slide.

Slide Shear Pins

Hard to believe one of these small pins could cause so much trouble.

The fan motor should be pretty easy to replace. Just 4 screws, remove the old one and install the new one. We’ll see

I’ve got so many things on my plate that it might be a couple of days before I get around to replacing the pins.

March 19, 2015

AJ and Santa Fe . . .

Jan and I were up about 6:30 this morning, getting ready to move up to Apache Junction, and the Santa Fe RV Park. Although we weren’t leaving until 10-10:30, and I’d already stored the water and sewer hoses, and packed other stuff away, we were up this early so we could meet our friends Al & Adrienne for breakfast at the Voyager Grill.

Al & Adrienne

The couple of other times we’ve eaten here, it’s been very good, and this morning was no exception. Plus we got to spend a lot more time with Al & Adrienne. But finally it was time to get on the road.

We pulled out of our site a little before 10am, and hooked up the toad in a special lane set up near the park exit. Then a couple of miles down the road, we stopped off at the Pilot/Flying J for diesel. And I was happy to see a $2.60 a gallon price, too.

I again really appreciated our Good Sam Pilot RV Plus Card because it gave us 7 cents a gallon off the Cash Price. Why anybody who RV’s doesn’t have this card, I don’t know.

Pilot Plus Card Prices

Note the difference in the prices between the Good Sam’s Loyalty Card and RV Plus Card. 3 cents a gallon vs. the 7 cents a gallon I got today. And the regular Pilot MyRewards that a lot of RV’ers have, only gives the same 3 cents. And the RV Plus card doesn’t cost anything. Just apply.

Back on the road, we took the back way up to Apache Junction, using SR77 and SR79 as our route. Much more scenic than the Interstate. We had some traffic before we left the outskirts of Tucson, but it wasn’t bad. Then it was just miles and miles of saguaros and chollas.

We pulled into the Santa Fe RV Park around 2pm and got set up. We’ll only be here for three days before we move a few miles away to the Countryside RV Resort, an Encore park, where we’ll stay for another 2 weeks before heading up to Verde Valley.

Later we had dinner at the #1 Eastern Chinese Buffet off of Signal Butte. We’ve eaten here several times and it’s always really good. The place stays so busy that the food doesn’t stay on the steam tables very long before it’s replaced. And they have a very wide selection, too. So hopefully we’ll have a chance to eat here again.

Don’t know that we have anything really scheduled for tomorrow, so I’ll probably work on a couple of projects.

March 19, 2016

Thought I Had It Fixed . . .

But No.

It was really nice to sleep in this morning for the first time in months, or maybe it was just since last week, but anyway, it was nice.

After goofing off most of the morning and early afternoon, I went out to the truck to take a further look at my AC / Condenser Fan problem. But before I did anything else, I thought I’d take a minute to check out the relays and fuses in the Power Distribution Center under the hood.

And for a few minutes, I thought I’d found the problem, and a quick, easy, and no-cost fix. The perfect kind of fix.

When I started checking the relays, this is what I first saw.

Loose Relay_thumb[1]

This relay, labeled ‘AC’ was just sitting there, only barely plugging into its socket. Could it be this easy?

Well . . .  No!

I plugged it back in, started the car, and still had no A/C. Bummer.

Note that all these relays are identical, so as a further test, I unplugged the one labeled “Fog Lamps” (it wasn’t foggy) and plugged that one into the AC spot. And again, no luck.

So next I started trying to track down where the condenser fan gets its power. I can see it coming out of the bottom of the fan and going back under the radiator, but can’t find where it comes out. It may be that I’ll have to put power into the output contacts on the fan control relay socket, but I’ll need more time with the schematics before I can be sure.

I’ve got both the Chilton and Haynes manuals, so between the two I should be able to trace it out.

Back after Christmas I was complaining about the cost of the refills for the Touch Free Soap Dispenser our daughter Brandi gave us for Christmas.

Touch Free Smart Soap_thumb[5]

The refills run anywhere from $8 to $15 so I was looking for a cheaper solution. We finished our first one up a while back and so I saved the empty one to play with later.

The first thing I discovered was that the plastic lid just pops off, and was not press-fitted on like I figured, so I got a bottle of SoftSoap to refill it with.

SoftSoap Refill_thumb[1]

Overall the refill works pretty well, but it doesn’t foam up like the original stuff. So I may experiment with different brands. But $1.98 is a better price than $8 to $15.

I noted several of you bought the book I recommended, The Toaster Oven Mocks Me, and wondered if you enjoyed it as much as Jan and I did.

Let me know.

March 19, 2017

Mark The Date On Your Calendar . . .

Oil Field Gate Guarding for Fun? and Profit

Wednesday, March 22nd

11:30 – 12:30

Old Pueblo Rm 4

Mark your schedule for our seminar

After our morning coffee and a little quiet time, Jan and I headed over to the Escapade at the Pima County Fairgrounds. Surprisingly we had no problems finding a parking space very near Old Pueblo Hall, where all the vendors are set up.

We weren’t even in the door before we started running into old friends, in some cases, ones that we haven’t seen since the last Escapade here two years ago.

We spent the next couple of hours wandering the vendor aisles, again running into old friends. Jan went one way and I went another, making a first pass up and down the rows, mentally marking booths I wanted to check out further at a later time.

I did go ahead and sign up for an Arizona Concealed Carry class on Tuesday afternoon with Bryon Hibshman of TravelingCCW.com. Bryon, a former LEO for 29 years, is a NRA Certified Instructor, and gives CCW classes at RV rallies around the country.

In fact, I got my Utah non-resident CCW with him at a rally’s back in 2010. But when it expired in 2015 I was unable to renew it due to a change in Utah’s rules.

Later we ended up having lunch with Daisy and Chip Cartwright, old friends of Chris and Charles Yust. It was a lot of fun getting to know them and talking about all the same places we’d been over the years. Nice People!

About 2:30 we headed over to Thurber Hall for the Escapade Opening Ceremonies. I don’t know yet how many rigs are here, but the hall was pretty full.

Escapade Get-together

A little after 4pm Jan and I headed up Kolb Ave. to Poco & Mom’s Cantina to meet up for dinner. We’ve eaten at the original Poco & Mom’s for years after being introduced to it by our long-time friends Al & Adrienne Cox.

Then a couple of years ago they opened up a new, much larger place a few miles away. The same great food, with a much more extensive menu.

While everyone went with something different, I got my usual Best of New Mexico Combo.

Poco Best of New Mexico Combo

With a fried egg, one green‏ Chile chicken enchilada, one Chile Relleno topped with sour cream green Chile enchilada sauce, one red Chile shredded beef taco, served with homemade beans and rice, it’s a pretty good overview of New Mex-Mex/AZ-Mex cuisine.

Poco Group

Once again our dinner was great with our friends.

From the left, we had Jan, Sherry Bennett, Clark Bennett, Donna Huffer, and Bob Parker. I didn’t manage to leave Bob out of the photo tonight, because I only had one beer this time.

On the Amazon front, I had 3 orders that were supposed to be delivered to the Escapade. Yes, they specified Sunday delivery by the Post Office. At 10:28 I got a text message saying the packages were out for delivery. But then at 11:01 I received another text message saying they could not be delivered because the ‘business’ (the Pima County Fairgrounds?) was CLOSED.

Curious about why they thought the park was closed, I asked the two gentlemen at the front gate if a US Mail truck had come by. They said they had been there since 6am and hadn’t seen any mail truck at all. I think the mailman just didn’t want to get up early on Sunday morning. Hopefully, it will be delivered tomorrow with the rest of the mail.

But hey, at least nothing broke on the rig today.

March 19, 2018

Two Down, One To Go . . .

Jan and I were up at 6:30 and out the rig door by 7:15am, heading up to Friendswood for our GP Doctor’s yearly checkups, mine at 8am and Jan’s at 8:30. It helps that we both use the same doctor.

Jan and I always try to make our appointments for the very first thing in the morning so we don’t get stuck waiting around as the times start slipping as the day wears on.

Both our blood pressure (mine was 113/74) and our blood glucose readings were good, but we won’t know our A1c’s until the tests come back. But we don’t expect to have a problem this time.

Now all we’ve got left is Jan’s oncologist appointment Thursday at noon to go over her lab tests and mammogram which should be pretty much pro forma.

We were done with doctors and back on the road by 9:30, a new record I think. Our first stop was at Brock’s Car Care to give Dennis a deposit on all the special order stuff for our truck repair. Hopefully it will be ready Thursday or Friday.

Then it was on to have breakfast at The Egg and I over in Webster. Probably our favorite upscale breakfast place, we have been eating here since before we started RV’ing in 2008. And it has always been delicious. We always start off with a big pot of their Hazelnut Coffee, really fresh and flavorful. One of our favorite parts of eating here.

This time Jan had the Bacon Avocado Scramble with Ranch Potatoes and an English Muffin.

Egg And I Bacon and Avocado Scramble

And this time they got her bacon right. Jan calls it “Glass Bacon”. So well-done(burnt) that it shatters when you touch it.

I had my favorite Deluxe Egg Sandwich with 2 fried eggs, smoked ham, bacon, tomato, mayonnaise and Havarti dill on grilled sourdough bread, along with Dressed Greens.

Egg And I Egg Sandwich & Greens

This is the first time I’ve had the greens as a side, (Jan calls them ‘weeds’) and they were really good. The dressing was so good I had to ask what it was, and it turns out it was a Lemon Vinaigrette. Really good.

Finishing up we headed home for the day, with reading for Jan and website stuff for me.

Catching up on a few things, I mentioned a week or so ago that I was upset about how our rig/truck insurance had jumped in price, from $287 to $351 per month. Normally it only jumps $10-$15 per month, even after our 2015 blowout in Arizona. If you’re new here since then, you can check out the link above for the story.

But by raising our policy’s deductible from $500 to $1000, it dropped the payment from $351 to $317, a $34 per month savings. Not great, but not bad.

Since in 11 years of RV’ing we’ve only had that one 2015 claim, I think it’s a pretty safe bet. And in 15 months the savings will cover the $500 increase in deductible.

A recent Alexa update apparently gave her some manners. I’ve always been in the habit of thanking Alexa after she does something for me, I.e. “Alexa, TV On.” She then turns on the TV, and says, “Sure”. And most of the time I will say, “Thank you.”

Before now, I had gotten dead silence from her. But a couple of nights ago, she came back with, “You’re Welcome.” Gave me a jolt.  Since then I’ve gotten, “No problem.”, “Anytime.”, “Don’t Mention It”,  and “My Pleasure.”

At least our new robot masters will be polite when they take over.

When I got root (full access) and also solved the SSL certificate on the webserver I promised myself a steak dinner, so tomorrow we’re going to Saltgrass Steakhouse so I can collect my award. YUMM!

March 19, 2019

He Never Speaks . . .

Yesterday Jan and I headed up toward Sugarland about 4pm, with our first stop at our favorite Floyd’s Cajun Seafood for dinner before our Puddles Pity Party concert.

We took our time with dinner, finally heading up to the Stafford Center about 6:30, finding people already lining up for the 8pm show.

We were in our seats by 7:30 (5th Row, Center,  Very Nice!) and around 7;45pm we hear the audience stirring behind us. Turning around we see Puddles working the crowd, shaking hands and giving hugs to everyone, even going up into the balcony for a bit.

As he wanders the audience it’s easy to see how tall he really is. At 6’ 8”, he’s over 7 feet in his clown shoes, but as Jan says, he’s not a scary clown. And he never speaks. In some cases, it’s kind of like charades.

Puddles 0

He started out with a favorite of ours, The Sounds Of Silence.

Really love it, especially the very end.

Besides another favorite of ours, a Smashup of Pinball Wizard, sung as Johnny Cash doing Folsom Prison Blues,

he also did one of ELO’s Telephone and Adele’s Hello, singing with himself.

There was also a lot of audience participation with people up on the stage, but he seemed to be very careful not to embarrass or make fun of anyone.

Puddles 3

I had taken my new Panasonic Lumix camera with me for its first really use. And starting out, I was very disappointed at the results I was seeing.

Puddles 4

The photos weren’t near as bight as the ones as I was getting with my cellphone. In fact, they were downright dingy.

Then about 3/4’s of the way through the concert I discovered that somewhere along the line that the Exposure setting had gotten set to –3.5 from the standard 0.0. And when I reset it, I got this.

Puddles 5

Much better.

Puddles 2

Puddles 1

Wrapping up the two-hour show, there was a slide on the screen advertising “Puddles Cuddles”. I.e., hugs, photos, or autographs with Puddles in the lobby. Since Jan said she only cuddles with me, we headed home, arriving a little after 11pm.

This afternoon was Jan’s mammogram, so we headed out a little after noon for her 1pm appointment. Or at least we thought we did.

Turns out we actually left the rig a little after 11pm . . . because our clock suddenly decided to auto-adjust for Daylight Savings Time.

Rig Big Clock

Our clock is supposed to auto set and update, based on the US Government’s WWV radio time signals. However last weekend it didn’t update for DST, so to correct I just changed it back to the Eastern Time Zone, which had the effect of making the time correct.

But I guess the clock suddenly decided to correct its mistake, leaving us heading out an hour early. Better than an hour late though, I guess.

But it did give us time to have a bowl of our favorite Hot & Sour Soup at King Food. Then it was right down the road for Jan’s appointment, which as usual took almost exactly two hours.

And she walked out with a big smile on her face. Everything was OK. At least on the really important part, the mammogram. Important because she had breast cancer 5 years ago.

She won’t have her Bone Density results for a week, but doesn’t expect any problems with it.

Jan wants me to remind every female reader to get their mammograms. Jan had never had any previous problems and almost decided to skip it in 2014. But she didn’t.

And that’s why they discovered her breast cancer as a Stage 0. And an out-patient lumpectomy took care of it, with no Chemo, and no Radiation.

She really dodged a bullet. So it’s every year from now on, without fail.

Tomorrow it’s back to work, and then on Thursday we’ve got our yearly checkups with our GP. Then Jan has her appointment with her oncologist next Thursday, and we should be done for this year.

March 19, 2020

Wife Held Hostage . . .

Our Rubbermaid shed was supposed to be delivered between 9am and noon this morning, and when I got up about 8, I could see my delivery truck wandering about Galveston Island about 20 miles south, making other stops before finally heading up my way, They showed up about 10:45 and I had them leave it on the patio where Jan and I will start putting it together, probably this weekend.

I was surprised how big the box was, much larger than the box that contained the Arrow metal shed that we first looked at.

Rubbermaid Shed Box

While I was waiting for the delivery truck, I took a look at another problem. Last night when I got home, I moved the satellite dish closer to the rig so I could park the truck there to make room for the shed delivery. I had already planned to realign it anyway, since I was noticing more weather drop-outs than usual.

So after I moved the dish, I unplugged the 12 volts and plugged it back in, expecting to hear the dish motor start whirring.


After giving it a sharp WHACK (Hey, it fixed the Mars Rover!) with no luck, I checked the power plug and found the correct 12v going into the dome. So grabbing my power screwdriver, I removed the bolts holding the dome onto the base.

Winegard Sat Dish Repair

I was thinking that maybe the drive belt had broken or come loose, but it was fine. Looking over it I couldn’t find a fuse for the drive, only for the amplifier. I double-checked that I had 12v going right into the drive assembly, but it was OK.

My next thought was to head down to our storage room to grab my spare dome. I have a spare because a few years ago when we were staying at the Lake Conroe Thousand Trails, I was dropping a bag of garbage at the dumpsters, and found a Winegard dome, complete with power cord, just sitting there.

Figuring it was dead, I thought maybe I could use it for parts someday. But when I got it back to the rig and checked it out, the only problem I found was a broken wire in the 12v plug. So I have a spare.

But since my goal was really just to get the dish working again, I figured that the elevation setting hadn’t changed, just the azimuth, I.e. the direction it was pointing. So I turned up the volume really loud on the TV in the rig, and slowly moved the dish back and forth until I heard sound. I then went inside to check the signal level, thinking I probably would have to fine-tune it a little, but found 95’s across the screen.

I won’t need to have it working, aiming-wise until we head out to Alabama/Florida in June. In the meantime I’ll continue to look at the motor problem to see what I can figure out.

I got Jan back a couple of days early this afternoon, but I had to ransom her with a 12 pack of Charmin Ultra-Soft Mega Rolls. Jan was afraid that Brandi, et. al., would run out, so I gave her a 12 pack from our private stash we keep hidden in the truck.

I originally was supposed to pick up Jan either tomorrow night or Saturday morning, but Brandi said she was going to start working from home tomorrow, rather than Monday. So I headed up there about 4:30 to meet them in the Cheddar’s parking lot where we met Brandi for lunch last Thursday.

Like selling drugs out of the back of my truck, I surreptitiously slipped the contraband to Brandi, who after looking around carefully, hid the package in her vehicle, hoping not to be hijacked on her way home.

When I was heading out to pick up Jan, I noticed our favorite Los Ramirez Mexican Restaurant was still open, though I knew it would be closed to only take out starting tomorrow. So coming home, Jan and I stopped there for one Last Supper until further notice, I guess.

Los Rameriz Last Meal

Takeout just won’t be the same.

March 19, 2021

She’s HOME! 

I left work at a little after noon, heading up to Katy to finally pick up my Jan. I got there about 1, and found her all packed and ready to go, waiting at the kitchen door.

Brandi had already called and said they were about 45 minutes out, so we loaded up and got on the road. One of the dogs, Jack, has to be put in his cage when there’s no home, otherwise he gets a little destructive. But Jan hates for him to be locked up for too long, so we try to time it close.

Coming back down the Tollway we turned off at the Pearland Pkwy to get lunch at the El Pollo Loco that we just found was in the area. As usual, we each got a 3 piece meal, with their Charro Beans, and the new Cilantro Lime Cauliflower Rice. Really good.

And we got some more to take home for later. As usual.

Getting back to the Clear Lake area, we swung by the office to pick up my A/C control box that had come earlier in the afternoon. Then it was back to the rig with a quick detour through Cowboy Coffee to enjoy out on the patio when we got home.

Lately it seems to be a recurring theme. Someone decides that something/someone ‘offends’ them, and the baying of hounds of cancellation commences.

In this latest cancellation, it seems to be Dr. Seuss. In at least one example, he depicted a Chinese person eating with chopsticks while wearing a conical hat.

Oh, the horror.

And it didn’t seem to make any difference that Chinese publications still show Chinese peasants working in the rice paddies dressed exactly the same way.

It ‘offended’ someone somewhere, so it must be destroyed.

So with Dr. Seuss in the crosshairs this time, Amazon stopped selling some of his books, and said they’re looking at the rest of them. But then there’s this.

Amazon Seuss Hitler

Or the Communist Manifesto, Mao’s Little Red Book, or a number of other similar tomes.

But as happens, this caused a backlash from people apparently not so easily offended, leading to the shirt I just ordered, ironically also from Amazon.

Come And Take Dr. Seuss

But  I have other items with the same theme.

Molon Labe Shirt

‘Molon Labe’ is what the 300 Spartans told the Persian leader, Xerxes I, when he demanded they lay down their weapons and surrender at the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 B.C. It pretty much means, ‘Come and take them.”

This was also used at the Battle of Gonzales in the War for Texas Independence in 1835, when the Mexican army wanted their cannon back. And for that, I have this.

Come And Take It Mug

And then, just on general principles, I also have this shirt.

Don't California My Texas T-Shirt

Kind of conveys a similar meaning.

March 19, 2022

Dig World . . .

Lunch today was at Spring Creek BBQ right out on I-45. We wanted to stay in this area because Jan had a hair appointment at the Cost Cutters down here

And as usual, Ribs and Brisket, with Beans and Beans.

Spring Creek 20220319

Really great!

Then after Jan’s hair was done, it was back across the Interstate for a few things at WalMart, before heading home.

Recently I came across this new theme park at Katy Mills Mall right near Brandi and Lowell’s.

Called Dig World, it allows anyone, including kids, to operate full-size Caterpillar mini-excavators, skid steers, and UTV vehicles on 3.5 acres.

Dig World 2

Little ones can operate machinery themselves (of age and height appropriate) or with adult supervision.

Dig World 1

The park has a partnership with construction giant Mustang Cat. Dig World has also partnered with Texas A&M’s Department of Construction Science to educate and spread awareness about the construction industry.

Along with construction equipment, the park will also boast a playground, a gem-mining station, a turf field with yard games, and other attractions.

They have plans to open 10 Dig World parks throughout the U.S. over the next few years.

Glacial Archaeologists Just Uncovered Ancient Reindeer Hunting Tools Atop A Mountain In Norway

Recently this article showed up online, and while it’s interesting in itself, to me it’s more interesting in what it doesn’t talk about.

As glaciers shrink in Norway, they’ve pulled back the curtain on humanity’s ancient past. Upon the mountainous peak of Sandgrovskardet, glacial archaeologists have found a number of reindeer hunting tools from 1,700 years ago that were once hidden by the ice.

“There is a lot of melting going on due to climate change, and we had to prioritize other sites in the short time window for glacial archaeological fieldwork,” explained Lars Pilø, an archaeologist at the Department of Cultural Heritage, Innlandet County Council, Norway; co-director of the Glacier Archaeology Program; and editor of the Secrets of the Ice website.

The thing that’s never directly mentioned in the article is the fact that 1700 years ago there were no glaciers here. So the melting glaciers, supposedly caused by global warming global cooling climate change is just putting us back where the climate was almost 2000 years ago.

But now we’ve only got 15 years 10 years 9.8 years until we’re all doomed.

March 19, 2023

No Juana . . .

Lunch today was at Texas Huddle once again, but minus Juana this time. I was expecting the place to be pretty busy, what with March Madness and all, but the place was not even half full. And since it was so slow Juana had gone home early. But we ended up with Cassidy who was a great replacement.

Jan got her usual, a Side Salad

Texas Huddle Salad 20221204

and a Bacon Cheddar Mushroom Burger, Keto style (no bun) with the remainder of her salad.

Texas Huddle Jan's Burger 20230319

I got the Entrée version of the Garden Salad along with Jan’s Bacon from her burger,

Texas Huddle Garden Salad 20230319

and their really good made-in-house Jalapeno Ranch.

Just as good as always.

Heading home we normally would have done our HEB shopping today, but we did it yesterday coming home from Conroe since we had to drive right back there. So today it was just lunch and home.


For you fans, the fifth and final season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel will hit screens on Friday, April 14, 2023. The last season will begin with a three-episode premiere, and the following six episodes will air weekly following the premiere.

Mark your calendars.

On our trip up to Conroe yesterday I got to try out my Visor Phone Mount.

Visor Phone Mount

And it works great. The phone is very visible, but out of the way. And even better, it’s only $10.

Tomorrow morning/afternoon I’ve got the second of my two PDT (Photo Dynamic Therapy) treatments. Or as I call it, The Devil’s Easy Bake Oven. And I say ‘morning/afternoon’ because I have to be there at 11am when they will apply the photoreactive agent to my head, which then has to dry for two hours before the treatment. And that only takes 10 minutes.

March 19, 2024

Catching Up On Saturday . . .

Our room here at the Marble Falls Quality Inn is really nice, and obviously recently remodeled.

And we even get our own Bluebonnets.

After some really bad coffee (I think it was actually Instant), from the hotel breakfast, we were on our way over to Chris’ in Kingsland by about 9:15 with Brandi, Lowell, and Landon right behind us.

The reason we were on our way so early was that Chris was taking us to an out-in-the-middle-of-nowhere BBQ place called Texas Porky Pig’s BBQ.

On the trip, I got a chance to ride in Chris’ new Chevy Bolt EV. Really like the dashboard display.

Along the way, we saw plenty of examples of Texas Bluebonnets bordering the road.

Chris said this place is out in the country, and it really is.

Porky’s is only open on Saturdays, starting at 11am and going until he runs out of BBQ.

Just looking at the place, you know the BBQ is going to be great.

The guy in the blue shirt is Porky himself.

And these are just two of his smokers. This is some serious BBQ.

And the dining is either take-out or outside under several pavilions, which is where we ended up.

Not only was the BBQ delicious, but the price was even better.

We got a big tray of ribs, 3-4 pounds of BBQ Chicken, 4 big Pulled Pork Sandwiches, 2 large BBQ Stuffed Potatoes, and drinks, plus all the BBQ beans you can eat from the pot simmering on the grilled.

All for a great price.

Getting back to Chris’ we got to check out all the recent improvements he’s made. This new walkway is really nice, and makes

Later we all set out around the firepit and enjoyed the flames.

On the wall in the living room are two of the Cigar Box Banjos Chris built, and also a Coke Clock that has a lot of history behind it.

That clock came from a restaurant that my father and I had back in 1970, so it’s going on 54 years old. It was showing its age before Chris refurbished it, getting the pendulum to move back and forth again.

Finishing up, this is Miss Piper and one of her dogs, Toby. She got him when he was a small puppy, but now he’s all grown up.

Way up!

But he’s a real sweetheart, and would crawl up in your lap if he could fit.







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