Monthly Archives: April 2008

Today In Our History . . .

This day in history, April 26th, 2008, is the day we arrived in Fairbanks, AK during our 1st year on the road.

Leaving Tok that morning this is the view out the windshield.

Fairbanks Arrival 1

Jan said, “OMG we don’t have to drive OVER those, do we?”

Thankfully, No.

Two days after we got to Chena Marian RV Park in Fairbanks we had this.

Fairbanks Arrival 2

Fairbanks Arrival 3

And it was starting to snow again when we left on September 20th, five months later, chasing us all the way back to the US where we entered on Oct. 8th at Sweet Grass, MT. Jan said she wanted to get out and kiss the ground.

And then two days, in Billings, MT, the snow again caught up with us.

2008 Billings Snow

2008 Billings Snow 2