Daily Archives: March 7, 2009
Throwing Rolls…
Yesterday, Jan and I had a late lunch/early supper at Lambert’s Cafe up in Foley, about 8 miles north of here. Lambert’s is known as the home of the ‘”Throwed Rolls”
And they really mean it!

Lambert's Cafe
The place has a rustic look and feel about it, with large wooden tables and bench seats.

Lambert's Inside and Out
And they really mean the part about “Throwed Rolls”. Waiters walk around with big trays of fresh-baked yeast rolls a little bigger than a softball, waiting for someone to yell out or hold up their hand.
And suddenly a roll is sailing across the dining room…sometimes 20 or 30 ft. If you miss it, keep your eyes open because a replacement is right behind it. When they’re really busy, you may find 3 or 4 rolls under your table, left over from the previous uncoordinated occupant. I’ve sometimes seen 2 or 3 rolls in the air at the same time criss-crossing the room.
And the servings are enormous. I had a BBQ Pork Steak that came out in a large aluminum skillet about 15″ in diameter. After eating until I was stuffed, I still had enough for two more meals to take home.
Jan had the Fried Chicken. It looked like she had two or three chickens piled on her plate.
Hmmmm!, leftovers.
The other neat thing, besides the great ‘sides’ that come with your meal, are the ‘pass-arounds’. Waiters stroll the aisles with large buckets of fried okra, black-eyed peas, fried potatoes and onions, pasta and tomato salad, and sorghum and apple butter for the rolls. They will load you up with as much as you want.
Hmmmm!, more leftovers.
When we’ve gone here in the past during the summer, there’s been as much as a 2 hour wait. And it’s easy to see why.
Before pigging out at Lambert’s, the morning was dedicated to fixing things around the coach. After Lambert’s, I was too full to do much more than nap.
I oiled the balky retractable step that didn’t want to close all the way when we left Houston, replaced the outside water filter, worked on the hitch pins that I had trouble with when we got here, screwed down the pull handle at the door, and started work on rearranging the contents of the plastic storage bins in the basement.
And I’ve still got plenty left to do to keep me busy.