Hollywood Casino RV Park
We arrived here at the Hollywood Casino RV Park after a 390 mile, 9 1/2 hour drive, that included a lunch stop at Mulate’s.
Typically we try to hold our travel days under 300 miles. Since we keep our speed set at 55 mph, this means we normally travel about 5-6 hours. This lets us get set up at our next stop before dark, without having to get too early a start.
I mean, we’re retired. We try not to do ‘early’ anymore.
As usual, when we’re parked for several months, there’s always something that doesn’t want to work when we’re ready to hit the road.
In this case it was the retractable step under our door. It didn’t want to…retract, I mean. A few swift kicks got it under control, but it goes on my list of things to double check when we next park for a while.
The park here is scenic and quiet. Jan is happy because it has cable TV, and I’m happy…well, because Jan is happy. I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying “If Jan ain’t happy, Greg ain’t happy”, or something like that.
Words to live by, I say.

Our Temporary Home
My kind of park. Easy in, easy out, with wide pads.

Nice Park!
As part of our stay here, we each received a $25 Player card for use in the Casino. Somehow I got 2 cards instead of 1, but they’ll probably get it all back anyway.
The restaurants here are really good, better and cheaper than L’Auberge
du Lac in Lake Charles or casinos we ate at in Las Vegas.
Tomorrow, after we lose the last of our ‘freebie’ player cards, we head out for Gulf Shores, AL for a week or so stay.
More later…