Monthly Archives: March 2009
Par dee! Par dee!
We had our first real RV get-together this afternoon. As I mentioned yesterday we were invited by the couple next door to a Potluck/White Elephant. It was a good turnout with about 30 people and quite a spread.

Potluck Get-Together
Besides our Big Daddy’s beans (which went over great!) we had ribs, Swedish meatballs, several kinds of chicken, multiple veggies, different salads, and a lot of deserts.
Mm Mm Good!
After the meal, they started calling out the numbers we had been given when we turned in the White Elephant gift we brought. We brought a bottle of sparkling red wine we got in Florida a few years ago and it was a big hit. It quickly got traded around the maximum three times.

Hurricane Lamp
Jan got a candle-burning hurricane lamp that clamps to the side of a picnic table. Jan was really happy with it, so happy we had to go buy candles for it later in the afternoon.
Most of the people at the Potluck seemed to be Canadian snowbirds. The ones we talked to have been here since October and will be leaving in the next week or so. As will we.

Just Like Home
Another example of how long-termers here make themselves at home is this pic.
Just like home.
Some people have so much stuff it looks like they brought their backyard with them.

Surf Warning Flag
As we were driving down to Orange Beach to get Jan’s candles, I noticed the red surf warning flags were posted up and down the beach. I was curious to see what they considered dangerous surf so coming back from buying candles, we drove out to where our beach property used to be.
And I couldn’t believe what I saw.
They’ve turned into a bunch of wussies down here.
This is what I saw!

Dangerous Surf?
When I was growing up down here we would have considered this moderately good surfing waves, and I certainly surfed in much bigger.
But according to the signs in Gulf Shores proper, you can be fined for swimming when the red flags are out. I don’t know what the State Park says yet. I will be interested to find out.
But while we were checking the surf out I did get some nice sunset shots, so enjoy and I will see you tomorrow.


Condos, Condos, Condos

Our old beach cottage

Beautiful End to a Great Day!
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day…
We’re still having great weather here in Gulf Shores. It’s pretty much staying in the low-mid 70’s in the daytime and the mid 50’s at night. Just about perfect.
We’ve decided to stay another week after this Tuesday, which will make us a full month. That should put us out of most of the Spring Break crowding, I hope. We’ll see.
Jan and I had our Franco’s leftover pizza for dinner tonight. We ate it outside on the picnic table that’s part of our site. We also had a delicious fruit salad that Jan made yesterday from fresh fruit we purchased.
Tomorrow we’ve been invited to join our neighbors for a Potluck/White Elephant lunch at 2:00pm out in the center of the cul-de-sac we’re parked on.
We’re supposed to bring a dish to share and a wrapped White Elephant object. We don’t know if we auction it off, or trade it, or what. I guess we’ll find out tomorrow. I volunteered a certain black cat to be named later, but Jan just gave me “The Look”.
We all remember “The Look”, don’t we?
We have decided to take the last of our Big Daddy’s Northernmost Southern BBQ beans to the dinner. They were so good that we bought a couple of gallons in Fairbanks, AK to freeze and bring back with us. The beans seem to have almost as much meat in them as beans. I hate to see the last of them go.
More tomorrow…