Rain, wind, and storms…
We’re in our 2nd day of rain, wind, and storms so there’s not much going on. There was a tornado about 10 miles up the road in Lillian, but we were OK here.
We had the breakfast buffet again at Hazel’s down the road. Always a good meal.
A little before 2pm, a park guy came by saying they thought we were leaving yesterday and we hadn’t paid for anymore.
After Jan woke me up from my nap (I’m retired, remember) I headed down to the campground office to figure out what happened. I had gone down on Monday (the day before we supposed to leave) and extended for another week. So what happened?
Well, what happened was that I had extended and paid for a week, but in the computer they only had me down for extending a DAY. Oh, well.

Surf Flags
I did find some more info on the surf flags.
Right now, we have a red flag and a purple flag. The purple flag normally means jellyfish or Portuguese man-of-war.
Gulf Shores shuts down swimming on their public beach at one red flag, but the state beaches do it at two red flags.
Although the surf was rougher than the other day, we would have still been swimming/surfing in it.

Surf's Up!
Hopefully better weather tomorrow, but not likely.
We’ll see.