3:10 to Yuma… well, more like 2 hours even…

Today we made the 2 hour drive from Gila Bend over to Yuma where we’ll be for the next 10 days or so.

We’re here to help with the lead-in to Nick Russell’s Western Gypsy Gathering Rally that will run March 8th thru the 12th.

For the next few days, Jan and I will be going around to local businesses soliciting gifts for door prizes for the rally.

We left Gila Bend about 11am and then stopped for lunch at a rest area about an hour later. Lunch on the road is simple when you take your kitchen with you.

Mister enjoyed the trip as usual. Here he is catching some rays on the dashboard.

Mister on the Road

We pulled into the Yuma County Fairgrounds about 2 pm and Nick met us at the entrance to lead us to our temporary parking area.

Yuma Fairgrounds

It’s kind of hard to tell but there are two other rigs parked here behind us. Tom and Barb are right behind us, and Nick and Terry are at the far end.

We’ll be parked here until Sunday when we will move into our rally parking sites. Right now there is a Good Sam Club rally going on, so we have to wait until they’re done.

We’re hooked up water and 20amp electric, but no sewer connection. That means we’ll have to dump at least once while we’re here. Hopefully we can do get by with only dumping when we move on Sunday. We’ll see.

About 5:30 the six of us headed out to eat at a Chinese restaurant called, strangely enough, EAT.  Turned out to be really good. I imagine we’ll go back again before we leave.

More tomorrow…