Brunch and Pollo…

Today was fun mixed with some work. We picked Nick and Terry up about 12:15 and went to the Breakfast Brunch at Boulder Station Casino. Once again, it was a great meal for $11 each.

After spending almost two hours laughing and talking over brunch we drove over to Lowes to pick up parts for our projects.

Coming back we dropped Jan off at our rig before heading over to Nick’s.

Nick and I wanted to work on things around his rig to finish up several projects.

First he raised the rig on the jacks so i could crawl under it to replace a fuse in the leveler circuits. When we were working on it the other day we only had a 30 amp fuse instead of the 40 amp needed. So now it has the 40 amp fuse it needs.

Next, we replaced the connector on the air compressor line so that a tow truck can tap into the line to release the air brakes if the rig must be towed

Finally, we installed a charge wire between the coach and the van Nick & Terry tow behind. A charge wire allows the rig to keep the battery in the van charged from the rig while you’re driving.

We finished up about 6:00 and then we all drove over to our rig and picked Jan up about 6:45pm.

Then it was off to El Pollo Loco for some great citrus-marinated grilled chicken. This west coast chain became one of our favorites when we were out here two years ago and we were looking forward to trying it again.

Finally, about 7:30 we headed back to the rigs for the night.

Tomorrow I’ll be working on our rig, trying to replace the seals and the flush ball in our toilet.

Oh boy!

More tomorrow…