Eau de Toilette…

I spent most of the day working on the toilet in our rig.

Apparently to no avail. It works OK, but the water that is supposed to stay in the bowl leaks out down into the holding tank.

But probably more than you wanted to know.

Later, we picked up Nick and Terry about 5pm and went to supper at New China Buffet. Not great, but we’ve had worse.

We’ve got another Chinese buffet to try tomorrow night that had a really crowded parking lot.

Then it was back to Nick and Terry’s rig where we spent an hour or so with Jan and Terry talking, and Nick and I working on a new ad for his blog.

A little before 9pm we headed back to our rig.

Tomorrow we plan on taking a chocolate factory tour, and trying to visit the Pawn Stars shop again.

More later…