My Vegas Gun Moll…

Today Jan got to check off another item on her Bucket List.

About 10:30am we picked up Nick and Terry and headed over to The Gun Store so Jan could try her hand at firing a fully-automatic weapon. In this case, a Thompson SubMachine Gun.


They had pretty much everything available, from Uzi’s to AK47’s to MAC 10’s. But I thought she might appreciate firing a good ole Prohibition Era “Tommy Gun”

Although used by the US military until the early 70’s, it gained its fame as the weapon of choice of people like Bonnie and Clyde, and Machine Gun Kelly during the 1930’s.

Here she is getting instructions on how the gun works.

Gun 1

Then it’s “rock and roll” time.

She had her choice of targets, so she picked Osama bin Laden.

Gun 2

And here she is posing with her ‘Kill”.  Although it’s hard to see here, after she got use to the way the Thompson climbs as it’s fired, she put a lot of rounds dead center.

Gun 3

This is going to be a short post tonight.

We’ve got to get up early tomorrow. We’re driving about 50 miles south of here to Searchlight, NV to attend a Tea Party Rally.

Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, Victoria Jackson, Joe the Plumber, and many others are supposed to be there.

Searchlight only has about 700 residents, but they’re expecting between 5000-10000 people, so it may be a real mess.

We’ll see.

More tomorrow…