Daily Archives: April 9, 2011

Hot Soup and Cold Temps . . .

First off, our daughter Brandi has released the embargo on these photos from Landon’s day care.

Landon 7 months - Sitting

Landon 7 months - Standing

This morning we had some of the new coffee we got from Amazon yesterday. This was Community Club Pecan Praline. Just opening the bag for the first time was a treat. And it was really needed because we had SNOW this morning and are expecting more.

When I looked outside about 1am this morning before I went to bed, there was a light snow coming down. It wasn’t sticking because it was still in the low 40’s. And it didn’t change much all day as it never got above about 45 degrees.

A little before 12 I called the Sam’s Club down in Mesa to transfer our prescriptions there to pick up Monday when we’re down there getting an estimate on the damage to our coach bay door that happened while we were at the Pima County Fairgrounds in Tucson.

Coach Bay Door

The only thing we can figure out is that it was done by the landscaper/tree trimmers working right behind the coach.

For lunch, Jan decided we needed some good hot soup to warm up our insides. So Jan fixed a box of the Tastefully Simple Potato Cheddar Soup we got from Jeannie Sparks at the Gypsy Journal Rally in Yuma, AZ this past March.

And, boy was it good. Wish we’d have bought more.

And to go with the soup, we used our GT Xpress 101 Grill to fix a Grilled Turkey and Pepper Jack Cheese Sandwich.

GT Xpress 101

You just put each half in the individual sections and it grills it up perfectly with meat and cheese all hot and melted. Delicious!

Nick called about 1:30 pm to say he had booked a site at the Western Horizons – Camp Verde right down the road. Nick and Terry’s two weeks here will be up on Wed. the 13th and we have to be out on the 14th. We had planned to head over to Show Low then, but the Elk’s Lodge where we plan to stay is not yet open due to the cold weather. So we’ll hole up here for another week. So after hearing from Nick, I called the park to make reservations for us, although we won’t move until Thursday the 14th.

But I’m not sure how much warmer it will be. When I went outside to take the garbage to the dumpster I was pelted by a combination of very light rain, mixed with sleet and snow. A real mess.

Coming back to the rig I found Jan asleep on the sofa, so I decided a nap was in order.

About 5 pm Nick called to see if we were ready to eat. And boy were we. We were going back to La Fonda, the Mexican place right down the road. And it was just as good as the last time. I had the La Fonda Special plate, and had a lot to bring home. It will make a good lunch tomorrow.

La Fonda Special

Coming out after a great meal, we saw this evidence of how much snow the surrounding hills have accumulated. There’s a good 6 inches on this roof.

La Fonda Snow

And, although it’s a little hard to see. the mountains all around are frosted with snow.

La Fonda Mtns

Getting back to the rig, we took the last of the ice cream over to Nick and Terry’s to have with the hot Apple Crisp she had made earlier in the day.

Really, really good.

It’s probably going to be in the 20’s here tonight so I disconnected our outside water to keep the hose and filter from freezing. We’ll use the water from our internal 100 gallon tank until it warms up.

It’s suppose to be a little warmer tomorrow with a high in the 50’s, and then back to down to the mid 30’s tomorrow night.



Thought for the Day:

Never forget that the American Revolution began when the British tried to disarm the colonists.
