Daily Archives: August 24, 2011

Bad Weather and Good Cookies . . .

Well, the 95 degree temps showed up today, but not the predicted thunderstorms that might have cooled things off. Apparently the front that brought the thunderstorms yesterday was a warm (hot) front and jumped the temperature from 83 yesterday to 95 today.

But it looks like there’s a cold front right behind it, since it’s 84 tomorrow and a very nice 51 degrees tomorrow night.

This morning I got back on the computer desk. I finally had to drill some new pilot holes for the 3” lag bolts that fastened it to the floor. But It’s firmly mounted now.

Now on to more stuff.

For dinner Jan whipped up a big batch of her fantastic King Ranch Chicken. I was very happy about the ‘big’ part ‘cause I had 3 servings.

And even better, we’ve still got enough for another meal. YUM!

For dessert, Jan had baked up a batch of cherry pecan chocolate chip cookies.  HMMM! GOOD!

Well, here it is 11 pm, and the missing thunderstorms finally showed up. It’s coming down pretty hard, but only glitching the satellite a little bit.

Looking at the radar, the satellite may not last too long. It’s gonna be a bumpy night.


Thought for the Day:

The only difference between ordeal and adventure is attitude.
