Cheddar’s and Oreos . . .

Today was ‘Errand’ day, which after coffee and some of Jan’s delicious cheese toast made with three different cheeses, meant we all headed out about noon toward Mansfield, OH.

Our first stop was Cheddar’s, one of our favorite restaurants chains down in Texas, but Nick and Terry had never been there. And of course you’re always nervous when you take friends to a favorite restaurant. I sure we’ve all done that and had it turn out to be a complete disaster.

But in this case it turned out great. Both Nick and Terry really liked the place, and Nick and I had a great time bantering with Wade, our waiter.

After a great lunch we headed over to Wal-Mart. Jan and I had to pick up our prescriptions and some other things, and Nick and Terry did their bit too.

Then it was on down the road to Wal-Mart’s evil twin, Sam’s Club for kitty litter and Joint Juice. I mean, you can’t let your joints get unjuicy, now can you?

The rest of day next consisted of a drive-by visit to the Ohio State Reformatory.

Ohio State Reformatory

Built starting in 1886, and closed in 1990, it’s been used in many movies, including The Shawshank Redemption and Air Force One. Normally you can take a tour, but it’s closed right now getting ready for their Halloween tours.

After that we did a quick drive-though of the local fairgrounds checking on RV rally suitability. (It wasn’t) and then a final stop at DQ for a frosty treat before heading back to the park.

Getting home about 5:30 we ended up in the middle of a mass trick-or-treat mob. The park is very busy this weekend and full of kids, and this afternoon was trick-or-treat time.

Smith’s Campground does a great job of providing plenty of things to keep people entertained, both old and young, including candy bar bingo and showing the kids movies in the pavilion.

The longer we stay here the more impressed Jan and I are with how the Smith’s run this place. Really wish all RV parks were like this.

Finishing out the evening, we all sat outside for a couple of hours, watching the sun go down and the campfires light up. Nick told jokes and Jan blushed, and a good time was had by all.

Finally, our daughter Brandi sent over this photo of Landon and his Oreo cookie face.

Landon Oreo Cookie Face

Looks like he’s wearing more than he ate, but I bet he had a good time, anyway.


Thought for the Day:

Remember, the only difference between a bad hair cut and a good one is two weeks.
