Ibises and Egrets . . .

When Jan was sitting outside the other day she got some great bird shots, including two we haven’t seen here before.

One was a White Ibis.

White Ibis 1

I think the last time we saw Ibis was at Busch Gardens in Tampa, FL in 2009.

White Ibis 2


The second one was a Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret


And for the first time this year, we saw our resident Great Blue Heron.

Although we’d heard he was still here, we were beginning to get worried that something had happened to him.

Great Blue Heron2

Great Blue Heron3


A little later, Jan filled her bird feeder and within a few minutes everyone showed up. We’ve got the Monk’s Parakeets, Red-Winged Blackbirds, Grackles, and a few little sparrows thrown in.

Birdfeeder 3


And this is what happens when you say “BOO!”.

Birdfeeder 4


As far as today goes, Jan and I left the rig about 1:30, heading for Brandi’s. Tonight is Bingo night and she was just going to hang out at Brandi’s while I took care of some errands and clients. That way I wouldn’t have to drive back down to pick her up.

Leaving Jan, my first stop was at EPO (Electronic Parts Outlet) for some new banana plugs and jacks to repair the extension cable for my Brake Buddy’s Alert Monitor. The Brake Buddy is what handles the braking in the truck when we’re towing it behind the rig.

Then after a quick stop at a client’s office, I drove up I-45 to the Dodge dealer. I wanted to order a new keylock switch for my truck’s door. The original one had broken internally, and wouldn’t turn off the alarm when I unlocked the door. I have to put the key in the ignition and turn it on before the alarm will shut up.

I’ve been waiting to get this fixed before I install my new power window unit. Hopefully it will be here by Friday.

My new stop was a clients in Pasadena to work on a problem for here. It took a little fiddling, but I finally got it fixed.

But the time I finished there, it was time to head back to Brandi’s to pick up Jan. But when I got there, I found we had plenty to time because Piper wasn’t going with us tonight, so we didn’t have to pick her up and we had some time to kill.

While we were still there, Lowell’s sister, Sherry, showed up and Jan invited her to go play bingo with her. We ended up having dinner at Dickinson Seafood in Dickinson (where else?) Boy, do they have good fried catfish.

Our friend Maria picked up Jan and Sherry at the restaurant, and I headed back up to Webster to my client’s office. I’m fighting the usual problems of trying to network Windows 7 machines and Windows XP machines together.

I’m sorry, but Win 7 does not work and play well with others!

I picked up Jan and Sherry about 10 pm, and after dropping Sherry off at Brandi’s, we finally got back home about 11pm after a really long day.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a little slower, but probably not.


Thought for the Day:

Common sense isn’t very common anymore.
