On The Beach . . .

Well, when I turned the key this morning about 8:15, the rig started right up. Whewww!

Of course since it was about 35 degrees outside it did help I let the block heater plugged in all night.

We pulled out of Northgate RV Travel Park for the second time in three days, got on I-65 about a quarter of a mile later, and then headed south for the next seven hours. And except for some rough road through Birmingham, and a couple of rest stops along the way, it was a smooth, easy trip.

We pulled into the Gulf State Park here in Gulf Shores about 3:30 and were parked by 3:45. While Jan ran out the slide and unpacked inside, I got the toad unhitched and everything else hooked up.

Then it was time to check in with our friends Eldy and Jeannie. While we were still up in Athens, we got an email from them letting us know they were down here for the month of November. Since it was dinner time, we decided to meet up at the Canal at Lulu’s at Homeport

Lulu's 1

Lulu happens to be Jimmy Buffett’s sister, and has had a restaurant here on the Intercoastal Canal since 2004, and it’s one of the most popular places at the beach.

After a great meal, and about two hours of conversation catching up on our respective lives since we last saw each other, we finally called it a night.

On our way back to the park, we stopped by the local Wal-Mart to pick up a prescription that we had called in from Athens yesterday.

Tomorrow will be a rest up, do nothing day, something we’re really looking forward to .


Thought for the Day:

Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day. Give a fish a man, and he’ll eat for weeks. – Takayuki Ikkaku
