Daily Archives: August 17, 2013

The Birthday Boy . . .

While Jan and I were having our coffee this morning, Richard King and Mark Didelot came by to say ‘Hi’. They’re blog readers of both mine and Nick’s, and have been on the parking crew at several of his rallys. They’re here with a group of Tiffin owners, and noticed we were here too and came over to meet us. It’s always nice to meet blog readers along our travels.

This Tuesday, August 20th is Landon’s birthday, but today was his birthday party, and a party it was. Jan and I headed out about 10:30 to get his presents and also pick up a few supplies at Wal-Mart, and then it was back here to do the wrapping.

We got over to Brandi’s about 1pm, and found our son Chris and his family, wife Linda, and daughter Piper already there. They were all blowing up balloons and Piper was putting the streamers up.

Piper Landon's Birthday 1

Landon’s birthday cake was really neat.

Landon's Birthday Cake 2013

The theme for the party was Pirates, and the cake was an ocean with an island, and it was all made of individual cupcakes covered over with icing.

Landon in the meantime, was taking a nap with his other Nana so he would be fresh for the party that started around 2pm.

The highlight of the party was a Water Slide that they had rented for the occasion, and it was a big hit.

Waterslide 1

Waterslide 2

Waterslide Landon 1

There was over 50 adults and children at the party, so Brandi and Lowell’s big house came in handy. There was room enough for everyone.

Landon Birthday Party Crowd

Finally it was time for Landon to open his presents, and he had a ball. Got some great gifts too. Jan spent a good while picking out just the right wrapping paper for his presents at Wal-Mart this morning, and I kept telling her it wasn’t necessary.

Kids, especially boys, just don’t care what a present is wrapped in. It could be wrapped in old garbage bags or newspaper, and as long as the kid thinks there’s a toy in there, it’s history. Again, he just doesn’t care.

Landon Birthday Party Crowd 2

After all that, Landon settled down long enough to have some of his birthday cake.

Landon and Piper 1

Then he finished things up with a Happy Birthday kiss from his cousin Piper.

Landon and Piper 2

Everyone was pretty much gone by 5pm, so we were able to spend some time together as a family, just catching up. Jan and I finally headed out about 8:30, and I’m sure Brandi was glad to see us all go. If only for the peace and quiet.

Tomorrow afternoon we’re going over to Chris and Linda’s and Chris and I are going to put new brake pads on my truck. Then we’ll eat supper at Barcena’s, one of our favorite local Mexican places.


Thought for the Day:

Remember how at the 2005 University of Missouri Graduation Ceremony a lot of graduates had “F _ _ _ Bush” fully spelled out on their caps in tape visible to everyone in the stands? And remember how diplomas were withheld, people fired, other people resigned, and there was a loud national outcry?

Nope? Me neither.
