Monthly Archives: January 2014

A Little Less Blah . . .

but still not back to normal.

But at least I didn’t  have to get up at 9:30 this morning.

But we did head out about noon for lunch and some errands. Our first stop was at Jason’s Deli where Jan got her Ham Muffuletta with a cup of Broccoli-Cheese soup, and I got a bowl of Chicken Chili and a side salad. Pretty much the usual for both of us.

Then it was on to the same client I tried to catch yesterday, with pretty much the same result. Called his cell but didn’t get an answer.

Then it was on to Wal-Mart for some things. One of the ‘things’ we were looking for was Hot Chocolate K-Cups for our new Hamilton Beach 2-Way Brewer.

Hamiliton Beach FlexBrew

Hamilton Beach 49980A 2-Way Single Serve Brewer and Coffee Maker

One thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of people must have gotten K-Cup brewers for Christmas because no matter where we go, we find the K-Cup coffee selection to be really picked over. At the same time the regular coffee section was well-stocked.

And we still didn’t find any Hot Chocolate K-Cups either.

After another unanswered call to my client, we finally headed home, getting back about 3 PM.  The first thing I did then was to disconnect and drain our shore water line, because we’re looking at 28° tonight and 26° tomorrow night. And having been burned once before in our early RV’ing days, I also disconnected our inline water filter and brought it inside. Once before when I didn’t do this, I found it’s very difficult to actually drain all the water out of one of these filters, and when I left it outside in 20 degree weather it split wide open. So now it comes inside, and we’ll just stay on rig water until Wednesday or Thursday when things warm up.

One thing that was interesting this morning was to watch the front come through. At 10 AM the outside temp here at the rig was 66 degrees. 40 minutes later it was 50 degrees. That’s a fast drop.

“You have not converted a man because you have silenced him” – John Morley


Blah, Day Two . . .

Neither Jan or I felt much better this morning, but I needed to get my client’s UPS system up and running before he leaves for Ecuador tomorrow. So I once again headed about 10:30 for his shop over in Alvin.

I was trying to get his Customer Address book off of his old Win2000 machine transferred to his new Win8 laptop. Yesterday UPS sent me a link to download the 2012 version of their Worldship software. This is because you cannot transfer data from an old version to a new version separated by more than two years.

So trying to get from the original 2010 version to the new 2014 version, we had to use the 2012 version as an intermediary. So I downloaded and installed the 2012 version on my Win7 laptop and took it over there with me.

3 hours later, after a marathon Tech Support phone call, several false starts, a couple of detours, rebuilding some corrupted data, and a few more lost hairs (like I have them to spare), we had all 494 customer addresses moved into the new program. Job Done.

Getting paid (Yea!), I headed over to another client’s office to do some work on a network problem with his computer cash register program. But that was not to be.

He forgot to tell me that since I was here last year, he changed his office locks and my key no longer works. Oh well.

Before I left, I called Jan to see if she wanted to be ready to go to linner when I got home, but she said she really didn’t feel like going out, and suggested I bring Monterey’s Little Mexico Chicken Tortilla Soup and Beef Fajita Nachos home.

Later in the evening I fixed us a couple of K-Cups of Hazelnut Cream Cappuccino with our new brewer. So much easier than setting up for brewing a carafe.

Lowell sent this photo over of Landon getting in some last playtime before the cold snap hits tomorrow.

Landon Last Warm Day at the Park

Speaking of the cold snap, tomorrow should bring us our coldest temps so far. Our low tonight is supposed to be 60°. But tomorrow night’s low is expected to 28°. And then 26° on Monday night.

Time to disconnect and drain the water hose and put the heat lamp in the water bay.

Thought for the Day:"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." — Karl Popper
