Daily Archives: February 4, 2014

Save Every Last Inch!

I had planned to print out 1272 address labels last night for a client’s mail out, but it was not to be. My 6 week old HP printer would not turn on. It was working fine before I packed it away for the re-flooring, but It was dead now.

So I had to get up early and head down to the client’s to try and print them out there. The only problem was that he doesn’t have a copy of the address label program on any of his computers. I took a copy of the program folder to see if I could get it running on his machine without installing it from scratch.

But as I figured that didn’t work, so before I went down to Fry’s to buy another copy, I thought I’d try online to see if I could buy and download a copy of the program right then. And I lucked out. I could download a free ‘trial’ version that would work 20 times before you had to buy it.

And 10 minutes later I had my 43 pages of labels done.

After wrapping things up there I headed home, with a stop off at Wal-Mart to exchange my dead printer for a live one. I had found the receipt and the serial number on it matched the printer, so I figured I was all set. But not quite.

When I got to the WM Customer Service desk, I told them the printer was dead, showed them the receipt, and waited for them to tell me to go get another one from the back. But it didn’t quite work out that way.

My receipt was torn and that barcode printed at the bottom of every receipt was missing. Although they could confirm that the serial numbers matched and they were able to call up the sale on the computer via the transaction number, they said they could not issue the exchange without scanning the barcode. The computer just wouldn’t let them. So they said there was nothing they could do.

So stubborn as I am, I started climbing the supervisor ladder, looking for the one that could make this happed. Finally after 6 rungs, I came to the Associate Assistant Manager (the 3rd highest guy, behind the Manager and the Assistant Manager). He listened to the problem, said no problem, and  told the Customer Service lady how to do it. Then he entered his code and used his special key, and I was done.

Persistence Pays. And remember, save ALL of your receipt. Every last inch.

Getting home, I entered the coach to the delicious smell of the big batch of Crockpot Chili that Jan had been brewing up all day. And it tasted even better than it smelled.

Tomorrow morning Jan and I have our yearly doctor’s appointments, starting at 8:45. Hopefully it won’t take too long.

Thought for the Day:

I never said all actors are cattle; what I said was all actors should be treated like cattle. -  Alfred Hitchcock. 
