I didn’t know I liked Artichokes . . .

After our coffee and English Muffins, we pretty much just goofed off all morning. Around 2pm we headed over to visit with Lyn and Gregg McHenry for a few minutes at their 5’er at the top of the hill, to both get acquainted with their cat Jynx, and get a tour of their rig.

Then about 2:30 Jan and I headed into Katy to visit our daughter Brandi, son-in-law Lowell, and Landon.

Landon and Lowell 6

Brandi showed us this photo of Lowell at about Landon’s age.

Lowell at Landon's Age

Here’s me at around that age. Note that I was born before the world had switched over to color.  Everything was entirely B&W up until about 1957.


And here’s Landon.


Looks like he gets the blonde hair from both sides.

Landon’s got a new bed and he really enjoys showing it off. It comes complete with a slide,

Landon's New BedA

and an underground fort. Lowell says he often sleeps down here.

Landon's New Bed 2

After visiting for a while, we all headed right down the road to
Little V’s Vietnamese Bistro, one of our now all-time favorite places to eat, bar none.

As usual, we started out with an order of their spring rolls with peanut sauce, but this time we got shrimp rather than pork. Although the shrimp rolls were delicious, we pretty much agreed that we like the pork better, mostly because they’re served warm. And like most of their food, these are made to order, and by the owner’s grandmother.

Little V's Spring Rolls

Then the owner brought out another appetizer she wanted us to try’:  Grilled Artichoke Hearts. And they were really, really good.

Little V's Artichokes

And why do I have a picture of French Fries at a Vietnamese restaurant? Well, these are the fries that came with Landon’s order of Mini Corn Dogs. He doesn’t care for fries, but I tried one. And then we all did. They were delicious!

Little V's Fries

I knew immediately what the secret was as soon as I tasted them. Like most of the food here, they’re cut and fried up to order. Not frozen, not pre-blanched, but they go from a whole Idaho potato to your (or Landon’s plate) Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if the corn dogs were fresh-made either.

Landon at Little V's 2

In the past, Jan has gotten the Shaking Chicken Bowl, but having tasted my Shaking Beef, she got that this time. And now says it’s her new favorite dish.

Little V's Shaking Beef Bowl

And, as before, all of thes
e veggies are prepared to order. Nothing is cut, sliced, or peeled ahead of time.

For dessert we once again had Little V’s version of Crème Brulee. And after the meal, the spoonful’s are the perfect-sized end to the night

And they’re as delicious as everything else.

Little V's Creme Brulee

Besides fixing everything fresh from scratch, the other thing that probably makes this place so good is the fact that it’s a family endeavor.

Besides the owner, there’s her twin sister, her grandparents, and her nephew. Family Quality Control.

We plan on eating at Little V’s again this coming Tuesday when we stop by to pick up a package at Brandi’s, and the owner has promised us a couple of special dishes.

We can’t wait.

Saying our goodbyes, and getting our Landon hugs, we headed home about 6pm, stopping for gas and HEB stuff along the way.

Back at the rig, I packed some of the outside stuff into the truck for our trip back to Conroe on Monday. It’s supposed to rain tomorrow, and this way I won’t have to put it away wet.

Later this evening, I signed us up for RVillage, a new website that lets you login and see if you know anyone else at your RV park. Looks like a pretty neat app.

Tomorrow, potluck with Lyn and Gregg McHenry at Jim and Peri Dean’s. Really looking forward to it.

Thought for the Day:

Unfortunately you can’t just talk to the voices in your head. Sometimes you have to talk to real people too. – Greg White
