What’s Wrong with this Picture?

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I’ve been working on the outline for the Gate Guarding for Fun? and Profit seminar Jan and I will be giving at the upcoming 54th Escapade starting May 12th in Goshen, IN. Since we gave this seminar once before, at Nick Russell’s last Gypsy Journal Rally in Celina, OH, we’ve done another 3 month stint on a gate, but I’m curious what people might want to know.

So, what, if any, questions do you have about gate guarding? If you were at the seminar, what would you like to know? Leave me a comment.

With days in the mid 80’s and nights in the mid 60’s, I figured that winter had finally departed, but maybe not. By next Tuesday, supposedly another cold snap is coming thru, with highs in the 60’s and low in the 40’s, so don’t pack away your sweats yet.

Like Jan just did today. Oh, well.

At least we haven’t packed the electric heaters away yet.

For dinner Jan fixed salads, and then reheated the rest of our pizza from last week’s Grimaldi’s Pizzeria visit. Done in the convection oven, it’s just about as good as the original.

Later for dessert, we had some of the Peep Cake and Brownies left over from last Sunday’s Easter Party at our daughter Brandi’s.

Tomorrow I may work up the desire to crawl up in the bay and install the slideout shear pin. The only real problem looks to be getting the two tracks aligned so that that slide goes in and out evenly, without tracking sideways.

But then I may just decide to take a nap.

Thought for the Day:

“The early bird gets the worm, the second mouse gets the cheese.”
