Daily Archives: May 18, 2014

Burgers to Donuts . . .

It was really nice to sleep late this morning, for the first time since we left Houston a week ago. We didn’t really have anything on the agenda today, which is just the way we wanted it.

About 11:30 Nick Russell called to see if Jan and I wanted to go to lunch with he and Terry, and his cousin’s Bernie and Vanessa, who were going to be visiting a little later.

A while later we all headed out to the Culver’s over by the Wal-Mart for a delicious lunch. Jan and I have decided that Culver’s is pretty much our favorite chain hamburger place, and the fries are really great too. Our other favorite chain is Five Guys. I like them a little better because of all the fixings you can add on.

But on the burger front, and combining the best of both worlds, here’s the latest fad.

Krispy_Kreme Bacon Cheeseburger

Yes, that’s a Krispy Kreme Bacon Cheeseburger. It’s apparently the latest in ‘Fair’ food. You know, the Deep Fried Twinkies and Snickers.

Of course, we’ve had other Krispy Kreme dishes. This is Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding from Lulu’s in Gulf Shores, AL.

Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding

Lulu is Jimmy Buffett’s sister, and has one of the best restaurants in that area.

Later in the afternoon, Nick and I got together with Jim Guld of Geeks on Tour fame, to check out the set up for Nick’s Self-Publishing Workshop that he will be giving tomorrow, Monday the 19th here at the Elkhart Campground starting at 10am.

If you’re in the area, and are interested in online publishing, you’re welcome to attend. There is no charge.

Later that evening, after a nice nap, Jan put together a supper from our leftover Central BBQ using Lambert’s Throwed Rolls.


Thought for the Day:

Guns to use to have an honored place in American schools. Gun safety was taught in schools, schools had rifle teams, schools had rifle ranges, students built guns in shop class. Students brought guns to school to be used for hunting after class.  Then the Federal government  passed the Gun Free School  Act in 1994.

Since the passage of that act, the number of school shootings has skyrocketed. From 1900 to 1994, there were no mass shootings in schools (there were a couple outside of schools).  From 1994 to 2014, there were 13 mass shootings inside of schools.

What changed?
