The Smell of Campfires . . .

The aroma of charcoal lighter fluid.

The screaming of kids.

That means that it’s a holiday weekend, and the campers are out in droves. But overall it’s been pretty quiet so far. We have a large camper next door, along with a large tent full of kids. Looks like several families together.

But unlike past experiences, everyone’s been well-behaved. Even the parents. A pleasant change.


Our son Chris and his family are spend the weekend up at Inks Lake near Burnet, TX, so he’s getting a chance to try out his sailboat .

Chris' New Boat at Inks LakeLooks like the weather is pretty good.


While we were at the Old Bag Factory yesterday, we checked out a charity thrift store. Nick found a camera tripod, and I got a Lava Lamp.

Lava Lamp

Not a bad deal for $2. Makes a nice night light in the coach.


When I went out to get something from the back of our truck today, I discovered that sometime in the last two weeks, since we left the Lake Conroe Thousand Trails, someone hit the rear bumper, causing enough damage to push the bumper into the tailgate preventing it from being lowered.

Truck Bumper

I know it took place since we left Lake Conroe because that was the last time I used the tailgate. And it looks like it was maybe a week ago at least, due to the amount of rust.


I had to say some last words this afternoon for our late, beloved Black & Decker Convection/Toaster Oven. It was Jan’s Christmas present in 2011 and it’s always worked great until now.

But this morning, a couple of minutes after I started our English muffins, all of a sudden, the magic smoke came billowing out the side vent where the electronics reside. And its little light blinked off for the very last time.

B&D Toaster Oven

Because, as everyone knows, when the magic smoke escapes, that’s all there is.

It will be missed. At least until we visit Wal-Mart tomorrow.

The oven is dead. Long live the oven.


Thought of the Day:

"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it, and then misapplying the wrong remedies." – Groucho Marx
