Bullet Dodging . . .

We had our coffee this morning along with some of the Snickerdoodle Bread that Phyllis Schell brought over yesterday. Per her suggestion, we buttered it and toasted it in our toaster oven. Delicious!

About 3pm Jan and I made a Wal-Mart run for a few things. One of the things I wanted to look at while there was the size of their small 5000 BTU Air Conditioners. I plan on getting one for our gate guarding this year. It looks like it will fit just fine in the driver’s seat window and will help take some of the load off the rig roof AC’s.

Later in the afternoon the delivery guys showed up with Nick and Terry’s (really Terry’s) new washer/dryer combo. And right off the bat, our biggest problem was solved.

Rather than just leave the washer on the grass outside, the two young men carried the washer up the stairs and right back into the bedroom. Sure dodged a bullet there.

It took Terry and me about 45 minutes to get the Splendide hooked up and installed in the cabinet. We first hooked up the water lines and did a leak test, and found no problems.

After this was all done, we plugged in the power cord and waited to see if any of the magic smoke would escape. And as luck with have it, everything worked.

So the next thing was to run a load of wash, And at last report, Terry said it’s working fine.

I, however, still have an old trashed-out washer in our yard because the guy  that was supposed to pick it up and take it to the dump today, didn’t.

Maybe tomorrow.

A little after 6pm Nick and Terry and Jan and I, along with Jim and Chris Guld, of Geeks on Tour fame, all headed over to have dinner at Mancino’s Pizza. We tried to eat there last night, but found them closed. So tonight we tried it again, with better results.

As usual the pizza and Sammy bread were delicious. One of our favorite places in this area.


Thought for the Day:

"The house smelled musty and damp, and a little sweet, as if it were haunted by the ghosts of long-dead cookies." – American Gods, by Neil Gaiman
