A Beautiful Fall Day . . .

Or, what do you call a day where it’s bright and sunny, and 66 degrees at 1 in the afternoon?

And on the radio, the weather guy suggests a light jacket for tomorrow night’s fireworks.

This is July?

Jan awoke with her 2nd day migraine, but once again a Sumatriptan knocked it out pretty quick. Stand by for day 3.

Around 2pm I went next door to Nick’s to help him work on a problem he was having with Dropbox, trying to stop it from copying a folder of photos.

Then, about 4:30, Nick and Terry, and Jan and I headed over to King Wha for our last meal there for this year. And it was just as good as always. And to spice things up a little more, we took our own bottle of Sriracha with us.


In Texas pretty much any restaurant that offers hot sauces, like Tabasco, Frank’s, and Cholula, also has a bottle of ‘Rooster Sauce’ on hand too. But up here, it’s not stocked in grocery stores, and no one seems to have heard of it.

We sat around talking at King Wha for about an hour before heading back to Nick and Terry’s rig for a while. Then, since we missed out the other day, about 8pm we all headed back out for a DQ run, finally getting back home a little after 9pm.

A very nice day, as we wind down our time here in Elkhart for this year. Coming back to the rig this evening, we all talked about how much we like this area, almost like a second home to us. Hopefully, we’ll be able to spend some time here next year.


Thought for the Day:

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. — Thomas Jefferson
