Damned If You Do . . .

Blog News:

Looks like Nick’s Gypsy Journal Blog is back up, hopefully to stay.

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A number of blog readers who couldn’t get our old blog on their iPads say that the new blog works just fine. So if you got an iPad, check it out.

Some of you have reported problems trying to sign up for an email subscription to the new blog. First off, when you enter your email address, you will receive a confirmation email. You need to click on the Confirm Subscription button to start receiving the blog.

If you don’t see this confirmation email pretty quickly, check your Trash or Spam folders to see if you find it there.

Also, several readers have found it works better if I enter their email address from this end. If you want to try this, let me know.

For dinner Jan heated up our Chili Hot Dog dish from the other night, She added another can of Wolf Brand Chili to stretch it out some, as well as some more heat. Along with some garlic bread, it was a great meal.


And Damned if you don’t:

In case you haven’t heard, there’s a big drought going on out in California. And the state has asked people to cut back on water usage, especially for watering your lawn.

Check out this link:

So this couple tried to do their part by taking shorter showers, doing bigger wash loads, and only watering their lawn twice a week.

And the State of California Water Board has now authorized fining people up to $500 a day for wasting water. In fact the Board Chairwoman said, “A brown lawn should be a badge of honor because it shows you care about your community.”

But now the city of Glendale is threating to fine the couple $500 because their lawn is brown and not green.

You’re Government At Work.

Under the heading of “We’re gonna need a bigger boat”, check out this video of orcas racing a speedboat off the coast of Mexico. But not only chasing, but keeping up with the speedboat.

Thanks to David Cross for posting this.


We’ve been really surprised with what Landon is learning at his daycare. (He says it’s not daycare, it’s SCHOOL!)  And I think he’s right.

Landon Counting

Not only has he learned his numbers, his colors, and the alphabet, but right now they’re talking about the Revolutionary War, and learning the 13 Colonies.

And he won’t be 4 until next month!


Thought for the Day:

If at first you don’t succeed, just call it a beta test.
