Busy, Busy, Busy . . .

Once again another fairly busy day today with169 vehicles through the gate, one less than yesterday. And again a lot of the extra traffic was due to the last of the big pieces of one of our rigs leaving.

F13 Moving Day 2

F13 Moving Day 1

This part of the derrick was a tight squeeze and they had a guy on each side walking it through to be sure they didn’t take out our new cattle guard.

Hopefully we’ll now have a couple of days of less traffic before it all hits the fan on Friday. At least that’s what we’ve been told.

It’s now semi-official that they will be starting TWO fracs on Friday. That’s two at the same time on separate pads. And based on our experiences last year at a frac gate, I don’t see how all that traffic is going to fit. But we’ll see.

I talked to Coleman today about a new cover for our canopy. Turns out that they are available, and the cost is not bad. I can get a new one for $71 and change, and that includes shipping. That’s half the cost of a complete new canopy, so that’s a pretty good deal. Now I just have to figure out where to have them ship it to.

We got our first catered meal today. Trend, one of the support companies, put on a big fish and shrimp fry for the rig in front of us, and we got included. And as usual for these things, each box they brought by will feed us both. So we’ll get two meals of it. Nice!

Jan said though, what impressed her most, was that the Company Man delivered to us, making a special trip over here from the rig to drop them off. Normally if we get any thing, the caterer drops it off as he leaves. Again, Nice!


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Big Lake Cover

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Thought for the Day:

“The bigger the government the smaller the citizen.” — Dennis Prager
